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Posts posted by TheWizardofRnR

  1. Her latest role not mentioned as Mother of Tony the main Character on MATADOR , where he plays an undercover Govt. Agent pretending to play soccer , but happens to be very good at it after playing on the streets . An is nicknamed the show's title.

    A very talented actress , R i P !

  2. Please re-think this and think what people view as a serious situation is not made a joke of !

    If you want to help Tourism do it with legalizing Medicinal Marijuana before the USA and others follow suit or try Legalized gambling , but please don't

    try to BS Tourists that MARTIAL LAW , Makes them feel safer , they may not be a group of Geniuses that come here to Thailand , but a story of a POLICE STATE & Martial Law being a FUN place to go ,

    will not go over well with the Average tourists !

    What's next a Tour Of The Prisons or How about a Daily Caning or Be-headings like the Good Old Days !



  3. This Guy wrote what I have been thinking for year or two , and had just mentioned it to a friend on the phone , as we discussed a bar owner friend who turns 70 Today , down on Soi San Sabai in Patong , Patrick turns 70 , and usually throws a great feed & Party @ Patrick's Bar???
    I hope he is still going strong ! Somebody has to party on in this LoS !

    Give him a HB from Gary & Big Bill , Ex-Phuket-Patong Residents !

  4. The Wizard makes nothing from this ,it is all just for FuN on Halloween or THE FeasT OF ALL HallowS EvE as it's Church Holy-day is called ! I also have a great selection on Playlists , so enjoy and don't forget to bring your own RIBS & STAKES ,

    The Coolest Ghouls Google a song & Witches are playing with The Frankenstein Monster's Stiches !

    Ask for Zacherly or Elvira , MISTRESS of the NIGHT !






  5. It's a sad thing to say , especially when your girls are under-age , or too innocent to tell her that some men

    are just ....I could list many terms for guys who leer ! Truth be told , I appreciate seeing certain women and

    I am totally crazy about Asian women especially....I have even coveted my neighbors wife , meaning I stared at

    their woman , no act until they were finished with their BF or Fiance or Hubbie , Even then sometimes I felt guilty but never did that to a close friend, and still amazes me ,with all the beautiful ladies here : some guys still hit on the wives of married or in a relationship ex-pats & regular tourists.

    But the best advise I get on Thai behavior is my Lady of 15 years , that when it comes to Thai Culture ,

    she is who many of my friends seek out for this advice your asking for....she has used it when she gets leered at , sometimes cause she is with me , but just for no other reason then she is a woman....there are low-lifes in every culture, she agrees with me on that Her advice if you really want to strike back , and you may not believe it, but Flower says IGNORE them , do not even acknowledge you hear or suspect anything is happening , do not give them what they want out of their useless lives! A reaction by anyone connected to who they are leering at or talking about. They want confrontation , especially if it's a farang , yackin' away at 'em ! Or the woman ,who is the object of their attention , the minute you let them know that you know they are being insulting or are speaking to them in any way......they have won, and unless you bad ass enough to put your family " In Harm's Way" .....just walk away ! You will piss them off allot more Flower says , just pay the scum no mind !

    Just act like you got a beautiful Family and keep walking , and the low-lifes got each other ,if there be more then one of them ! Sure , biting your lip sucks , but try it to see how it works.......Remember ,it takes 2 people or more to create an argument ,

    The Better Man always chooses maybe not the right path ,but almost certainly the wisest path !

  6. Well let us see , a Country we lost a War to ,we now will sell some weaponry to, or whatever it is we will sell them. North Korea has been taken off a list that allows USA to sell them stuff , that could be used in their ongoing Plot to destroy the USA......but CUBA after all these years of trying to collapse their Castro's Cuba Tourism & Torture Foundation for over Half-a - century , are still on our S**T -List !

    That's what he gets for not attacking us and winning the War of Words ! It must still be revenge for Teddy Roosevelt's injury , charging up San Juan Hill......So it is ok to to business with Communist Asian Countries , just not ones in the Caribbean or S. American or Central American locations,

    because tourists can travel to them easier? Is that this stupid Policy the USA has adopted , which does nothing to the Leaders but thoroughly creates a Nation of Innocent but controlled Citizens from much needed supplies of Medicines & such.....So , if you want to buy WAR supplies we will let you , but if you need Medical Aid , Die You Commies of Natural Causes & Diseases !

    • Like 1
  7. After almost 30 years here working in the entertainment industry of Go-Go Clubs in BKK & Phuket ,

    I can tell you the real thing is out there , you just have to shop til you drop !

    I think a search for the best Nipples , now that I can also testify that once on Patpong at

    Queen's Castle they had a gal there , well wish I could post a picture but let me just say

    Look at your thumb and you might be close ! A girlfriend of mine from the States was so very impressed ,

    she paid the bar Fine , just so she could sit with us while she looked & played with them !



    That's about the size of what they were, incredible! Arrows represent their Length +Width across !

    They could feed a whole Nursery Ward full of Babies , Whooaaa Mama !

    • Like 1
  8. If anyone needs a playlist for a special party , just send me a PM telling me what kind of Party your planning and how many hours up to 4 !

    I need more then just the day before , a 3-4 days at least....but will be happy to put one together and set you up with a link!

    Below are Pix of the R&R Shows I attended in the 50s & 60s !


    The guy was legendary NY Dj ,Murray the K , one of the Greatest on WINS Radio ,

    after Alan Freed was forced out of Radio during the Payola Scandals !

    Freed refused to sign a Declaration that he didn't take Payola,

    Dick Clark signed it and many people Believed he took it too,

    but lied !








  9. Letting a Murderer die is too kind a Punishment , I am against capital Punishment , cause it doesn't stop the killing ! It is much more of a just although costly expense for the government who pays for said killers or rapists or pedophiles to live in prison . But it is a much more just punishment then giving them an escape

    way out of their confinement , by allowing them to DiE ! It's allot more crueler Punishment to those scum that have ruined lives of so many families !

    So, please don't do them any Favors ! keep them incarcerated in HELL til they rot !!! Have a Nice Day !

  10. Playlist of the Blues !


    The Wizard strikes again , this time with a 200 Video Playlist of many Hours of Blues Classics ,including some really great

    Blues Artist Collections ! As usual , because its the Music that matters not the Video , The Wizard can safely say to y'all

    Blues lovers out there , unlike most of the Music of Today's Artists that is so bad you got to have something to Watch ,

    so sit down with a cold one or a big fat one and spend a day kickin' back and feelin' this eclectic playlist of blues from different

    genres of Music ! This Playlist is created for people to enjoy , all music rights are protected by their owners, whoever they maybe !

    If you enjoy , check out The Wizard's other Playlists including my incredible Halloween & Christmas Playlists , with hours of tunes to

    Celebrate at your Halloween Party or your Holiday Season of Christmas ! Plus our 2 newest playlists of Music for ROAD TRIPS >>>

    Playlist for :

    Part 1 ) Gettin' to !


    Playlist for:

    Part 2 ) On the way back !


    If you enjoy these , please leave a comment or suggestion s for the Wizard !


    • Like 1
  11. Its all my fault , since I lived here for the last 28 years every time I don't do something as soon as I planned to , they change the rules....

    I was suppose to Marry Flower 5 years ago , but went back to Phuket without going to the Bureau of Foreign affairs , last place you need to go before the Amphur. They were supposedly opening an office in Phuket so I figured we could do it there, but the downturn supposedly caused the Govt. to cancel the opening in Phuket and I been to ill to get to Bkk and git it done , now we Live in Naklua and I been trying to get over to BKK to get it done again , just not easy to get around by Wheelchair !

    Anyone who is going to Bkk from Pattaya area and has a Vehicle that can hold a wheelchair , please PM me , I could use a lift ! No pun intended !!!


  12. http://www.sidereel.com/profile/bigbill947

    I find Sidereel great site to keep track of shows your watching ,

    also a good place to find out what's New Coming up !

    Here are some links to Sites for Watching TV Shows & Movies !




    This one is all kind of Sports & TV too!


    You need to figure out what Buttons to push & a good Anti Virus n Malware program

    That will stop some sites from trying to upload something , not necessarily bad stuff....

    but better safe then sorry ! If I can figure it out , most of u should be able to......

    Why I call the Computer my Confuser!


    • Like 2
  13. Without Women of ill-repute ,the Wild West in America & Canada may never had been settled !

    The World's oldest profession , needs to legalized and participants working at it protected by law not punished!

    Plus collect taxes from them too , and regular Medical examinations go with the Taxes !

    As it says in the Bible ,it is better to lay thy seed in the womb of a whore , then to lay it by the wayside !

    Funny how prudish religious people try to avoid that verse !

    • Like 2
  14. Get her a girl friend and join in. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger....loIn

    In my earlier post where I addressed the medical definition of Nymphomania as a

    inability of a woman to achieve orgasm , causing a behavior pattern of acquiring many partners to engage in sexual intercourse , believing that sooner or later she would find a partner who helped her achieve orgasm. I had forgotten to mention my experience of my exs- being Bi-sexual , present wife of 14 years an exception ! Now the first wife who suffered , if you can call it that , from the medical description of Nymphomaniac behavior,

    engaging with many partners because of inability to achieve orgasm, when she finally tried sex with another woman , became almost like a puppy love situation, which the other lady did not want. So next she tried with a less feminine partner , more butch here they call it Tom Boy.....That also failed , so she then fell for a friend and we split up....so the introduction for a 3 some dont always work. My 2nd wife wound up leaving me for one of her GFs...lol....we had many 3 somes that were extraordinary , but I know a few guys this has happened to ,so you can lose ur love with this type of endeavor !

    My first Thai long term partner , she experimented in 3somes with me, to make me happy ! She swore not her thing but two of the girls said she was quite good at cunnilingus ,for somebody who says they aren't that into women ! Actually another girl who lived with us and was Bi- preferred my oral performance , which definitely was an ego boost! I always said I was a Cunnilingust not a Cocksman !

    So , although I think a 2 lady relationship can be wonderful , it will only work if all three people are into each other without any petty jealousies rearing its ugly presence.

    Paying attention to each other equally and never over-reacting to situations , without talking things over calmly and never on Booze !

    Just remember , it can work but you need to work at it and all 3 must really want it to work. Good Luck !

    BTW, when I was at Rock Hard managing in Phuket ,had a customer who left his GF after a few months , cause she was more then willing to do 3somes with him! Needless to say we all thought what a frackin' idiot ! Most guys I knew were always looking for the Daily-Double Tag team ! and this nut was turning it down , but to each his own ,I for one

    think Menage et trois ! were the best words I ever experienced in French ! N'est c'est pas? BB


  15. Originally the term meant a Mental illness condition , where a female human is constantly attempting to engage in Sexual intercourse , with numerous partners. It was a condition that was thought to be cause by Women who were unable to achieve orgasm , no matter how long her partner engaged in fornication ! It has been loosely accepted in the time period of the 1960 s and onward , as a woman who just can't get enough SEX but now for reasons of too much sexual desire , created by her enjoyment of multiple orgasmic release.

    Usually , Cunnilingus helps conquer the women who suffered the first behavioral problem linked to Nymphomania.

    And Yes I do speak from experience , in my first wife being quite a constant , how shall I put this kindly , a complete tramp-like behavior ! Having sexual encounter with numerous partners without satisfaction. I did not learn of her problem , yes she faked it with every one me included , after we had been married and had a child ,she finally told me her problem. She had been to a psychiatrist for treatment, with no real success. It was all worked out by understanding , patience and long sessions of Cunnilingus . True story ! I also came to live here in 1988 at 40 yrs, of age and my 26 yr. old Thai GF and I are still friends but only stayed together for about 6-7 years. Being her first Farang , and coming into that age where Women's sexual appetite can really just wear you out , speakin' with experience once again. If you want to stay together , you will have to keep up the good work or you just may find her looking for , how does that song put it: A good man is hard to find , but a Hard Man is better !

    So if you do not want her to stray , either you take care of her or join the new Lifestyle trend of exchanging partners , just for the Novelty...sometimes it may help , but it also can backfire....and once again , the Voice of Experience has spoken , and it ain't jokin'!

    • Like 1
  16. Heeeeelllllllllllooooooooooo Nurse !

    Scares me to think about Nurses , at Mission Hospital Phuket while receiving an IV for my illness,

    I had stood up and the blood ran back into the tube , all I need to do is lay back and it would flow back into my arm.

    The Nurse's Aid or whatever she was , came over and pulled the needle out of its connection tube ,pointed it into the

    wastebasket and let the blood flow out into the basket, she then proceeded to take some paper off the roll of toilet paper

    and right in front of my eyes I watched her wipe the needle off with toilet paper and then proceed to put it back into my IV !

    Needles to say that was the last straw , my wife had me transferred to Phuket Int. Hospital , where I underwent an emergency

    operation that evening for the infection I had when I entered the Mission hospital had gotten so bad after 5 days in that hospital ,

    The next day the Director of Mission Hospital came to Phuket Int. Hosp. and apologized for almost killing me and they paid for my whole bill at Pkt. Int. Hosp and cancelled what we owed at Mission Hospital too ! I have a fear of Nurses since my days in the USAF as a Medic in the 60s , but this went way beyond even those days, seeing someone use toilet paper to clean a Needle !

  17. Ok ,I looked on the post before mine and a link to US Embassy with instructions there same as before I think , nothing new!

    So , only question would be , is there anyplace in Pattaya area that does the whole process for you . I do not think they can because of needing the Notarized page that you need to get translated or does anyone know anything to differ with that process , so a Law firm can get it all done? That means Notarized Embassy letter ,translations and stamped paperwork by bureau of foreign Affairs office ? Then the registering at the Amphur , which if anyone knows where that is in Naklua where we live ?

    or do we need register in Pattaya or Bangkok ? Locations if someone knows ???

  18. 5 years ago I went and did all the Embassy stuff , which is getting my Divorce paper notarized , I cannot remember if anything else is done at Embassy?

    I still have a notarized paper that was for the Divorce paper, you would think since it just certifies that my Divorce paper from USA said it was granted , that it would still be accepted ...the Divorce paper is at least 30 years ago ! The Notarize letter is 5 yrs. old

    , I never got to the Office of Foreign Affairs and we went back to Phuket assuming all had been done....we had our translation done in Phuket , that was a mistake , then we went back to Phuket and they were suppose to open the Office of Foreign Affairs there but the economic downturn stopped that from being built and opened.

    So now Flower & I live in Naklua near Pattaya , and Flower said there was a law office or business office that for 15,000B does it all?

    I cannot believe they can do the notarized divorce paper ,if mine is not acceptable after so long., but you never know.

    So what I am asking ,cause my mind is 5 years older and we need to get this right ,cause I am applying for my VA pension and after 14 years together the USA will only accept our registered relationship to help increase my VA Pension benefit. I want to get this done right ,because if we are married legally for one year , the service officer aiding me in filing , that Flower would receive a widow's survivor entitlement should I pass away. Those of my friends who know Flower and myself ,know how lucky I have been to have met and lived together as we have for these many years! Especially cause after i finished at Rock Hard in Patong and having to close our Deli in Patong & frozen food & Pickle biz due to Phuket going downhill and my heath deteriorating......lets just say , its been a tough time lately! Funny , when you aren't running a go-go bar anymore how many supposed friends , forget about you especially if your health isn't too good !

    So , if anyone can tell me the best way to get this done nowdays , and for a better cost then 15,000B ,it will be much appreciated !

    We don't have allot of money at this time the DELI & Hospitals took most of it , and although my VA Pension will be retro active to April 2014 ,

    for now its just the SS that we live on . Thanks for any help , we could also use anyone who might volunteer to drive a wheelchaired guy to get it done ,I am not ashamed to ask after almost 30 years in Thailand , there are still some really good people here , that's why I choose to stay here ,rather then go back.....Thx , Big Bill


  19. Corporal Punishment....isn't that what it's called?

    I remember when the Penguins , I mean the Sisters of Perpetual Motion ,would send us to Mother Superior for the spanking !

    Now there are guys that pay women to dress up like Nuns to do it !

    So , what I am saying is , the punishment can create a future fantasy !

    They use to whack our hands , if we were caught misbehaving in class.

    I never saw a Sister punish anyone physically for failing to do homework;

    that would incur standing in a corner with a Dunce cap , truth be told , that was

    worse of a punishment because it was so embarrassing to stand in the corner wearing it ,

    all through the class. Plus extra homework to boot.

    All in all , I appreciate that we did learn and go out into the World a smarter person then many !

    The Teacher in this case , for sure went way over the fine line , she needs to be rebuked & apologize to

    the child & family. If any more occurrences happen , she needs to be sent for psychiatric evaluation or suspended!

    Only parents have physical punishment rights & those may not cause any bruising or bleeding and never anywhere but the butt !

    There is no proof physical punishment , really deters bad behavior , I do remember when we were sent to the Mother Superior for the spanking punishment we slipped a thin notebook down our trousers to cushion the paddle and she never caught us !

    Like I said we were smart kids at being smart alecs !

  20. I watched every episode of The Honourable Woman, just to show I wasn't going to be intimidated by a plot that seemed to be soaring far above my head. Fortunately, good old Stephen Rea, doing his venerable George Smiley routine, popped up every now and again to give us all a synopsis of what has been happening, as he interviews various principal players.

    If you're going to do a John leCarre-like story, why not hire the Great One Himself to write you a real one? This one dragged unnecessarily in so many places. It could have been edited down to six tight episodes, and been much better.

    Frank James , where's Jessie ! you just robbed anyone reading your post of enjoying the last few episodes , YOU need to edit out or spoiler alert at the top!

    Your info definitely spoils the twist in the story...shame on you Frank , wait til Ma finds out !!!

    I erased it from your quote box above , you should erase that part too!

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