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Posts posted by TheWizardofRnR

  1. Geeez please don't put anymore Nails in Tourism's Coffin , it just started to climb out of the doldrums and This Doctor

    wants to kill it again ! Here come the cancellations , and I had just noticed the signs of life returning to the Streets and Businesses ....more traffic! They tried to Cancel Mardi Gras once in New Orleans , everyone showed up anyways as the people rose up saying Mardi Gras is like your Birthday ,it cannot be cancelled ! The two events this guy wants to Ban Alcohol at ,

    will backfire and create either a bigger problem with the Police being tied up chasing Violators or Losing the tourists who come to these parties and the business they bring to the Thai economy will be lost , and not just for now, it will Domino effect to later too !

  2. We make our Ricotta cheese with the 5 liter Milk available at Villa or Makro I think it is Chokchai but also one brand that comes from outside Thailand too I think

    You probably should contact them directly if your making a lot of cheese to buy the milk direct , there is a bunch of info on Google Thailand that might help you or maybe requesting from Villa or Makro management to order for you.But there is always trying each Brand and see which is the best outcome.

    Found the name we use its Meiji , I think its the best tasting Milk and I been a Milk Man for 67 years !

  3. I was referring to cdmt cn or some acronym he calls himself, in the sleazy salesman remark , yes on the info I post but then , its my choice not yours !

    I just wrote a whole 15 min reply and lost it somehow where if you cannot enjoy anythinh in life there is no sense to live ,i was not thinking I'd make 50 now at 67 my bad habits have slowed me into a WC.....I have a glass of red Italian wine when I have Italian cuisine sometimes....sometimes you have to say <deleted> !

    I remember a guy who wrote a book on running , healthy guy you might say ,died at 40...it's LiFE and Life is a crapshoot , you never really know when your number is up !

  4. These foods are full of transfat, and saturated fat.

    How do you know if you do not eat any of them or have you read all the labels?I never saw any Transfats in SF Sodas! I think ur just a mean anti-whatever food critic without being a Dietician !

  5. As far as I know is that you had some restaurant businesses so your a business man. Sounded a lot like a business man talking.

    I pump iron and don't need this crap but if others want to eat it so be it. Just don't act all angelic like you have no business interests.

    I take it back if im proven wrong that you did not run a business in Phuket and then moved to Pattaya.

    So what does running a biz in Phuket & moving to Pattaya ,have anything to do with being a person looking for some SF products to enjoy,

    especially SF sodas just because at one time I helped my misses run her biz by teaching her my recipes.

    I think the Health Forum is full of Psychotic Posters ! Who are you to bring up what I have done in my personal life anyways ?

    My post had only mentioned importing SF Products as a second thought and joke , hard to be a sleazy salesman in Thailand in a Wheelchair ....what do you guys do here in your personal lives ,since you seem to know or think you know about mine !

  6. Are either one of you complaining people afflicted with any form of Diabetes ? Is Diabetes a Health problem , does Sugar Free Products help some people cope with withdrawal from SUGAR , yes in my opinion ! I put the Business mention in there as a joke , being retired and a wheelchair user unable to work !

    So what you two posters are some kind of Perfectionists , do you pump Iron ? I only ever pumped Glass!

    Who you calling a sleazy salesman ! , you don't know me well enough to cast names like that on me !

    I don't think you are anything more then agitators bored with yourselves . This belongs here ,I know processed foods aren't good but sometimes they are a necessary better choice of 2 Evils and I cannot have sugar , so they are the better choice out of the 2 evils for some folks ! Plus , you have something against SF Sodas too?

  7. https://www.google.co.th/search?q=%60%60%60%60%60sugar+free+jelly+and+Jam&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&rlz=1I7GGHP_enTH478&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=JkV4VKzVBo61uQSysYKYDw&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1164&bih=643#rls=com.microsoft:en-US&tbm=isch&q=sugar+free+products&facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=GYdp5qg7ycsQkM%253A%3BgLoVIr7OqMOClM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F4.bp.blogspot.com%252F-8k4MdfCATLw%252FTkFViq8-1CI%252FAAAAAAAAJKg%252FWkWFvcPeMNg%252Fs1600%252FMy%25252BSF%25252BTorani.JPG%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftheworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com%252F2011_08_01_archive.html%3B1600%3B1174

    As diabetes grows in the World ,Thailand is definitely a place more products are needed Links above is to Pix of SF Products that are, Sugar Free sodas are sometimes available but why not just make Dr. Pepper here SF and with sugar or A&W Root Beer why aren't they doing SF too !

    I remember a sort time ago ,when Sprite or 7-Up came out with a SF and then disappeared....

    I think the Sugar monopoly is behind keeping Thailand too Sweet for their own Health !

    There are OREOS , one of the best cookies ever , why aren't they doing SF so we do not have to buy imported over-priced SF cookies that aren't that good or as good as SF oreos and Reeses Peanut Butter cups SF Miniatures are gret for a chocolate craving There's Pancake syrups and Villa is always out of FRESCA and Canada DRY Ginger Ale SF , I wonder if we might get the new PM on the SF for Thailand support and stop the Sugar Monopoly from killing us softly with their sweetener !

    Anyone interested on doing a SUGAR FREE Import biz give me a PM , there are already companies selling so many Products that also come in SF here , its crazy not too !








  8. Way to far down the road to find any fault with the Cos ! I for one , knew some people in San Francisco who had dealings with him for years . Everyone of them male & female , always complimented him on his courteous manners and kind hearted soul. I find it very likely we are dealing with a rebuked person , who is looking to take revenge for not being wooed by Cosby. I just don't see how anyone can believe a person who waits 32 years before bringing forth accusations , to damage one of the most respected and loved TV Comedians & Actors of many generations. Especially , when there has never been any other ill behavioral cases ever brought to light ,unless you call his Eddie Murphy incident his fault . Cause he respects certain parts of the Muslim reilgion's teachings ! Only people who want to create Hatred , could see that his remarks were not about what the Evil Muslim Extremists do , or the ancient laws that even modern Muslims know , are not what they believe in because they also are too extreme and are not something Good People of any Faith would do !

  9. TAT pulls out the Quality Tourist Promotion....again.....when will they learn.....if you want Thailand to see tourism return ,

    simply put an end to all the corruption that affects Tourists......Let ther be partying till 5 AM close til * 8AM opening , legalize you know what for Medicinal or recreational use too , far less hurtful then Lao Kao or Booze in general !

    Put legalized Gambling Casinos in the big Tourist resorts , you need apply to be a Thai citizen who wishes to gamble , or Show ur Passport if not Thai for entry......Last , put on a special Concert , the biggest the World has seen over a 2 week period , like New Orleans does with Jazz Fest or Montreaux....but make it specially for Restaurant & Bar people from Tourist areas when its their off-season ! Speciall Ticket prices for groups....tie in with Thai Airways too!

    ​Just have to do something real , and forget this silly focus on Quality Tourists and go for Quantity Qualified , just weed out the trouble makers from the start , not after they get here ! With Computers its allot easier ....ya think ???

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