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  1. Allow use only bye the booze hours of 7-11 alcohol purchase. That will fix it 5555
  2. They charge everything even simple band aid or a sponge bath. Sounds normal to me. Of course there are many other things
  3. Many spent their whole lives on their back before being rescued. Not qualified for anything else
  4. If a Thai male approach me with that forced grin I wave them away same with Indians and <deleted>
  5. I live between Nana and soi cowboy and it's jammed with people many pushing suitcases. Haters won't like to hear this but it's just fact
  6. Are you Nigerian or a junkie? One of them a BF. Nice you stand up for them. Disgusting dude
  7. Would love to see him in power. He killed 10 thousand drug dealers just because he could and now the Nigerian scum are building up again
  8. What would you do if it happened in the west and what's different here?, there are around 20, k homicides in the USA per year but expats lose their minds if a killing happens here and blame it on fragile thai men as if the rest of the world killers were stable somehow. The mother would follow the dead beat son out the door in my world. I once saw a farang grab a tuk Tuk driver by the hair and beat the <deleted> out of him and the 5 motor bike taxi heroes sitting opposite didnt even stand up., it's mostly a myth that is repeated on forums untill farangs get terrified Point being stand your ground and never let anyone bully you at any cost!
  9. The old you not pay me cliche. She wouldn't have left the room untill she was paid. Stop the BS please
  10. If an adult thai male showed up at my place with a suitcase? I most definitely would not come to a forum for answers
  11. the real problem with taking on thai kids is nobody here speaks FLUENT thai and kids don't speak English. No connection
  12. Ah country life with the amazing wife and amazing kids. Why come to Thailand and take that <deleted> on when it's a renters Paradise for a few hours
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