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Posts posted by vagabond48

  1. This is the 1st time we are selling a car here in Thailand and I have a important question about getting our money.

    The buyer is a western foreigner who seems very sincere but since it is a nice sum of money, we still we want to be cautious.

    We prefer the payment in cash because we are not sure how to determine if a bank's cashier check is legitimate.

    After we arrive at the DLT, at what point in the transfer of ownership process do we exchange the cash and keys?

  2. The dual pricing thing is mostly just in the tourist markets and of course places such as national parks and temples requiring an admission fee. For the former, there's not much that can be done except to be aware and to haggle. For the latter, a Thai drivers license works wonders in getting the better price, you're husband may wish to get one - drivers license office is in Hang Dong.

    I've lived here for a long time and although I have bicycled to Bhinping Palace a number of times l never thought of visited it. This afternoon I decided to motorcycle up to the Palace with the misses for the 1st time. I figured heck we're here so let's see the Palace. We go get tickets and see the typical duel pricing. I present my Thai drivers license and the agent said, I had to be Thai to get the Thai price so at the Palace, a foreigner cannot get the Thai price with Thai driver's license.  

  3. My question is here in Thailand, who is responsible for monetary damage beyond the insurance coverage, the owner of the car or the insurance policy holder.

    The registered owner.

    Regarding the insurance, in nearly all policies you will find a clause saying that if you cancel you will receive a pro rate refund.

    Well perhaps Thai define prorated differently than I.

    The company has a written schedule for cancelling and refunds in increments of 9 days.

    For example if your policy was active for 1 - 9 days, they refund 72%, 20 - 29, 65%, 50 - 59, 59% and so forth.

  4. I am about to sell my car and I have 1st class insurance which I got the beginning of July. Back in the the US, when I sold my car and cancelled my insurance, I got a pro-rated refund from the insurance company. Here apparently they gouge you when you cancel. I asked the insurance rep if I could transfer the insurance and she said no but my coverage includes any driver so the new owner could continue to use the insurance under my name. Another broker told me that it was not a wise since I could still be held liable for any accident.

    My question is here in Thailand, who is responsible for monetary damage beyond the insurance coverage, the owner of the car or the insurance policy holder.

  5. Actually this just sounds like the buildings internet was down.. their connection that is.

    Its normal..

    Happens in my building from time to time also..

    Also, lately due to internet becoming bit strange.. better use VPN

    No offense but you didn't read my post. I never said the internet was down just that I wasn't getting it on my main laptop but was on my other one.

  6. Is your Wi-Fi connection is constant but you are sometimes able, sometimes unable make requests to the internet? If so, it's possible the building's uplink is saturated, or perhaps downlink.

    Yes but the Asus K46C was mostly unable to access the internet but as I wrote my other netbook Asus 1015E was not having that problem.

    Is it that you have to keep connecting and disconnecting from the Wi-Fi to get access?

    No. Connecting and disconnecting did not fix the problem.

  7. The problem has gone away after 2 annoying days. As lopburi3 wrote, it may have been a building equipment problem. I met the owner's daughter and after giving me all kinds of silly excuses she said she would reset the modem. I continued to have the problem that day but the following day it was gone. Perhaps. she did reset the equipment but waited until the next morning.

    Thanks for the comments.

  8. Appears your building access to internet is defective and needs a check. Have you spoken to anyone? Should be others having the same problems but if not using often they may not notice/report.

    Perhaps, but how does it explain the fact that my other netbook had internet access but not mine.

  9. I am hoping that there are knowledgeable techies who can help me with this strange problem.
    I have been living in the same high rise building for a very long time. The building provides free Wifi internet.
    Of course, I have had the usual internet problems over time but this one has me stomped.
    Yesterday, I started having intermittent Wifi internet access. My laptop is either accessing the internet or not for various length of time. It is mostly not accessing the internet.
    Let me be clear. I am successfully connecting to the Wifi access point but I am getting NO internet access.
    I am running W7 on an Asus K46C.
    Yesterday and this morning while I was not able to access internet with my K46C, I was able to get internet access using my travel netbook Asus 1015E running W8.1 .
    Yesterday as well as this morning, I went to another floor where a friend lives, and was able to access his own private Wifi internet connection (not the building's) several times each for over 30 minutes without any issues. He is not using the same ISP as the building.

    The lobby and the other floors have their own wifi access points and have caused the same problem for me.
    I have troubleshooted this problem a number of times. When troubleshooting Wifi network adapter, I get "problem with wireless adapter or access point fixed" which does not fix the problem or another message "your computer appears to be correctly configured but the device or resource (DNS server) is not responding.
    Within device manager, I have uninstalled the Wifi device and then re-installed it which did not fix the problem.
    I also normally use Google and OpnDNS alternate DSN addresses which I re-entered after re-installing the wifi but testing the connection 1st before entering them.
    I have searched Google and find someone with a similar problem but no solution given.
    Does anyone have "concrete" suggestions on how to solve this problem.

  10. Office location : 18.765258, 99.034693

    Thanks for the map location.

    Perhaps someone can help me out.

    I'll be on the superhighway (11) heading South to the Promenada. Looking at the flow of traffic gmap and I can't find a nearby u-turn onto 1141/1317. Is there one that Google is not showing?

    Turn left onto the Sankamphaeng bypass road, passing Promenada, and do a U turn at the traffic lights.

    Thanks for the information. Your directions were exact.

    I went to apply for a CR today. They gave me a slip with a July 15th date and asked for 500B. I said I am not in a hurry and without any further comment, the young lady cheerfully gave me another slip for July 28th at no charge so to confirm, the CR is free if you don't mind waiting another 10+ days. In my case, it was 2 days longer due to the Fri and Mon holiday.

  11. I guess some of you "rich" guys can give Warren Buffett some pointers on how he can enrich his frugal lifestyle.

    As I have already stated, it's your choice.

    For some of us, including Buffett, it's a lifestyle choice not to spend money when we feel it isn't necessary.

    But as someone else has written, by all means use the agents so that there will be less people scheduling online appointments or waiting in the very very early morning to get a time slot. ;)

  12. Nothing like Pattaya. Did mine while I waited, 10 minutes only. Photocopy of my passport, tab bahn and three pictures. Amazed how efficient Pattaya Img has become.

    Curious, did you shell out any money?

    depends on you. no money, no certificate.

    Chiang Mai office makes it quite clear that there is a fee of ฿500. (AU$15.00 !!)

    I was referring to Pattaya not Chiang Mai.

  13. I have always wondered what percentage of plastic wrapped luggage gets opened by airport security after it has been checked in?

    I guess I should have added that wrapping is ok if it would only cost 20B or 30B if you wrapped it yourself and your luggage contained only clothing and nothing suspicious like liquids or powders.

  14. I'm selling my transportation vehicle and I am looking to expand my buyer's audience. I am already using 6 online English Websites with classifieds but getting very few inquiries. I am looking for large Moobaans that have public bulletin boards where I can attach my flyers.

    If you do have information please provide the location as well.
    I appreciate any helpful suggestions.

    Note: I've been told not to provide any further details about my vehicle, so please don't ask in this thread.

  15. We go to several of the malls here in CM and I have never seen any sign that warns drivers not to park if their car uses LPG or CNG. Of course, the signs could be in Thai only but I doubt it since CM has a large foreign population.

    Actually the ones I've seen were illustrations of propane tanks with the red circle and a diagonal line across them and they directed gas cars to the top open floor of the garage.

    Next time we head for one of the shopping malls, I'll look for the signs.

  16. We go to several of the malls here in CM and I have never seen any sign that warns drivers not to park if their car uses LPG or CNG. Of course, the signs could be in Thai only but I doubt it since CM has a large foreign population.

  17. I've only lived here 10 years, so I suppose I am rather a newbie.......but what the ferk is CNX????????????

    Ummm ... this is the Chiang Mai forum and you've lived "here" for ten years and CNX is a mystery?

    Thai Visa never fails to amaze.

    Care to guess what BKK is?

    Give the poster a small break, maybe he has never traveled to CM by air. Many people still come and go by bus or train. Maybe the poster just forgot.

    To be frank, I have never referred to Chiang Mai or CM as CNX and have rarely seen CNX outside a travel context.

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