“Only fare meters passing the inspection, which will be officially sealed with lead, can be used to collect the new fares.”
Government announce strange shortage of lead.
It’ll work beyond their wildest dreams, just as long as those stopped for traffic infractions have plenty of Baht about their person.
What a cracking idea to hand to the BIB, who no doubt are calculating just how early they will be able to retire to a villa on some tropical island somewhere.
Were all the cops in the picture with their backs to us, about to cross their fingers as they say “it’s not me your honour, I’m as pure as the driven snow. All the money in backhanders and brown envelopes I took were given to the local poor children”
Sack the lot and put the rest on night shift.
There has always been corruption in Thailand, it is what foreigners expect to see and experience, along with the temples, culture and stomach upsets.