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chiang mai

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Everything posted by chiang mai

  1. "I suppose a follow on question if you do that is, will your wife's insurance policy still allow you to drive the vehicle"?
  2. Of course it's not the definitive answer but it's not a bad indicator of direction and will help me better understand what steps I might want to take before it is implemented.
  3. I modelled it using existing TRD TEDA, in the absence of anything else.
  4. You would have to read the DTA to answer that question, the fact it is tax free in your home country doesn't necessarily mean anything in Thailand.
  5. You want information? Here, fill your boots, it's all in there. https://www.rd.go.th/english/37748.html
  6. If you are over age 65 and that 460k baht is your total income remitted to Thailand, it's unlikely it will be taxed here. EDIT TO ADD: Sorry, didn't answer your question properly. Yes, that income will be accountable to Thai tax, when added to all your other income for the year. Depending on the final total, it may or may mot be taxable.
  7. Ah yes, still waiting for your personal invitation to file a return, sent to your home address I see, along with a handy information booklet that answers all your questions.....just like back home!
  8. I maintain a spreadsheet throughout the year that let's me know what my tax position is going to be at year end, in the different territories where I file a return. As time passes, I update forecasted numbers with actuals, that way I have a pretty good idea how much latitude I have to take discretionary payments from my self invested pension etc. It's useful also because a transaction that impacts one tax return usually has an impact on the other ones. I recently added another entity, the impact of World Wide taxation, and was pleasantly surprised. Everyone's finances will be different but in my case, the tax exempt US SSc income takes a lot of the sting out of WWT which is kinda unfair for those who don't benefit from DTA's. The net for me is a small amount of tax to pay each year under WWi vs today when I pay zero tax, using the same income levels. It's worth crunching the numbers, if you haven't already done so, you may be pleasantly surprised.
  9. Thailand vehicle insurers insure the vehicle, NOT the driver, it's just that there appears to be a maximum age at which a person can apply to insure their vehicle.....please let's not sidetrack again!
  10. I suppose a follow on question if you do that is, will your wife's insurance policy still allow you to drive the vehicle?
  11. Can chose between 19 year old university student and 51 year old from Rwanda, hmmmm, tough choice.
  12. Does nobody understand the question in the OP, it's simple enough?
  13. Take your pick. Good for you, I'm not. Because I do! Because I'm a farang and accidents do happen and I have assets in Thailand I want to protect via insurance. But this thread is not about any of those things, it's merely about trying to get information so please don't sidetrack.
  14. "Should not" doesn't change the reality of the situation.
  15. That's my intention also, I hear that Rojjai wont insure past age 75 but am looking for info/options (yes, I have emailed Roojai this morning).
  16. I'll be 75 in two months, how does that effect my Roojai Class I insurance and what are my options.....please? TIA
  17. Try Sominar for sleep, over the counter, US approved for sleep...effective. It's a Class I antihistamine.
  18. I think so also, I feel that is inevitable, eventually. The question then becomes for those who decide to ignore the current situation, what will happen to them when that link is made, will TRD/Immi start to ask questions and how to answer them.
  19. Your guess is as good as mine, it's about as easy and simple as trying to figure out the wife's thinking. 🙂
  20. The first part of that is all you need to know, the TRD will comply with existing DTA's......that fact and the fact that Por161 was enacted in September last year, the onus is now on the taxpayer.
  21. Talking of consequences, the following link was published in another thread many months ago, in case you didn't see it. https://sherrings.com/tax-evasion-not-filing-tax-returns-thailand.html#:~:text=Whoever intentionally avoids (evades) payment,Both*.
  22. What they could do is lots of nasty things, what they would do will probably depend on the individual and their circumstances.....age, remitted funds, tax evaded, years here (should have known). Like you, I am playing it safe because I know from experience that these things can come back and bite you later, when you're not expecting it.
  23. You mean you didn't get your personal invite, sent to your home address? Or did you not hear the starting pistol, almost one year ago?
  24. You just know that there will still be members, in the new year, who will continue to say that the whole thing isn't real, because they haven't heard anything.........it's both funny and sad at the same time.
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