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Posts posted by Bagwan

  1. Why not give police officers a commission for traffic law breakers with a percentage of the fine given to them as tea money? That way you still screw law breakers whilst keeping officers actually wanting to do their job. Thai police are obviously corrupt and now we need to get creative in order to still provide them an incentive. Have all officers wear head mounted cameras so all interactions with civilians are recorded.

    I do not believe in paying people twice for doing their jobs. I do believe in firing people who don't.

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  2. The best thing we can all do is sit back and watch this collapse unfold, it will be the end of Peua Thai's electoral party. This is the healthiest and most likely means of getting rid of the Thaksin nightmare, let him engineer it himself. The BAAC is weeks away from closing it's doors with empty coffers and nowhere to raise money. Farmers will be peeved no doubt.

    There must be huge numbers of people in the countryside with their savings in BAAC. It would be a catastrophe if they went bankrupt.

    That's the kicker. Ptp can't let them go bust. There could be a run on the bank soon. I for one will be telling relatives to pull any cash they have.

    Thankfully my family took my advice and took their bread out of BAAC 6 months ago. I'm expecting a few crates of Chang by way of a thank you any day soon.

  3. Five hundred baht will not scare tourists away, but 500 here, 500 there and Thailand is becoming ever more expensive. Most tourists visit here because its cheap; raise the price enough and the "value" seekers will find alternative destinations.

    And lets be honest, tourists don't receive free medical care from Thailand. This is partly to fund the medical services received by Cambodian, Laos and Burmese workers and partly as a back door tax hike to replenish government coffers, near empty due to populist spending...

    I totally agree that Thailand is cheap.

    In every sense of the word.

  4. HIV, a virus that infects white blood cells.

    AIDS, a disease which can follow on from HIV.

    As Sheryl stated above, there is no reason in this day and age why a person who is HIV positive should go on to develop AIDS, so long as they diligently take medication.

    To become AIDS free, Thailand needs 100% detection and 100% medication uptake amongst people with HIV. An ambitious, but achievable, goal.

    The Thai government should be applauded for the work they have done nationally to deal with what was a huge problem and for the country's role in the global fight.

    It is not quite as simple as that. The antiviral drugs that are prescribed are very powerful and can easily damage the body, particularly the liver and kidneys. My wife who has been infected for 22 years, and did not receive any treatment until 12 years ago, has had to change her medication 4 times. Her present medication has caused her cholesterol levels to rise higher than they should be. Survival can depend on a body being able to withstand the battering that the medications inflict. Another factor is the ignorance of the majority of doctors who are way out of their depth. Other factors that make such an ambitious target difficulty to achieve is the rip off prices that private hospitals shamelessly levy and the Government hospitals do not have the budgets to acquire more up to date and more effective drugs.

    Progress is being made and already there have been a few instances where patients have been declared free of the virus. Medication that will ensure that infections do not develop into full blown Aids are at least 10 years off.

    The period from infection to development of anti-HIV antibodies is three weeks to three months so the validity of any certificate confirming non infection is questionable.

  5. I can't read this forum very often. it is shocking and depressing. I am so surprised to see stories published here when people have not yet been convicted of anything but their name and photo are published. I think there are no sensible laws in Thailand about the media being responsible. If this guy is guilty it is good that he was caught but shouldn't his crime be shown true before his information is released? This forum is just as bad because the owner puts these stories here. I think the owner of this forum does not believe in karma because doing this will give him very bad karma. Maybe he will be accused of some awful crime when really innocent but his picture will be published and his name will be be destroyed yet he didn't do anything. It is sad to see that few people here care about what is fair. People here just decide he's guilty without really knowing anything. It seems that very many people at this forum are very unhappy and like to see bad things happen to other people. Why is that?

    I hope people can see that I am not trying to help this man in the story but I don't like to see the media make someone guilty before he has gone to court.

    The UK Jimmy Saville inquiry has rooted out many big names involved in ''perhaps'' similar stuff. They have all been named in the press BEFORE trial.

    If the case is dismissed or the accused is found 'Not Guilty' then the Press will also print that.

  6. 30,000 just popping down to BKK for a wee chat and all playing nicely. Aye, that sounds about right......

    I can't see the point of waiting outside the court to hear the verdict. Couldn't they wait to learn about in to TV? I wonder how many of these rent-a mob Charlies know the real reason why they are being dragooned into going. If asked I guess the most popular answer would be 'I'm only here for the beer'.

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  7. Like most foreigners I watch the political rallies and protest marching with with great interest yet from afar. I continue to be baffled at the motivation and enthusiasm of the Thai people involved.

    In the thoughts and discussions of millions of Thai people there seems to be bewildering level of hatred and rude behavior. It is the incantation of such negativity and hatred that the protesters stoop down to when rallying. This is important because the reality is that the vast majority of Thai protesters seem to have virtually no idea, in any measurable sense, as to WHY they are protesting. So why do the come?

    At the centre of the propaganda that wills these unnecessary events into being is PM Thaksin, one of the most charismatic and productive prime minister as Thailand ever had, and yet also perhaps the most controversial.

    Co-opting the anti-Thaksin, and now the anti-Shinawatra family, are legions of yesteryear Democrats mourning their loss of grip on the decades of their own corruption and the wealth it brought their Dynastic families.

    What is at work here? After all these years since anti-Jek mania ended, surely this repeating crusade against anyone that is not a Democrat (or perhaps Siamese), is it Political or racism?

    The leader of the erstwhile Democrat Mob is of course PM Abhisit a Thai darling of Thailand's Elite and the owner of well documented misdemeanors that are leading him exorably toward trial for many crimes, at least one of which is capital.

    PM Thaksin on the other hand was clumsily dragged down and eventually brought to trial and conviction of crimes against the nation, that he'd so efficiently led. Thaksin's trial remains conspicuous on several counts; The accused was not present, the prosecutor possessed no tangible evidence of the alleged crime, The Bench appeared to be aware of the judgment in advance of the trial, Thaksin was convicted of a crime that he did not commit, and the sentencing was punitive, including the proposed sequestration sum in excess of Bt45 Billion.

    What the World wondered is what was the orchestrator PM Abhisit's objective, in this abusive pursuit of a Giant of a businessman (Thaksin) who had served Thailand so well.

    But what really puzzles the foreign community is; from where did Khun Abhisit acquire such immense power to enable him to crush a son of Thailand (Thaksin), a man of twice his stature and integrity.

    Do yo0uplan to return to your own planet any time soon?

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  8. It is standard practise to charge the surviving driver. Then an investigation takes place to decide whether to proceed with or drop the charges.

    Thank you... that was confusing.

    What confuses me me is why can't BIB investigate first and then bring charges if warranted. I thought that garbage trucks all displayed a yellow flashing light - something else I might have got wrong.

  9. You people are so blinded by your hate for Thaksin that you can not tell right from wrong. Even if they police had guns were not id as police and refused to tell them they were police, mob action is not acceptable. Like I said they should have turn them over to the police. Mob rule makes them no better than the Reds.

    Some might think you are blinded by stupidity. They resisted being taken to be interrogated and then handed over to their corrupt colleagues. Can you tell the difference between right and wrong? The official story is that they ignored an order NOT to carry weapons; is that not wrong?

    I believe the police head honcho is covering his ass by saying he ordered his loutish underlings not to go armed and is content to let the two 'intelligence gatherers hang out to dry.

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  10. So I guess everyone here condones this action against the police. Would you say the same thing if it was in your country. You all should join the mob, you fit in with them

    Yes I definitely would, anyone who attacks police is scum no matter what country they are in.

    Please connect brain before reaching for your keyboard. These two cops directly disobeyed orders (if the head honcho is to be believed) and refused to cooperate with 'the guards'. In any disciplined force disobedience is rewarded with a spell in chokey or reduction rank, not a bunch of flowers. I guess the financial settlement was compensation for being off duty for a while thus going short of the rewards of extortion. I suspect that the claim that they were attacked is gilding the lily and the minor injuries (I've received worse playing rugby) were causing when bringing them under physical control. Som nam na applies.

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  11. The truth is, that most Thais, including the politicians, don't understand the verdict!!coffee1.gif

    I suspect that another truth is that most don't give a toss one way or the other. Why anybody would want to travel across the World to see a pile of bricks when they could visit countless magnificent cathedrals, abbeys, castles, chateaux and stately homes in good repair scattered around Europe, any of which are of greater historical interest, escapes me.

  12. Also bare in mind that apart from any changes that need to be made, if you have an account in one area and use an atm in another area you will be charged (depending on bank).

    Wow, that's absurd and great information. I can see I'll be learning quite a bit throughout this transition. Thanks, CharieH.

    It is absurd but the typical fee on an inter-regional ATM transaction is only about 10 or 15 baht. I ran into that issue because I opened a Kasikornbank account in Koh Samui and then started using it in Chiang Mai. The time that it seemed really absurd was when I withdrew 700K (in the form of a cashiers cheque) at a branch of Kasikornbank in Chiang Mai. That time they nicked me for something like 800 baht as an inter-regional banking fee.

    What makes the inter regional fee so absurd is that all bank accounts are held at the bank's Head Office. I believe that banks share the same dedicated line to servers in BKK that filter out data directing it to the addressee bank.

    On more than one occasion the KTB line from Lomsak to BKK was down, and all the ATM's belonging to other banks were also non functional. I had to leg it to Petchabun to get hold of some dosh.

  13. There is no scientific proof that HIV causes AIDS . this is not based my personal belief. it is based on available scientific data.

    please click on the following link so what i am saying becomes more clear.



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