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  1. You know for sure whose agent Trump is when forum’s Putin bots start to defend him
  2. No, I am not.
  3. You must be the quintessential Trump voter.
  4. I wonder will you have the same argument when and if Putin or Xi will invade your own country? Will you call your compatriots the war mongers in case they will decide to resist the invaders? Will you be the one who will consider the full occupation of your country as a true peaceful solution?
  5. Was the eventual full involvement of the US a historic mistake or what?
  6. What does “Ukraine war” means in this context? It means the war which Putin and Russia initiated against Ukraine and its people. Sane people of the world don’t support this war. They do support the right of the Ukraine to defend itself against this outrageous act of aggression. Looks like the Australian senator is another example of illiterate clown with a lot of power.
  7. Just one quote from Putin some 20 years ago should be enough: The collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century. (2005) —- I could provide many more quotes of this cold-blooded kgb killer - but his actions speak much louder than any of his words.
  8. Were Churchill and Roosevelt war mongers too? Instead of pressing Poland to accept the occupation of their country in 1939 by Hitler and Stalin - they declared a war on Germany and Hitler. What a pity that this village idiot Trump was not in power then, he would easily solve the problem with Hitler the way he wants to do it with Putin and Ukraine now.
  9. At a minimum, the restoration of the Soviet empire and its influence on international politics to the level it had after 1945, under Stalin.
  10. No problem. Just hope you could identify the irony in my post.
  11. Reminds me Stalin-Hitler pact regarding Poland. Some clowns who never went to normal school or even read a single book in their life still find this kind of solutions for international affairs viable.
  12. What next? Noble peace price for Putin? Unlike those bloody leftists he is the one who truly wants peace and is ready to sign it any moment. Those ukrainian extremists are the warmongering thugs.
  13. When somebody attacks you and you ask him to stop and agree to all his demands - this is not what in normal human language can be described using the word “peace”. Much more suitable words are “surrender” and “capitulation”. Ukrainians and their president want peace, but not capitulation.
  14. Does this orange clown seriously believe that all that Putin wants is to get some modest chunks of the ukrainian territory? I know that most of his idiot supporters do believe this narrative but isn’t Trump supposed to be a little bit more intelligent than his illiterate fans (99% of whom will not be able to identify Ukraine’s location on the geographic map)?
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