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Everything posted by DodgerRodger

  1. RTE London quotes GBP1,500 for LTR Visa which is quite a lot more than current exchange rate
  2. I totally agree with this. It is my understanding that the first thing the immigration officer does at point of entry is to scan the data code on your passport photo page. Whilst this may not contain data relating to a previous passport, the Immigration data base will throw up any past records of a person with the identical name, date of birth, and nationality.
  3. It seems that in recent months the policy on what past visa history is unacceptable for getting the Thailand Elite visa has evolved. Here is a copy of the text I received from Thailand Elite when my application was approved last week:- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ****PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE PAYMENT**** If you fall under the following conditions: - Please check if the entry stamp permission on your passport, If you have an outstanding overstayed record on your current stay, you will not be able to obtain a Thailand Elite visa under any circumstances. - Please check if you have a history or currently hold a Non-Immigrant type O (Volunteer), you will not be able to obtain a Thailand Elite visa under any circumstances. - Please check if you hold a Non-Immigrant MT (Medical Treatment) without the patient reports from the hospital, the medical certificate, and a Non-Immigrant ED* (an education visa without an official document from the Office of Basic Educational Commission: OBEC), you will not be able to obtain a Thailand Elite visa under any circumstances. Once again, if you fall under the condition above Thailand Privilege Card Company Limited company reserve the right not to refund the membership fee under any circumstances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. I've just been through this process to download the Section38 app to my iPhone for TM30 reporting. My research concluded that changing App Store is too problematic as it wipes so many aspects of your Apple ID account. Instead I logged out of my Apple ID and set up a second Apple ID account using a new email address and with Thailand as the location. Takes ten minutes or so. Then I downloaded the app, logged out of that Apple ID and back to the original. If you google second Apple ID account you'll find plenty of advice.
  5. Hi ubonjoe, interesting to know, but is it possible for the possessor (i.e. tenant) to register using the phone app for submitting the TM30 or can it only be done by the property owner?
  6. So based on your two responses from the BOI, taking example of 'Work from Thailand Professional Category', do you think this is a fair summary? If you are granted the visa after application, it is valid for 5 years multiple entry. There is a 1 year address reporting requirement which could be avoided altogether if the holder leaves the country at least once per year. The BOI will do no checking or validation of the visa conditions or your continued employment status during that 5 years. Immigration will do no checking or validation of the visa conditions or your continued employment status during that 5 years. If you decide to self declare that your employment has ended, your visa will be terminated. Be interested to check if there are any penalties in that case above, or just a visa termination? Your analysis matches mine, except that as a potential retiree I am not considering the employment aspect in my calculations. Such a pity that BOI can't take on board these types of questions and publish more detailed requirements and a set of FAQs
  7. Yes, quite. It seems to me that the only difference is that after 5 years you get a further 5 years without having to pay the 50K Baht fee. After 10 years, provided you still qualify, I assume you can keep on going by making a new application and paying said fee.
  8. Thanks for all the replies and useful advice. I am new to the Thai banking system (despite being a regular visitor to Thailand for over 40 years) and having read all of the comments I believe having a bank passbook is going to be indispensable and I have no intention of trying to avoid such. I've used them in the past so not a problem for me.
  9. So I am soon going to be jumping into life in BKK and part of that is setting up a bank account. I read in so many threads (e.g. current thread about expired lost ATM cards and the need to show bank passbook and ID to get a replacement) that the bank passbook is a vital commodity. And yet when perusing bank websites for a suitable account, I find many types of accounts that have no passbook at all. Should I avoid? Go for the standard savings account that has a passbook? Most grateful for your advice guys...
  10. From the horse's m out (in answer to a question I sent in to BOI) will there be an annual or periodic review of qualification for the LTR Visa, and will the visa holder be required to be physically present in Thailand at that time? Answer: There is no annual or periodic review of qualification for the LTR Visa holders. However, if the holder are living continuously in Thailand for a period of 1 year, they are required to make 1-year report to the Immigration (in case of re-entering Thailand, the report will be due 1 year counting from the latest arrival date into the Kingdom). Please be informed that the LTR visa period is 10 year (5 years + 5 years staying permission) which means that you will get a 5-year visa stamp first. Your qualification and criteria (for example, your investment) will be evaluated again after the first 5 years of the visa. If your qualification and criteria do not meet the requirement e.g. the value of investments is less than USD500,000 (because you sold your property), then you will not get approval for the rest of the 5 years of the visa.
  11. Do you mean enquire with the building management or security staff? Seems worth a try as a first line of approach at least. If I was an experienced renter in BKK it makes perfect sense. I just worry that the owner will see me as an easy target to ramp up the rental price.
  12. Thanks OneMoreFarang and JayClay. Some very helpful advice. The market seems to be absolutely flooded with available condos. I've spent hours looking at hipflat and dotproperty (the same agents and same condos often appear on these platforms). I can understand that the listings are not always up to date and photos not genuine (I can spot some photos being used for condos in totally different buildings????) I was in BKK a month or so ago and spent time walking the area and identifying suitable condo buildings based on convenience and how quiet they might be (traffic, construction noise) and I also want to avoid those buildings that have multiple airbnb listings. Thanks again for the input.
  13. That's encouraging, many thanks. I was planning a 10-day hotel stay so that I'd have time to find an ideal rental, sign contract and have a few days to shop for essentials before spending the first night at the condo. As a follow up I'm also going to need time to get a Thai bank account (thinking of using an agent). If I've not achieved this before signing for the condo, is there an alternative method to pay the deposit etc but also ensuring the funds go directly to the condo owner, not the agent?
  14. Hi, all, just finished reading the very helpful thread from Brian Nose on how to avoid getting ripped off in the process. I am arriving BKK in November and will hopefully rent a condo as soon as possible. I want to make a hotel booking in first instance, but not sure how long I am going to need to realistically close a deal and move in. I will be looking for fully furnished ready to move in type condos in the Asoke to Thonglo area, which I am familiar with. Grateful for any views.
  15. I have just received further clarification from BOI, which reads, After received LTR visa, you would like to leave Thailand, your visa permit will be remain. However, for the Work-from-Thailand Professional and Highly-Skilled Professional categories, your visa will be terminated if your quit the job from the endorsed company. Kind regards, LTR Visa Unit
  16. Got a reply to my questions, copied below (Q1 has been misunderstood by BOI) Please see the answers to your questions below. 1.May I please ask if the 10-year LTR visa has any restriction on the number of days the visa holder is required to be resident inside Thailand in one year? Answer: There is no restriction on the number of days the visa holder is required to be resident inside Thailand in one year prior to the LTR Visa application. 2.Also, will there be an annual or periodic review of qualification for the LTR Visa, and will the visa holder be required to be physically present in Thailand at that time? Answer: There is no annual or periodic review of qualification for the LTR Visa holders. However, if the holder are living continuously in Thailand for a period of 1 year, they are required to make 1-year report to the Immigration (in case of re-entering Thailand, the report will be due 1 year counting from the latest arrival date into the Kingdom). Please be informed that the LTR visa period is 10 year (5 years + 5 years staying permission) which means that you will get a 5-year visa stamp first. Your qualification and criteria (for example, your investment) will be evaluated again after the first 5 years of the visa. If your qualification and criteria do not meet the requirement e.g. the value of investments is less than USD500,000 (because you sold your property), then you will not get approval for the rest of the 5 years of the visa.
  17. Thanks, yes, I saw that, but the source of the information was I believe from a private enterprise called BDO (bdo.th), Hence I wrote to BOI about it to confirm frequency of reviews, whether the visa applicant has to be in Thailand at the time of the review, and also if there is any minimum annual residency requirement.
  18. I emailed BOI on this very question just over a week ago. No reply as yet, although another question I asked was responded to in about 4 days. I'll post any reply I get.
  19. I emailed BOI on this aspect, asking about how they want proof, this is the reply (received within 4 days): As regards the proof of a deposit account, a bank certificate or proof of funds (POF) certifying that you have the balance of cash deposits with the bank is required since the letter is used to verify that the applicant who claims to have the money actually has it. We will use foreign exchange rates from Fed (https://www.federalreserve.gov/releases/h10/current/) for your currency (GBP/USD).
  20. sorry, my error, my card is a UK Mastercard and the fee is 2.99% of the transaction I only used it once on my last visit to BKK so thought the O.40 charge was a flat fee. Usually I use a credit card from Hong Kong which has no transaction fee. But at the end of the day it is the applied exchange rate that is the critical factor as banks vary.
  21. I'm with HSBC UK and they charge £0.40 for a CC transaction. This is OK for the odd big ticket item, but suicide if you want to use it for piddly purchases each and every time you buy something.
  22. Just to add, there is also an option to have the visa placed into your passport at your local Embassy. That way there's no pressure to arrive in Thailand and have it done there. As UJ says, the visa is valid for 5 years from the date of it is issued.
  23. Some really great replies in this thread. Just to add a couple of points from my recent experience of paying AVCs to get up to the 35 year mark. The OP has managed the process already, just another word of warning, HMRC are slow to process payment. The money will instantly be swallowed up in the govt coffers but the resulting credit of NI contributions takes months to appear in the online record. I my case 9 months. And then only after letters and phone calls enquiring as I was told 8 weeks was the then-current time lag. Also, I applied for my state pension last year online exactly 4 months prior to my b'day (I was in UK at that time). They literally only need you to confirm your address and bank details. I did this without the "code" that arrived a week or so later in the post - it is not sent electronically. I got the confirmation letter of my pension amount 2 weeks after my 66th b'day (the first payment hit my account before the letter arrived), but I hear the delay is longer now.
  24. I tried for a SETV from UK last February. I thought some replies to some of the questions with a "not applicable" pdf would suffice. Wrong. I got rejected and lost my GBP30 fee. This is the rejection email Dear Applicant, You visa appliation is cancel. please apply again provide -Flight detail - Hotel booking - Bank statement - Your proof of residency e.g. council tax bills, utility bills - Your picture holding the photo and information page of the passport*Please note this is an auto generated e-mail. Please do NOT reply to this email.Best wishes,E-Visa Team
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