Unfortunately, has been progressively getting worse since America's birth.
("Progressively" lol.... see what I did there? Progressively... pun intended.)
Not surprisingly, there was an uptick for Trump. But then dropped again two ticks for Biden. If KH gets installed, the inaugural address will nosedive to kindergarten level, perhaps even to special needs level.
“Americans are getting dumb breathtakingly fast,” says Peter St. Onge. In 1900, Inaugurals were written at a college level, but today, they are written at 8th grade level for Barack Obama, 9th grade for Donald Trump, and 7th grade for Joe Biden.
In 1828, Andrew Jackson’s Inaugural was written on a 22nd-grade level, in other words, a two PhD level.
George Washington’s Inaugural was in 26th grade, so you’d need that third PhD.