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About Myaimistrue

  • Birthday 10/04/1956

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  1. Annihilated by Trump in a debate? You actually call what he does debating? Does he ever give a cogent answer to any question he is asked? Most of the time he doesn’t even understand the question and his answer always has something to do with how great he is!
  2. Yes, thanks, I’m looking into that. Do you know the best way to test for it? My digital tester does not, so I“m assuming strips?
  3. Ok thanks, it does sound possible then. I think what I’ll do is dump some Sunblock in, cyanuric acid, and see what happens. I’ll shock it as a last resort.
  4. Thanks! My chlorinator is in summer mode and at 100%. What are you using to measure your cyanuric acid? If test strips, which ones?
  5. I’m glad you brought up oxygen, that’s why I mentioned the large overflow. Could the water be getting over-oxygenated and lowering the efficiency of the chlorine?
  6. Thanks, the pH has never gotten that high, usually high 7- low 8. How do I raise the free chlorine level without increasing the Total Chlorine level?
  7. Thanks, as I said, I have added muratic acid and the ph went down for a few hours but then returned to 7.9-8.1. I will look into the algaecide!
  8. No, I didn’t, I assumed it came calibrated. I did test it in a high concentration of chlorine and the free chlorine at least registered. In my water it only shows dashed lines or zeros. I will look into calibrating it, thanks for the suggestion.
  9. My saltwater pool water is clear and there does not seem to be any problem with it. However, the drop test shows high ph and total chlorine. The digital test shows high ph and 0 free chlorine. When I add muratic acid the ph drops for a few hours, then returns. I have a 4m overflow, so I am wondering if that might be the cause? The internet says to shock it to free up some chlorine. Does that make sense to anyone? IMG_5446.mov

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