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  1. Spray starch could help.
  2. test teachers, civil servants, police, military, students, workers?....drugs are available almost everywhere and being sold and smuggled constantly...are monks manufacturing drugs? Is everyone under suspicion? Will the scourge of meth and pills ever end?
  3. ED visas are under scrutiny as many students paid and registered but did not attend classes. Immi now requires educational institutions to inform them of the students status. He graduated April 4th and is no longer attending classes. Seem the Language Schools can't enroll ghost students or submit phoney attendance records.
  4. Thanks. Canada has new visa rule for caregivers starting October 15th. I hope you can get a visa for your gf.
  5. You can check online about Canadian visas for tourism for Thais. It can take as little as six weeks.
  6. I am having difficulties in applying for a Canadian visa for my GF. I am applying from Canada. Has anyone used an agent in the Philippines to get a visa for Canada for a Philippine GF? There are agents in Canada but they want about $900 to make the application. Thanks
  7. maybe the BJ and whatever else was about money. No matter who his father is this guy should be locked up immediately
  8. how do you know the REAL source of the investor's money? Is he even the real investor? You can not send the money back to investor's bank? You will likely pay the lawyer who will make some discrete donations on your behalf and you may have some of the investor's money left over if the Russian doesn't find you. So who is the investor?
  9. Try a MAGA tattoo on your forehead....you could make new friends in new places
  10. she was set up....sadly the RTP need more Smart BMWs
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