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  1. doing calves stretches helped me to get rid of shin splints in the past. It feels like it is the bone, but it it actually from overload on the muscles that are not strong enough.
  2. Dr. Doctor Somjot, May i kindly ask for the location and name of your practise. I have a crown that got broken in the last year that needs replacement. Not sure if Smile, dental clinic above is the one as it was posted by someone else. Thank you Ant.
  3. I guess the reason to have low calorie dishes is too loose weight? but maybe think next to low calories also about satieting food. From the 1st of January until now i have made lunch consistently out of 5 hard boiled eggs, 14 Cherry tomatoes to eat together with the eggs for taste, a greek yogurt, and a dragon fruit or small 150 kcl pack of Almonds. This will get you to around 550-600 kcl and it keeps my stomach filled so much i have to nearly force my self to eat dinner. I dropped from 123.5 KG to 114.7 KG this morning, so roughly 6 weeks. ( i do walk over 6000 steps a day and incorperated 3 times a week of 5 Compound weightlifting exercises) I did stop alcohol mostly, but have had days of a bottle of wine with a 200 lbs sirloin steak and pizza from the pizza company because my son wanted it, but because of my lunch could not eat more then 2-3 slices in the evening for a few days. Anyway, seems like the eggs work to me like an extremely cheap dose of ozempic filled with complete amino acids for good protein nutrition. For the Thai dishes, obviously the pad phak ruam (fried mixed vegetables are probably lowest on calories depending on oil usage) but grilled chicken and prawns would be better from protein and filling perspective making you eat less because your are less hungry. Ant.
  4. I was thinking before of getting ozempic pills of similar, but what i read about them, is that is mostly just takes away the appetite. I found i can do the same with eggs xD. As my new year resolve i decided to become a bit more healthy again, so for January i did not drink any alcohol, started walking daily, 3 times a week 30 min weight lifting and doing some running on on my day off. Also i started to make my lunch with just eating boiled eggs (5 for lunch with 14 cherry tomatoes, 20 almonds and a greek yogurt or dragon fruit) this has been strangely very satieting (for about 550 calories) and making me not hungry until dinner. (there i eat something like a sweet potato, carrot, onion boiled with a chicken breast from 7/11 and maybe and egg or 2 more soft boiled) i really have to make an effort to get to 1800 calories my samsung app says i should eat. I find this much easier to sustain then dong intermittent fasting or other ways of fasting due to the satiety of the eggs. Added benefit of eggs is that they are cheap, full of all the amino acids to retain or built muscle. The stuff about cholestrol is outdated as your own body makes it and compensates by the way. Just doing this has made me lost weight from the first of January 122.9 Kg to this morning 115 Kg feeling full all the time. (so roughly i lost 7 kg in 42 days. (all my weighing measurements are at the same time after stool.) Just some food (Eggs, Eggs, Eggs xD) for thought
  5. Thank you for the reply scorecard. For who needs the Info, Jomtien immigration was able to do it, so that will save me 2 trip's to Bangkok thankfully now and in the future. Ant.
  6. to be honest a maximum speeding ticket of TBH 1,000 or the same for running a red light is a joke. That should be increased for road safety imo.
  7. i saw yesterday 2 girls on one motorbike there that looked like they killed themselves as they were not moving anymore and police there to take pictures. Believe it was Boonsampan. Did not see it anywhere online, but maybe in the Thai local news as no foreigner connection was evident.
  8. this was East Pattaya, so where most people will live long time. So he will probably have been the son of a local expat. With a young boy who just got his driving license. Generally dangerous driving there with all the motorbikes. This is actually my fear by the time my son grows up and gets 18. I dont want him to ever drive a motorbike around here with the daily motorbike accidents and deaths i see here on the road. But buying him a pickup of some sort will keep him safe, but my fear is that he will hit someone like this when driving by himself and not having road experience yet to handle all traffic situations as you should really think for the other drivers here.
  9. The below someone posted in the Russian streamer thread. According to this, it would not be illegal as per the last Q and A
  10. Thank you for the reply Scorecard. Yes, i received my blue PR book, Red police book and am written into the blue tabiaan baan of our house, so am all good for that xD. My question is for when i want to travel overseas and want to retain my PR (obviously after all the pain getting it xD), if i can do the required paperwork for this at Pattaya immigration or if this can only be done in Bangkok? I did not travel since receiving my PR a few years ago and would like to save myself a few hours of traveling xD. for the record TM 13 as per the immigration link is the application for endorsement of re-entry permit as SS below which, not the application for permament residence in the kingdom (TM 9), which i think you are referring too. https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/en/downloads_en/ Thank you for the reply. Ant.
  11. Good afternoon. It will be the first time since receiving my PR that i will be flying to my home country for annual leave. Would anyone know if i would be able to do the TM 13 and TM 22 in Pattaya (Jomtien) immigration or if this is only possible at the Chaeng Wattana office? Many thanks in advance for any reply Ant.
  12. this was at the airport i take it? Then it is only the fine to be paid. However if if you are caught with the overstay anywhere outside the country i believe different conditions apply, though this sounds harsh for only a day or 2 overstay.
  13. whilst it could feel that way, i have lived here thru the covid period from beginning to end and saw a lot of poverty and dependence on food hand outs, but i can not say it was more dangerous, or that it felt more dangerous. Probably this was due to the fact that Pattaya became very empty with most with family upcountry went there, rather then staying in Pattaya with now work (and arguably few people to rob )
  14. Good morning Repton, There is no annual reporting if you are staying inside Thailand. The only reporting to be done if you are staying in Thailand is to the police as per your Red police book which is like 5 years. For your resident permit, only if you go outside Thailand you must come back within Thailand with 365 days as per the last page of your Permanent Resident Permit and must have gotten your re-endorsement. If you are outside Thailand they are normally very strict and would loose the resident permit and would have to start again, but you might want to drop an email to the immigration office. I have a friend who has PR and was very late to come back due the covid situation and immigration was very lenient in his case. Hope it helps. Ant.
  15. For myself, i went thru the process of applying for the PR in December 2021, did the interview in April 2022 and finally received the approval of my PR in March 2023 and have collected it in early May as i had booked my family visit already. The amount of paperwork is quite substantial, but if you have a secretary and a HR person of your company helping you, you dont really need a firm or agent to help you. Imo, the HR person is more important, as many documents to support your application come from your work place, with which an outside agent can not help you with. And neither can they help with the document you have to get from overseas. Personally i have not received any request for money from the immigration officers other then the application fee and the final 95K once approved. Anyway, that was my experience. With kind regards, Ant.
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