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Hardcastle P

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Everything posted by Hardcastle P

  1. You have to ask why a qualified electrician would own a set of pliers that were not insulated .RIP.
  2. The talk of PCB let's not forget the components that will be on them . The same components the west and most of ghe world has placed sanctions on Russia from acquiring to produce audanance to use against Ukraine , sanctione busting.
  3. More importantly where are the RTP
  4. Send him back to Russia where his mafia tendencies would be appreciated especially on the Ukrain front line.
  5. No the customer is not always right,that's folly However you will never win an argument with a customer if you do they take their custom elsewhere.
  6. If they follow London as an example yes it a congestion charge for the central area not a pollution charge London has a pollution charge on top of the congestion charge where I believe EVs are exempt.
  7. Tyres brakes and lights should be checked before setting of every day by the driver.
  8. The phone has to be connected to the wifi in the store or connected over the phone network not easy for your average retiree .hell most delivery prople dont know how to use Google msps so this has little or no chance ever think before making disparaging statements. The retailer will be paying the charges and the banks will reap the rewards. Not forgetting the phone companies who will be charging for the connection. Draw cash out of a Mc no charge with cashless the bank banks charge they will not be operating it free.
  9. They made sure of that after the 2011 flood ,go to Rangdit and take a look at the bank of piles they installed on the south side of the conal there.
  10. Well he has hit the proverbial nail on the head but what's is he going to do about it as any changes require enforcing when you can't even get your RTP to enforce waring of crash helmets. Back to the drawing board chaps.
  11. Wrong my friend if he lives in the Philippines it is not frozen .
  12. Not strictly true live in the USA or the Philippines it's not frozen live in Canada or Thailand it is frozen
  13. What about the pound or euro it's not just the dollar.
  14. And what about tourism no one has mentioned the effects on that I notice.
  15. No breath test either,sounds like broen envelopes .
  16. If you do not sort out the exchange rate the only tourists will be ones attempting to evading conscription.
  17. Finally the penny drops Thailand is no longer the home of honey ,good value holidays. Put this on the top of the cost of air fairs and you can forget bumper numbers of tourists.
  18. Really,you can fool some of the people some of the all the people some of time but you can't fool all the people all the time
  19. Stable door horse gone. Who is going to impliment this,you cannot even persuade motorcyclist to use crash helmets so this has no chance has it.
  20. Ex = past ,spurt = Drip under pressure. Let's face the the military don't take orders from government they give orders to the government.
  21. Any other manufacturers allowing their bikes to make so much row would find their products banned . That's from an old old vello clubman rider.
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