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Everything posted by JGon

  1. Geographically Thailand is in a good position. Geo-politically... assuming all out Nuclear war... It is my belief that besides China being bomb to hell... I believe the following countries around the region would also get bombs (At least in their Capital Cities, if not many more).. obviously Japan/Australia/India, but also Taiwan, North korea, South Korea, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore... Obviously most of Europe, Rusia, a lot of the Middle East/Iran, and last but not least North America (US, Canada, Mexico). At this time I don't think Bangkok would get hit... unless over the coming years the government starts siding with one side or the other. Anyway... in a few hours billions would die... armageddon... so what about us here. At first you might be "ok" but in the following days or weeks... If a nuclear winter is triggered most of us will die of famine over months. Remote Islands near the equator might be our best bet if that happens. Depending on the season... Wet season would keep most of the fallout away since the winds come from the southwest. Dry season we are screwed... because the winds come from Vietnam/China, so all the radiation will contaminate everything here. Eventually scores of survivors escaping radiation and colder temperatures from the Nuclear fall out will move into what was Thailand and probably keep moving south. I say what was Thailand because I believe in a scenario like that anarchy will rule, everyman for himself... basically it will be hell on Earth for the vast majority of the population.
  2. My house has insulation, so even if is... lets' say 22C outside... inside it might be 26C. Once it reaches 25C the AC will attempt to stay there. If it gets colder, it shuts off even though it's technically on. I had on on early morning hours when it was 15-16C outside. But it wasn't throwing any air. This is not the old on/off AC from decades ago.
  3. Not sure why... but in the land of agents or I know someone... anything is possible. But the thing about electricity is that is all numbers. The appliances spend a set amount... the meter reads a certain amount... and that certain amount cost X amount. So, they might think it easy to scam but in reality, is not… if you pay attention and do some quick math you will know if something is wrong.
  4. Chemically treated?! LOL The way an AC inverter works is the air is drawn into the unit through a filter. This filter captures particles from the air, such as dust, pollen, and other allergens. Mine has a HEPA filter, plus there’s another filter in the room keeping the PM 2.5 in the single digits… compared to the triple digits reading outside… especially now in the “burning” season. Anyway… then the air moves over the evaporator coils. These coils are filled with refrigerant, which absorbs heat from the air as it changes from a liquid to a gas. This process cools the air down. The refrigerant is then pumped outside the room via lines to the condenser coils, (The other part of the split unit AC… easy to see with the big fan) that’s where it releases the absorbed heat and changes back into a liquid. There are no chemicals being release anywhere lol It the same air inside room being circulated through a very cold evaporators coils or air conditioning 😁 But to answer your question yes I do go outside... it's just that my A/C keep running. It's an inverter with a very high SEER (Efficiency) that's why my electric bill remains relatively low despite high usage.
  5. Since you are hell bent on not using a discrete graphics card... and with 4 monitors you are in need of graphics... Why not get the biggest i-GPU in the market? That's the AMD Ryzen 7 8700G It has the best iGPU performance on the market, it's TDP is only 65 Watts meaning is so much more efficient and easier to cool than Intel. For the past half a decade AMD has surpass Intel is a lot of areas. While this chip in particular has 8 big core (compared to 6 big cores and 8 little cores on the 13600K)... it's way more efficient because it uses TSMC N5 node (5nm vs 10nm Intel). For Thailand, heat is the enemy.
  6. I run my AC's 24/7 at 25C (Except the few nights were the temperatures dropped below 20C or maintenance). Then the usual (Many Fans/TV/Microwave/ Electric Water Heaters/Hairdryer etc..) My bill is usually 2,000-3,000 baht a month. Electricity usage is one of those things that is basically math. Once you know your unit price, then it's all about how much each appliance uses. BTW- AC are not the most consuming items in your home... if they mean over time, yes (like me that pretty much use them 24/7) But here are some typical wattages of home appliances: Electric Water Heaters: 3,000-5,000 watts Range/Oven: 2,000-5,000 watts Clothes Dryer (Electric): 2,000-5,000 watts Split unit Air Conditioner: 900-1,200 watts (12,000 BTU) Window Air Conditioner: 500-1,500 watts Clothes Washer: 500-1,000 watts Dishwasher: 1,200-1,500 watts (excluding heating water) Refrigerator: 100-800 watts Microwave Oven: 600-1,200 watts Vacuum Cleaner: 500-1,500 watts Television (LCD/LED): 50-150 watts Desktop Computer and Monitor: 100-800 watts Laptop Computer: 50-100 watts Ceiling Fan: 15-90 watts Coffee Maker: 600-1,200 watts Toaster: 800-1,500 watts Hair Dryer: 800-1,800 watts Iron: 1,000-1,800 watts Blender: 300-1,000 watts But to contribute to the topic... it's simple. Your condo management is somehow "adjusting" consumption for all tenants.
  7. The fires intensify in Cambodia... a few more spring up in Laos as well. Last year I bought myself an air purifier. Best product I bought all year.
  8. You just have to look where are the winds coming from... and right now the winds are from the East. In other words... Cambodia... and there are a lot of fires there. There's nothing you, the government, or anyone can do to stop this... You are at the mercy of the winds.
  9. There's absolutely nothing that the government of Thailand or any ASEAN country could do about air pollution this time of the year. It's the dry season, farmers have ingrained in their minds that they must burn the remnants of their old crops and everyone drives their diesel pickups and trucks everywhere. Even if by some miracle Thailand could stop all the burning tomorrow... it wouldn't change a thing! Because all the surrounding countries do the same thing or worse. This time of the year the winds usually come from Laos and China... and guess what?... They won't stop burning or using diesel vehicles... so the only thing you can do is deal with it (I usually travel away until the winds change and the rains come back).
  10. Contrary to what must people believe… one of the first exposure to the “outside world” comes from your gut (Not the skin). The skin is a barrier, the gut lining is naturally permeable to allow for the absorption of nutrients. As you continue consuming high amounts of refined sugars, gluten, and processed foods that gut lining gets damaged but it heals itself repeatedly… until one day… it just can’t heal itself anymore and you will get an inflammatory response with increased permeability or what some call a “leaky gut”. So now your small intestine becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, toxic waste products, and bacteria to "leak" through the intestines and flood the bloodstream. In the case of leaky gut, the openings become too large and permit the entry of harmful substances, potentially leading to various health issues. When your immune system sees these complex compounds inside you, it will fight them. You have just developed an allergic reaction to a new substance. Now you are allergic to wheat, or anything with gluten, or nuts… you name it. You get inflammation, allergies, rashes... all because your immune system is fighting what it perceives as a threat. Heal that “leaky gut” and you will see the reactions and allergies go away. And the only way to heal it is through a proper diet.
  11. To be expected as we are in the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) weather pattern... During the warm phase (El Niño) waters in the Eastern Pacific warms up as the trade winds die down... changing the weather patterns across the globe. For SE Asia the consequences are less rains and increased temperatures. Once the patterns switch to a neutral or cool phase (La Niña) then the opposite happens.
  12. Centrum are among the worse synthetic multivitamins. If you are going to buy vitamins buy real vitamins (not synthetic). I used to have runny nose, seasonal allergies, spots in the skin (Tinea versicolor), was mildly overweight (1.83M, 100 kg), bordering in high blood pressure (140/90). The cure? I did a carnivore diet for a few months (there’s not a better isolation diet) and I was astounded by the results. My allergies were gone, my spots in the skin gone, lost 22 kg. My blood work was perfect, and the blood pressure was now 105/65. Healthwise, I’ve never felt so good in my life. After a few months I added some greens and kept the carbs at bay (Sort of like a Keto/Mediterranean ) But in a nutshell… we are what we eat. You eat a lot of processed foods, carbs, or fried food in “vegetable” oils and you will have problems eventually. You cut that stuff out and all you will see your health improved drastically. Processed foods are the leading cause of most diseases and poor health. It’s what keeping the medical and pharmaceutical industry employed. I think one of the biggest (if not the biggest) con job ever on humanity. Eat real food and you won't have problems. If the label has more than a few ingredients... you should not eat that... it's not natural.
  13. Sorry for the late reply (I don't monitor this forum too often). Anyway I was talking about the 787 a highly efficient large airplane and the fact that it still uses a lot of fuel (Contrary to your conspiracy theory of planes not using much fuel). But let's talk about the A380 then... the biggest commercial passenger jet of all time. https://web.archive.org/web/20180711235126/https://www.airbus.com/content/dam/corporate-topics/publications/backgrounders/techdata/aircraft_characteristics/Airbus-Commercial-Aircraft-AC-A380-Dec-2016.pdf From that source... depending on various factors, including the distance of the flight, expected weather conditions, weight of the cargo and passengers, and potential need for reserves in case of diversions or delays... an A380 burns on average about 12,000 to 14,000 liters (roughly 3,170 to 3,700 gallons) of fuel per hour while cruising. That's almost 25,000 lbs while cruising and much higher burn rates while taking off. So doing the math it states that in optimal conditions a fully fuel A380 could do 20+ hours. Obviously for safety reasons they never approach those limits. But that's were half a million plus pounds of jet fuel go. If you see the source document the A380 stores all that fuel mostly on its wings inside many tanks. Additionally, to control the plane's center of gravity some fuel gets stored in the horizontal stabilizer at the rear of the aircraft... in what they're called trim tanks. Even further... some models stored fuel in the center fuselage. It's a complex system, and it's designed to keep the center of gravity were it should be. (There a You Tube video below that explains it as well) Finally how do you fill such a behemoth with fuel... well it's simple. The terminals that service these aircraft have underground hydrant systems. That's why you see big storage tanks in the airport. (See the attached pictures) They simply connect the hoses from the ground (underground piping) using a truck. Sometimes they use tank trucks if they want to use bio fuel. Anyway instead of listening to daft people in the internet... use your head, read reputable sources (like the source I posted)... do the math, look at how an A380 gets fueled. Then you can believe what you can believe. Heck you can even check You Tube.
  14. If my non assessable income turn out to be assessable... I would be in a tax rate of 30% (after being tax by my home country as well). That is something I'm not willing to accept and would bounce at 178 days.
  15. I'm in this not assessable income boat (based on my country's DTA/ Government's pension). Logic tells me that I still need to get a TIN and file next year and let them "certify" my non assessable income. Otherwise (I think) eventually there could be issues at immigration when you try to renew your Visa. But this is Thailand after all so nothing surprises me.
  16. This is pretty simple... yet unresolvable. Why? Because right now we are in what is called the "Northeast Monsoon" season... which means the winds come from the Northeast (Isan, Laos, China). So... I live here in Isan and everyone burns wood, trash, leaves, whatever they just burn it. In Laos is worse... in China is actually smog... so unless Thai police go out and stop people from burning... it will not stop. And even if they manage to do it... they can't stop Laotians from doing it. So suck it up (I have air purifiers inside my house... it helps). Wait until April-May when the Southwest Monsoon returns the winds come from the Indian Ocean clearing things up.
  17. Huh?! Even a Boeing 787 (Which is considered a highly efficient jet liner) uses on average around 50 liters of fuel a minute. In a long-haul flight on average the 787 would consume between 22,000 to 25,000 kilograms of fuel. The jet engine compresses atmosphere air once it enters... but that doesn't mean it runs on compressed air. It needs fuel to create the combustion... the more air... the more fuel you will need... and in result you will get the thrust as high-energy exhaust is expelled out the back of the engine. If you don't have tons (literally) of fuel... you don't go anywhere.
  18. No, they do not offer ME Non O based on a child. I've have tried... but I get told only single entry Visa. Like you I'm under 50 so there are not that many options.
  19. Yes, most definitely... what has been seen cannot be unseen ... I wonder if she was cute...would she get arrested?
  20. A lot of people need to do a little research on China... China as we used to know it (The manufacturing giant of the late 1990-2013) is no more. China peak a decade ago... Their military is peaking now but as other issues pushes them (debt, employment, foreign exodus, aging population, and most importantly the huge bubble they created by overbuilding) is in rapid decline. Do you guys know that there is enough houses in China to hold their entire population 2 times over?! That's 3 billion homes. Entire ghost towns built to try to inflate the GDP, and keep things going. Those houses are paid for by the Chinese people at prices that are probably 10 times more than what the actual property values should be. Huge indebtedness by the entire country, a huge bubble, a catastrophe. China actual population and actual GDP is lower than is advertise because the CCP was basically trying to "save face" in front of the World. They're still the 2nd largest economy but much closer to Germany, Japan than it is to the US because they have been inflating their numbers since 2008. In the coming years this will be very evident...
  21. What you’re describing is the end of Globalization. Every country for the most part will eventually take care of themselves. For Globalization to be successful it needs people. Fewer people and it’s not sustainable. What will happen is that developing countries that didn’t rise out of poverty in the era of Globalization won’t have access to the larger markets or foreign investments. Life will be much tougher and they will try to migrate to “better pastures”. Forget about International Markets. The way companies and countries expand their markets by going beyond National borders will be drastically reduced. So, businesses won’t be able to increase their customer base... and most importantly the competition among companies in a Global scale that drive innovation will be reduced. Everything for the most part will be produced in country, and it will be more expensive. Forget about cheaper products because that pool of cheaper materials or labor is gone. There will be winners in an era post Globalization. The US for example… It just has too many advantages (Both Geography and society wise). It has Oil independence, food is not a problem, the population is not too old, and it’s a vast country that could still spark that competition among companies for the local market. The losers will be the countries that went “full retard” on Globalization. I for one welcome the change, but there are many, many losers in this population decline… end of Globalization future era.
  22. In the early 80s (Actually 1979) China drink the overpopulation kool aid and implemented that 1 child policy... Ask them how well that work out for them? I guess you can also ask Germany, Italy, South Korea, Russia, and throw in Thailand as well. The reality is the World we used to live in... is no more. All these countries with their median age in their 40s and 50s in 20 years who will take over?
  23. Ok I see... still the only way this would be feasible is if China is at war with the US and the Straits of Malacca are blocked. Shipping goods using trucks raises cost significantly (By more than a factor of 10) compared to large scale shipping. It's also has an impact on the environment as all those trucks move around. Traffic will be an issue as well and worst of all is a huge bottle neck on the goods increasing delays as it moves from ships to land and back to ships on the other side. Rail while increasing efficiency still is no as efficient as ships and it has the similar drawbacks to trucking. Huge waste of resources, money, and effort for very little (if any) benefits.
  24. This makes zero sense to me. First look at the topography of that area. The only area "feasible" (as in it would cost less) is where I put the red line. You are still cutting through 200 meter elevation of soil. Any other area you're cutting through Mountains! The canal would be roughly 70 km long. I highly doubt that would cost 28 Billion USD. Second... all this work for what?! To save a few hundred kilometers? Both the Panama Canal and Suez save thousands of kilometers (Weeks) from voyages. This Thailand proposal would be as long as the Panama Canal, but it doesn't have a lake in the middle which means even more digging and cost. This will never happen!
  25. So if someone give my 50kg GSD 7,500mg of Paracetamol he will die?! <deleted>... I think I would too... that's 15 500mg pills
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