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Everything posted by Marco51

  1. the Shinawatra agenda is the main imperative .................who knows what deals the "honourable prisoner" has already made in the background before mounting the private jet. Does anyone believe Srettha really runs the show or that simply because the military is taking a step back there is democracy here , out of the blue and for everybody? Ah yes, and by 2030 Thailand and all Thais will be in the middle class income bracket. And higher and new unpredictable taxes will lure investors. What are you dreaming at night? If you believe that you also believe that some benign being will pay for the crypto wallett and that the general economy will profit from it. 5555555555555555555555
  2. Who do you think came up with he idea of the 10K Crypto Baht scam present, of hence clearing the way for the new "foreign income taxing system" that will neccessarily have loads of loopholes for certain people and "situations" and do we all remember the type of press freedom this "democratically minded saviour of the peoples will" had in mind , he who basically owned and controlled the media byuing independant news channels (promising 1 thing, keeping another) and owning satelites , his little "stop signs" when a question was unpleasant , some dealings with Temasec , his monopolies on mobile phones for many years that kept prices beyond anything elsewhere until, if I remeber correctly Ericson put a stop to it, etc etc p.p........... Wait for all the new brilliant ideas he will , sorry, the real estate fall guy, will come up with in the near future, they will cost every Thai dearly but us farang who have always seen through him much much more.
  3. Asians only ? Maybe the family clan structure is greater here but have you lately had a look at the US, Can, some EU countires , where clan structure is not so much defined by last names but by generations of party loyalists and old rope teams .................
  4. ....if the taxi driver is daft enough to shoot at tourists he is also too stupid to carry brown envelopes, so he will be caught..............
  5. ...after they let the "free press" of Thai Rath and consorts trample through and make photos with and without the leading eye of the lore............
  6. Russia doesn't require skills, for those Putain calls Xingpingdick to send him some.......and please pick up some ammo on the way in north Korea, we ran out.
  7. including Netanyoohoo................using israeli software like China and other totalitarian regimes................
  8. Denying a 2state solution from the start or a peaceful together of palestinians and jews as a united country, stealing other peoples' land and life has given rise to hamas and similar organisations (they did not exist before Israel started the Stern Group terror and did not either until it was obvious the 2state solution was a scam), maybe shooting and arresting stone throwing children against tanks and trigger happy brooklyn jews has slightly increased the anger of people that had lived there for thousands of years before the zionists, just as the cia coup against an elected governement support for a murderous shah has given rise to equally murderous mullahs that now support eejits like hamas against eejits like N. . Maybe history is just another alternative fact, right? And maybe killling their own 2state solution politicians was not the greatest idea ........at least Netanyoohoo can now follow through easily on his fascist agenda and turn Israel from democracy to a jewliban state. My alternative fact would be : Netanthingummie knew this would happen and let it, so he could cling on to power and not go to jail for corruption. As good as any explanation, ey?!
  9. Quite so. Even Bhutan's 250$/day is not a tax but has to be brought into country and can be spent. Burma used to have something similar a while ago. In Bhutan's case it is to make sure a very poor country with extremely limited resources and a unique culture so far unworried by McDonalds and Amazon bike riding hooligans is not flooded by mass zero $ tourism. Makes a certain sense looking at Phuke It today. But no worries, JingPingDick has already marked it for always having been China since time immemorial. Once Taiwan is bombed to pieces......
  10. It's as vague as before and addresses nothing. The main questions remain : - what is considered income ? As the word says in coming money even when in possession long ago or money earned? What about inheritance or monetary gifts ? Example Germany does not tax anything below 40000 Euros = appr. 1.5 Million THB as gift or 400k Euro = 15 Million inheritance. - is receiving money from a savings account abroad considered income ? After all in almost all cases this has been saved from already taxed income. And interest on savings accounts abroad has already also been taxed with anything from 10 % up to countries like Germany even 26.5%. - are pensions for people retiring here taxed ? Again after all in most countries abroad these are monies that have been both taxed and saved in some government scheme many years or decades earlier. If so , starting from what amount? Again after all this includes in most EU countries free healthcare. So as this does not include healthcare here and , example myself, pay 100.000 THB for health insurance p.a. what do I expect? - if I hold savings from my working here in Thailand in a Thai account that pays a fantastic interest of around 0.75% and I am not so happy about that and take said savings to , example, New Zealand, where I receive 4.5% interest which is taxed in New Zealand with 10% already.....do I have to tax this again in Thailand if I bring it back and do I have to tax my own savings from said account if I bring it back to Thailand where it started out from? - if I inherit money in a country that has either no tax on it or it has been taxed already, is this then considered taxable income again in Thailand? - How and where is all this implemented : at the bank on receiving the funds or via the yearly tax declaration? - Who works these tax declarations and for foreigners will there be an at least English language explanation and form sheet or do we have to employ tax lawyers and accountants as retirees and translation services at high extra costs? - does in future every retiree have to file a tax declaration, no matter what? - will for people with year visas their compulsory amounts of400k resp. 800k THB in a local bank account be considered taxable ? - will deductibles take into account that foreigners are expected to a more expensive lifestyle so their compulsory retirement reserve is 800thousand, and then the foreign style cost of living should be appropriate amounts . Or will suddenly be expected 800thousand to be a kind of license to exist here and foreigners expected to live off 25000 Baht p.m. which are then deductible? It would be very much appreciated if these questions could be addressed , preferably in a language a non tax lawyer understands. And no, I am not holding my breath, I had put up these questions before and received no reply.
  11. Not if at the same time the consumption of Chang and Singha deteriorates .....and the pressure of their equally "conservative, unelected" contemporaries next door in Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Indonesia, Burma, etc. are up the trees raving against it as their youth are rather quietly demanding same. After all this government is all about business first at whatever cost. And actually regulating and detailing a new law is un-Thai, that would mean committing and not leaving things to interpretation, so even the plod are loosing out. So no, it isn't that simple......................yes, could be.
  12. This would be the first government and bunch of politicians that are actually interested in who they so frequently quote "the people of this country (put in country of your choice)....". Politicians live on a different planet than the rest of "the people" , have their own interest at heart and mind and even if they waste a rare thought on the wellbeing of "the people...." they almost always get it wrong. When you and I say we have no money, we mean we have no money. When they say that , they simply forgot to go to the ATM which has been filled by "the people". Taxes are neccessary, also for the peoples' public service if there is any that deserves the name, but the major tax revenue of almost all governments is not from the corporates and superrich but from "the people" who work their arses off , the middle class and small businesses who cannot dodge and in case some politician decides to hand out an election promise is always first of all gathered again right there. Often called equalisation, meaning they will shave everybody except themselves and their buddies the same way. So remember : public service is paid by the majority and belongs to them, the rich do not contribute or if, then disproportionately, neither do the corporates, part of their job description is "avoid taxes at any cost, create more shareholder value". This not even calculating that a majority of revenue is thrown out the window, gets into pockets that have not raised a finger to earn it or or or......rarely into public services except a blown out of proportion bureaucratic apparatus. Anyone ever watched "Yes, Minister" on BBC years ago? This is not a Thai invention, ladies and gentlemen, they are sofar not even good at it. To make it short, find out details (which they themselves have not thought through yet, I am sure) , find out which part -not which rumour- really concerns you, definitely find out how this will be implemented (via your yearly tax declaration if you file one) or deducted directly by your local bank as is the 10% on the massive interest on your savings accounts. If they actually do tax pensions and deduct : RUN FAST! I wonder if they also want a share in the 400- or 800thousand in accounts for visas or are Thai savings accounts exempt? After all they do not gather interest . And last not least : yes , very much so : this is not in the first place targeting us Farang who have been living here for decades, employing people, paying taxes and envelopes , spending all their income here on sometimes things we would have for free "at home" e.g. education of our kids, but this is aimed at everybody , at least the less cash endowed and the hard working who have a few bucks stashed away abroad although officially it looks as if it targets rich people with income from real estate, companies, accounts abroad. Poppycock, if you have tons of printed paper you can put it in places and call it foundations or other fantastic names and become a cash card carrier with no limit or even have everything run via the company here. The guys with the glue on their seats will see to it your interest is the interest of "the people" .
  13. as the old Thai proverb goes "guilty until the envelope is filled"
  14. T I T......do first, think later, boast big time, blame everybody else.........no problem, can drive......ooops , that was the accelerator and the reverse gear? Who would have thought . That was the manual I threw out yesterday? What could have been one of the most progressive ideas despite the initiator now falls on your feet for starting to build the house starting with the roof . 180 degrees turn. 5555555555...................or could there be some brewery and destillery whispers in the background ? On y soit qui mal y pense or some such.
  15. Quite! Thaksin flew with his jet (as long as the poor old man was not so sick yet) to a birthday bash with his good dictator buddy Hun Sen and family owned Cambodia and seeing that, probably gave him the idea again of reintroducing the old Shinawatra "dear leadership". What's next ? Does he still have his little stop sign to show to journalists when he considers enough annoying free speech? Or has he already handed that over to the unelected Prime Suspect, you know the one whose constant glued on grin makes one believe he likes people more than real estate? It will cost the Thais dearly although his propaganda will do the OTOP-job again .....thousands of basket weaving villages. A very sinister thinking person could actually believe this whole election carnival was a plot between the uniformed "..." and the money to definitely exclude anyone who really gets elected to change things. Aaah, what fun. Feels like ancient Rome, the patricians take it all.
  16. Apart from this being one of the most wide spread activity in Thailand or how does one explain the amount of curtain hotels (in my residential neighbourhood inside ca. 3km I guess 10plus) that very few farang have ever heard of, the "number" bars and "restaurants at the sides of highways and country roads, the no hands karaoke and restaurants, etc etc etc....All of these appear to be quite lucrative and frequented. God forbid, a more sophisticated escort service would pop up , shame the hep2three4 cucumber troop and not pay taxes on fun and games...............make the blxxdy <deleted> legal, cut out the middle men, welcome to the 21st century.
  17. The aim is to cram even more seats into cattle class and leave more room for 1st with shower and bed......, after all who needs to have more than his arse width to sit for 12 hours or more. And of course to charge overweight passengers up to double the ticket price. If you have ever sat next to an obese person in these "modern" slimmed planes in cattle class you know what I mean and there is a certain sense in that. Nevertheless the outcry will be enormous and die down as all outcries do. In the end it will "only" concern a minority and who "gives a shxx" anyway, thinking is overrated.............By the way: define fascism, just for yourself. Where does it start, where does it end? Who and what creates the periphery? As Marie Antoinette is supposed to have said : if they don't have bread, let them eat cake for heaven's sake.........a short while later........well......
  18. ......more brown envelopes. Have to make up for some from Kamnans , which will be lost...............
  19. "Please someone help these people find out who they are, they seem to have lost their mind. Anyone know them? "
  20. As expected. This is not uniquely Thai ......steal 100 $ and get a long jailterm, steal 100 million and get a post in government finance . Money is just printed paper and even that is out of date, it is now just a button push on a computer and only keeps value as long as we all believe in it.
  21. be careful, just mentioning someone rich with a good lawyer in Thailand can become very expensive, especially when true . We must all believe we do not know where he is and do not care as he has become strictly neutral and apolitical, a nice and simple grandfather, very very sick too, likely from all that 5star life in Whatthe<deleted>istan, really does it to one's heart and blood pressure.......the constant CousCous, the private planing around, the regular visits from friends and clients, what a stress. So, shut up, otherwise he will hold up the little Stop sign again, and then my friend.......don't say you were not warned..........
  22. Cambodia, Hungary ....etc. If 1 or so people own the place who needs laws except for the riffraff?
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