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Everything posted by Marco51

  1. What? No more "selling Thailand by the pound"...to triads and evil emperors by Thailand's self declared 1st salesman? He must have a cramp from grinning broadly all the time, grit your teeth for a change, the end of real estate sales is near.....
  2. I absolutely agree. There is so much more fun and eroticism with the howling, drunk to the hilts, aggressive, brawling, drooling, blubbering and testosterone driven male hordes in shorts, underwear, socks and sandals stumbling over and shoving each otherlike silly school boys from gogo bar to gogo bar . On a less serious note : the "stuff' on sale everywhere, not just Thighland, has nothing to do with what was called grass in the 70s to the 90s . "Stinks" is really what comes to mind and the power of the <deleted> is beyond the effects of black afghan or red lebanese of the 80s , just much less pleasant unless this is the mindset of the new millenium, might well be when looking around and thank you very much. Give them a little finger and off comes the arm.
  3. Thank you, the 1st relatively clear and complete explanation despite asking "tax experts", paranoid, panicking and fake news informed expats and of course Thai tax accountants :-))
  4. oh, really? Somewhere on the road where she has to depend on help from whoever comes along?.....................this is not the Thailand of the 80s/90s but Thailandistan of the 2020s after the chinese plague and during the next maoist invasion, putting everyone on economic and emotional edge .....not unlike the rest of the world.
  5. the THai educational system only requires students to attend and repeat what teacher says, then accept diploma and frame it and go get foto with robe, framed diploma and family in front of reputable university front....................not being able to think and count gets you a job with government or public service including the cucumber troop....congratulations, you are then entitled to little brown envelopes
  6. What do you mean? Pattaya, parts of Bangkok, Phukeit and definately Chiang Mai are already a Disneyland, Chinese style " we are playing THai culture..." and there is no sex, not allowed...............if there is, don't say it, the fundamenrtalist blind people need to pray and .........ach, whatever. Get real people and quit repressing free speech, free ideas and free lifestyle......sex is not wrong in case you think so, and even living off it is not as long as rules of human rights are regarded. Aaah, what was that again? No, nothing to do with little brown envelopes......and one cannot eat it either.....
  7. maybe extending Songkran to 12 months without closing time . Additional revenue from tourism will be 1000 %, guaranteed, TAT has calculated already, signed off by the PM. And send in the chinese police when brawls do occur.
  8. ......and then there is this urge of government(s) to sneakily push for online banking and crypto currency of some sort, tax reforms (in the name of "fairness"...for who?) desperate for extra money. Covered up by crypto wallet schemes trying to dupe the average Sombat into thinking this a present (since when is a loan financed, tax paid feature a present?), when actually this is supposed to convince him/her of the "convenience of a cashless society" (convenience for governments and revenue departments to keep a constant hold over your money via AI, (remember : cash is yours and yours alone, also to know how many bills you have in your pocket) suddenly arising fees for paying bills at bank counter rather than online , a complete and thorough grip on bank accounts for transparency and taxation and a glass citizen overall. The argument "income from abroad has never been taxed" is B.S. Wealthy people keep their wealth and money where the return is good , don't need cash but have credit and always have means to have cash when needed , governments never argue with the rich. All this is targeted at Sombat and Bob and Naomi Average, the lower and middle class have always been and always will be the ones to finance governments and completely incompetent ....es. And now we wonder why the bigger part of the previously democratic world is turning back to authoritarianism, this Mr. and Mrs. Average are tired of fighting and believe a leader will do that for them......................oh, he will, but not as they think. Quite possibly in future we will all wear ankle bracelets because it is so much cheaper to control via AI every citizens move and thought than do their job, while they are throwing around all the requisited monies. This is a worldwide phenomenon, the local real estate PM is no exception just a special cheeky example, Germany for example has a complete nincompoop in charge, England a Goldman-<deleted> banker, etc......and the many Lord Voldemorts are hinding in the wings......on y soit qui mal y pense.......Cheers.
  9. And here I am believing this is the job of the plod, silly me, I forgot that after midnight they don't leave the constabulary , envelope time is only until 2400.
  10. I never thought, as a staunch Antifa all my life, that I would miss a military government. Is is meanwhile really the more democratic choice in the view of the bit by bit deteriorating society of the (un-)elected "democratic oligarchy of a 1family rule", CCTV and facial recognition, the secret test run of cashless society via a taxpayers' financing of a crypto wallet for everyone, the new banking and taxation laws that allow government to see every penny one moves ( ...and despite all the comments, this is targeting not farang but the Thai middle classes themselves, never the rich, they know how to hide their assets "legally", no problem when assets are large enough) , new opening times for entertainment areas which are defined by owners of a monopoly alcohol production and/or large entertainment chains,definitely not sleep deprived working class or students, undisturbed by thought-through rules such as : sound insulation to protect the environment , no open air bars , drivers' alcohol controls by police after closing hours and not asking pubs to do this ...LOL, mergers of the already limited amount of mobile phone and internet giants, Huay Wei in 5G networks reporting back to the emperor , behind the curtains agreements between a dozen Asian nations lead around by the nose by China (...or else...) to develop new financial systems to look into everybody's wallet and savings in future and control it, the official introduction of Chinese police -inofficially they had been surveying their country fellows already and unlike the Farang Tourist Police , they will not bother with advisory jurisdictions but create facts and precedence- how long until the 1st clashes with the unloved Westerners and guess who will have the controlled positive media coverage, etc. pp.......why don't Thailand just join China as the latest satrapy and hand over Phuket as first installment. Hey, isn't Phuket a part of mainland China already anyway, after all it is only thousands of miles away from mainland and as Taiwan, Spratleys and other islands has always been Chinese. After all they also allow their occupied SipSongPanNa areas the independance of wearing their own costumes and posing for quaint pictures in front of their old culture for the Chinese Disneyland tourists . Dance people, look happy! There was an album a long time ago called Selling England by the Pound................love the title.
  11. <deleted>! There have been people who actually own a place , houses even. Why on earth wold they buy a house when in 20 years time it becomes city center and nightlife until the breweries have had their share. Your logic looks as if you have a share too......................flooded the grey cells , have we?
  12. There are dozens smack in the middle of residential areas in the Changpuak district with appartment blocks, small moo bans , even schools .....who don't give a xxxx because they know every call to the local post of xxxxx is a waste of time . "What is it? Where is it? Right around the corner from us you say? Well, I never saw that.....we'll send someone...." And most of them have live bands and open air venues that operate way past 2400 (where trying to watch TV or go to bed even before that time is raising one's blood pressure .....making money, that justifies everything . Or some infamous Footsall places with unbelievably loud speaker systems where during the village boys' "games" someone who believes himself a sports reporter screams and hollers until the roof rises and after the "games" some peepee girls do their karaoke and drum on whatever is available , the neighbourhood loves it and a call to those who are not in charge is useless. And all these are allowed to open until 4 ? When everybody knows full well that each and all venues will interpret themselves into a "designated area"....the envelopes tell them that will be so. And as usual after the initial start there are no troops around to check alcohol levels of <deleted> getting on their motorbikes or tuned up Coronas and race down the highway. The parking lot of the police stations tell a gruesome tale.....after the fact. All this to sell alcohol from the monopoly companies. But then again, the marionettes are not in charge and " the family's" estates are far away from being annoyed by the pleb's noise and hullaballoo. And then one wonders why the aggression in society increases in view of all these "...but they only want to make money...." ideas of an unelected government that always unstoppably fail to listen to "the people" they are so concerned about.
  13. Especially as little brown envelopes and a completely anarchistic attitude of people with and for money will ensure that zoning is interpreted by said "entrepreneurs"(as already with current closing times) ,schoolkids will be sleeping in school in the morning , workers will get their limbs torn off by machines from closed eyes and pensioners will die earlier of heart attacks and blood pressure. Not mentioning the extra portion of drunk driving, brawls and use of illegal guns , reving up of 2strokes after 4, the already increased aggressivity of frustrated and uneducated louts. Sorry, of course from 12 to 4 in the morning tourists will swarm out with their credit cards and wads of cash to throw around in open air karaokes, gogobars (if you haven't got 1 by 12 you don't want to wake up next to whatever you pick up later...) , live "music" chang promotion places, etc. Not talking about entertainment places s.a. discos that start at 11 , are built with walls and insulation, and have been doing this already with the help of said envelopes. Instead of making decent plans and developing the economy and country's production Papagallo comes up with Thaksinist harebrained schemes -early samples OFLOP or closing gas stations at 2200 to save gas- to be able to lay back and sell the rest of the country to China while everybody is out at 4 in the morning. Think you'll get the money for the other Thaksinista idea of the 10thousand Baht wallet together this way? All those "ideas" in general never find the sympathy of the people they are so concerned about, but what do "the people" know about what is good for them. And those people actually believed even the Buea Thai would be better than the cucumber troup reigning ............555, good one.
  14. Especially in the Tourist parts of Thailand, where the zoning and licensing for open air karaoke, live "music"LOL or discos and getting- pissed-on-chang- then-rev-up-the-2strokes smack in the middle of a residential area where people have lived and invested money in their houses for 30 years, may be 70 or 80 years old , possibly not all that well , depends only on the brown envelopes or their connections to the local admin. After all they make money, what else is important ? Soooo much fun to hop up and down in bed with the vibration of the incompetently played bass and bass drum while some peepeegirl is screeching disharmony. Ah yes, my apologies, we should grow up to your age (what was that again ?15?16? you egotistical eejit) and enjoy our 2 or 3 hours sleep or simply take the rai plus house , put it on a truck and dump it somewhere civilised .
  15. .....never come back airlines ................
  16. the Shinawatra agenda is the main imperative .................who knows what deals the "honourable prisoner" has already made in the background before mounting the private jet. Does anyone believe Srettha really runs the show or that simply because the military is taking a step back there is democracy here , out of the blue and for everybody? Ah yes, and by 2030 Thailand and all Thais will be in the middle class income bracket. And higher and new unpredictable taxes will lure investors. What are you dreaming at night? If you believe that you also believe that some benign being will pay for the crypto wallett and that the general economy will profit from it. 5555555555555555555555
  17. Who do you think came up with he idea of the 10K Crypto Baht scam present, of hence clearing the way for the new "foreign income taxing system" that will neccessarily have loads of loopholes for certain people and "situations" and do we all remember the type of press freedom this "democratically minded saviour of the peoples will" had in mind , he who basically owned and controlled the media byuing independant news channels (promising 1 thing, keeping another) and owning satelites , his little "stop signs" when a question was unpleasant , some dealings with Temasec , his monopolies on mobile phones for many years that kept prices beyond anything elsewhere until, if I remeber correctly Ericson put a stop to it, etc etc p.p........... Wait for all the new brilliant ideas he will , sorry, the real estate fall guy, will come up with in the near future, they will cost every Thai dearly but us farang who have always seen through him much much more.
  18. Asians only ? Maybe the family clan structure is greater here but have you lately had a look at the US, Can, some EU countires , where clan structure is not so much defined by last names but by generations of party loyalists and old rope teams .................
  19. ....if the taxi driver is daft enough to shoot at tourists he is also too stupid to carry brown envelopes, so he will be caught..............
  20. ...after they let the "free press" of Thai Rath and consorts trample through and make photos with and without the leading eye of the lore............
  21. Russia doesn't require skills, for those Putain calls Xingpingdick to send him some.......and please pick up some ammo on the way in north Korea, we ran out.
  22. including Netanyoohoo................using israeli software like China and other totalitarian regimes................
  23. Denying a 2state solution from the start or a peaceful together of palestinians and jews as a united country, stealing other peoples' land and life has given rise to hamas and similar organisations (they did not exist before Israel started the Stern Group terror and did not either until it was obvious the 2state solution was a scam), maybe shooting and arresting stone throwing children against tanks and trigger happy brooklyn jews has slightly increased the anger of people that had lived there for thousands of years before the zionists, just as the cia coup against an elected governement support for a murderous shah has given rise to equally murderous mullahs that now support eejits like hamas against eejits like N. . Maybe history is just another alternative fact, right? And maybe killling their own 2state solution politicians was not the greatest idea ........at least Netanyoohoo can now follow through easily on his fascist agenda and turn Israel from democracy to a jewliban state. My alternative fact would be : Netanthingummie knew this would happen and let it, so he could cling on to power and not go to jail for corruption. As good as any explanation, ey?!
  24. Quite so. Even Bhutan's 250$/day is not a tax but has to be brought into country and can be spent. Burma used to have something similar a while ago. In Bhutan's case it is to make sure a very poor country with extremely limited resources and a unique culture so far unworried by McDonalds and Amazon bike riding hooligans is not flooded by mass zero $ tourism. Makes a certain sense looking at Phuke It today. But no worries, JingPingDick has already marked it for always having been China since time immemorial. Once Taiwan is bombed to pieces......
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