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Everything posted by Marco51
Doctor Reveals Concerning Symptoms in Thaksin's Condition
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Let's make this a precedent for all the prisoners that, very much like Thaksin, spend days and nights on the overcrowded floor with little or no medical care. -
Thaksin Slightly Better But Still Needs Oxygen, Room Cooled By Fans
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
aaah, again very much as predicted. Next step will be : too frail to be moved back to jail, house arrest at home with family. etc etc etc......possibly these steps take a while to make sure "his" party behaves and does not even talk about writing a democratic new constitution , touching the dinosaur swamp or or or.....guys, what did you expect? Democracy? Ooops, sorry, this is democracy, we stupid westerners simply do not understand the concept : freedom is not always freedom, social security is for whoever can pay and freedom of choice/speech / education /human right can be very different, after all even the CCP is elected....in a way... ..... my bad, I am spoiled , that's what over 70 years of silly western democracy does to one. -
Thailand just chose a prime minister. He’s not the one people voted for
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
You have been to Thai school for Maths ? Teacher says sky is black, class repeat ! -
there are no solutions, only problems..............Problem : years back there were rubbish bins along at least the canal in Chiang Mai. Solution : as long as new they were stolen, later nobody emptied them, even later they were found filthy and stinking in the corners, concrete rubbish bin boxes filled up with stinking food waste. Solution: big signs : no pets allowed anywhere and plastic bags, 1way bubbletea cups, caps and straws and styrofoam boxes with nice smelly food waste in every nook and cranny where motorbikes can drive along, around any type of footsall and karaoke , also right next to hotel and restaurant entries. Solution : no pet in restaurants or hotels, definately not beaches, they might let out a bark, they must be to blame. Especially the well taken care of ones on a leash. EXTERMINATE PEOPLE, LEAVE THE PLANET TO THE ANIMALS . Ever seen a dog who throws away a plastic bag with foul food in?
Beach beating: Thai transwomen assault foreigners in Pattaya
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Pattaya News
Leave them alone, they have to make a living too although compared to the gendering, politically correct and Letter-Coded whatnot in the west Thailand is surprisingly and pleasantly tolerant towards sexually different than the norm. You don't like it, walk away, nobody forces you. Or are you from the Bible Belt? Then of course I understand you believe it to be infectious by simple existence. In Europe this is called latent homosexuality, something that is traditionally especially widespread and illegal therefore in the middle east. -
Beach beating: Thai transwomen assault foreigners in Pattaya
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Pattaya News
Gesundheit ! -
Quite. Then the EC/CC subsidiary of Pere LaChaise will be told , sorry, decide to declare Pita guilty of whatever , successively his party will be asked to dissolve (or get executive help) , the Buea Thai will make their usual compromise s.a. general pardon for Thaksin, and voila : the outcome we have all expected anyway....the military and the geezer patrol is "saving the country again from itself" . If there is no bread, let them eat cake. Whoever has heard of such dumb things as peoples' rule or peoples' decisions......what next? Majority decisions like in the decadent west? Compromise even? Who sleeps at the wheel is not decisive, and who controls the purse strings and the social developments are well known. We must trust them, they have done it for almost 100 years. China will cheer, Hun Sen and the burmese slaughterhouse have no more grounds for worry of catching corona democratica, the students will not run around in violet hair and grown up clothes , the inactive plod will sigh a big sigh of relief , the TOT will be pacified and the fairy tale continues. Yippee. And Europe and the US will be outraged and declare that they cannot accept this while the tourist jets are already in the air and they are worried about more Trade agreements, then go back to their local cat fights. Written at Paris 4.5.1789
I am sure if we all keep speculating and making comments of the rather less intellectual kind we shall jointly get to the bottom of this . JfCh , people , get a life and be real. It's one of many criminal cases , top news today, completely different , small print back page story tomorrow. Until the next Oraf strangulates another possibly crooked real estate magnate....Samui, was it? A few hundred kilometers east or west dozens to hundreds of POOR people get killed for nothing every day, but for the greed and powerhungry juntas and some sadistic fun. Strangely that is rarely worth headlines . Have our priorities gone wrong somewhere?
Why you should never leave a negative hotel review in Thailand
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
or : Sorry, I would like to review aspects of (enter name of daft hotel here) restaurant, housekeeping, service , politeness, price cheating.... but I will not . I want to return to Thailand (a different hotel maybe ) and do not want to end up in jail for saying what I think and experience. By the way, exchange that maoist logo you have, mate , it used to stand for beautiful, unique but technically wanting automobiles, now it stands for fascist chinese copy of western and japanese technology and design and government financial support to flood the market and make up their own WTO rules. And : Free Tibet, free East Turkestan, Free Taiwan, Free Hongkong, open the concentration camps and free Chinese who think for themselves. -
Crackdown on Illegal Foreigners in Sukhumvit-Asok Area
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Bangkok News
I saw and admired that income niche for disabled persons already over 30 years ago when every trip to BGK provided me with enough cheap Camel shirts and Musicasettes(for those who remember that system of canned music)for the next 3 months until coming back again. Only the lately popped up idea of pretending to the world we can be like Singapore but cheaper has led to hundreds of poor people without income, the loss of the greatest noodle soups in Asia -in front of the old Thermae after 2 in the morning- and the easy supply of take along lunches for the workers and office staff up and down Sukhumvit. Ah yes, there was this wonderful and exiting silom night bazar , more fun than nearby Patpong ....and more value for money. And, as we are talking about those times, there was the page in the Bangkok Post called Nightowl, informing all of us about the mostly farang moving parts of Bangkok............when Nana Plaza was still to 80% a parking lot with a wonderful Lebanese restaurant ....and Lucky Luke's and great Satay at the entrance and the nut wallah . To repeat David Bowie "where are we now?"................Oh Nostalgia!!!!! -
US-China tensions: Biden calls Xi a dictator day after Beijing talks
Marco51 replied to Social Media's topic in World News
let me see................there is 1 party rule under a no-alternative-ideology and a nod-it-off sort of congress, there is a "dear leader" who rules both party and whatever else there is to decide plus the top commander of the complete gigantic armed forces, there has been unfriendly conquest and annexation of several previous neighbours, there is suppression of any type of differing ideas and religion, there are forced repatriation policies to exchange original ethnic population against own "race", there is superiority ideology for own "race", there are concentration camps for "re-education" of millions of the wrong thinking, there is sexual suppression of anything but the pre-defined "family values", there is government expropriation towards politically inconvenient or racially alien entrepreneurs, there is slave labour, there is blackmailing in foreign and commercial politics, there is massive threat against neighbours who follow other ideologies , there is the total admiration and brainwashing of the blown out of proportion armed forces with adjoining threat to anyone questioning the "devine" new order and race role, there is a redrawing of history and mapping of the whole hemisphere redefining international law, there is no rule of law and courts without legal representation, there is a 99 % conviction on all and any charge , there is a gigantic corrupt and brutal administration, etc etc etc...................ah yes, sorry, I was talking about Germany between 1933 and 1945 after which the whole world said : how could you not have seen this , how could you ignore this and how possibly could you have done massive business with "it" before it tried to eat you alive..........and choked on the try while putting the planet to ashes. Remember a bloke called Chamberlain? -
Bangkok Bank Changing your branch.
Marco51 replied to roger101's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
It is not the Bank per se but as everything here, "people in charge" make their own rules up as they go along and as they like you or have slept well....or often not....where 1 branch may service you and even possibly not request some rather idiotic paperwork for everyday transactions because you have been known personally for 30 years, the next larger branch may do exactly the opposite and insist on some "rules" you have never heard of. Your rule should be : keep only the visa and regular bills required money here, the rest somewhere safe, the interest rates are hilarious anyway and otherwise grit your teeth , swear or laugh out loud depending on your temperament at medieval bank practices or hours lost at queuing at 8 empty out of 10 counters........which also serves to get you to stay away and use online banking instead (at your own risk of course) in order to save another lot of clerk jobs. And lately this has even been argumentatively justified by increased safety ........which translates approximately like this : as the chinese triads are proving increasingly smarter than the Thai banking system and taking advantage but it is politically inconvenient to blame the Maoists, the farangs have to put up with new discomfort and suspicion for "equal treatment" reasons. And a government issued document such as a Thai driver's licence is not sufficient, carry (and possibly loose) your passport . To get back on the reality side, more paperwork does not make processes safer as the military introduced rule of registering an ID at the post office for sending a birthday card to a friend shows. First it is nobody's business who I am sending what to , as is who I am transferring money to at my bank, sender name and tel# should be enough - identifying senders makes every sender a potential miscreant and every petty transaction visible to anyone who has access to the computers (now who would that be all?) , extremely democratic- then 2nd. : who keeps me from holding a separate set of ID for these purposes in the case that I am indeed going to break the law? One would think that if this happens in a lucrative way, a triad boss will be quite capable of providing false passports . Money laundering ? Don't make me laugh. For curiosity's sake ask at UOB what it takes to open a bank account in Singapore UOB where the interest rates are 4-4.5% instead of 1.25 max. : under 250thousand $ US one must take the cash personally to Singapore(which is illegal by the way without declaring it at BKK and at SIN airports ) in order to maybe get accepted, from 250 K up simply fill out a transfer form and they will open an account for you, you do not have to go to SIN and spend several days without chewing gum or a cigarette. And just in case : people , this is all satirical, of course. -
.....and he also introduced an energy savings bill, gas stations would have to be closed at 22hundred until I think it was 5 in the morning. The result was an incredible amount of energy spent by truck drivers and others queuing up at all gas stations from 2100 to get their gas tanks filled before the hour of doom. Seeing that he made a booboo he quickly revised the law, so that highway gas stations were exempt so every pick up or sedan anywhere near a highway started queing up at highway gas stations after 2200. Seeing that he made a booboo , probably pointed out by a journalist when he forgot to hold up his Stop sign to them, he revised the complete law. As almost all laws here they are of the "do something quick version, think about function later type" with the following amendments "queuing " up or simply made to be so wishy washy as to be interpreted by anyone and his dog differently while the judiciary goes by the letter and never by the sense of the law because some of those senses are a bit difficult to understand....... lest one be military or have some other agenda in the back of the head. Many of these laws indeed exist , sprouting from the military and a time when paper&pen were the ultimate technology, foreigners were the exception and the belief in whole buildings for documents and copies of documents and copies of the latter were a guarantor for national security and the establishment's well being. So the 90 days revival by the military after one of the previous coups and the TM30 revival making it mandatory even for long term visa holders to report in and out if driving for a game of golf from Chiang Mai to Chiang Rai and staying, goddess forbid, overnight and paying with Credit Card. This law by the way is from 1972 written and installed by: surprise, the military. Did I mention that around the time of the last coup someone introduced the requirement for foreigners AND Thais alike to show and have registered an ID, passport or in this case possible: a Thai drivers' licence when sending out a letter, package or anything else by mail. Probably because finally the P. can now trace all the Ya Baa pills being sent by letter. Don't ever even think of any other motivation, on y soit qui mal y pense. Lately the banks are of a similar persuasion, albeit probably to convince the non-believers of the advantage to the banks and governments for a cashless society, that as a foreigner I cannot cash in my own cheques without a passport (Thai drivers licence is not enough) , a copy and another signature like that the computer has already approved of and being personally known at the branch for 20 plus years. A new regulation I came across last week was that additionally to this passport copy there is a print out to be signed stating that the signed passport copy is indeed a passport copy of my passport. Extremely useful especially for my account and the national security. Lying awake at night I sometimes fantasise that someone somewhere in government or affiliated tails has a paper company and a large construction company building all, the required spaces to keep these records. Then again I read that applicants of visas and other neccessary paperwork had to use the backs of other applicants' older copies of bank statements, passport copies or similar. Aaaah, I thought, here we go, they do recycling too now, congratulations. I will recommend this idea in Europe next time I go.......with an application form for a Re-Entry stamp on my long term visa. It all falls into place now, doesn't it?!......................Michael Ende, sorry, no, moi..............
20 years ago my daughter came for a visit and stopped in Phuket for a week to get some beach. She would never ever again travel to Phuket (or Samui, which is very similar in other aspects) . She cannot ride Motorcycle and a large part of her budget went up in exhaust fumes for red taxis charging 1to200 Baht per trip for the short trips from Hotel to beach or restaurant or in to Patong. Apart from all the other liberations of her hard earned Euros. The last time I had been in Phuket, around 35 plus years ago, it was a beautiful, friendly, a little backward island, price for a bungalow 2 km from Patong 500 Baht and empty beaches, friendly islanders, and only the beginnings of "investors". Ah yes, only a splatter of low class Europeans (although quite a few had run from their local plod and found Pattaya too competitive already) , no Russians on Vodka , running from Putain and definitely no evil empire C's trying to take over both the air bnb and the illegal businesses .
Phuket’s Crime-Free Project Nabs Over 1,000 Foreigners for Visa Overstay
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
They decided not to extend their visa or leave before they died, what criminal energy. Any Maoists within these ranks or may we not talk about those for fear of ambassador's reprimand ? Will the plod receive an extra chest ribbon for this extremely dangerous and patriotic action ? -
Phuket’s Crime-Free Project Nabs Over 1,000 Foreigners for Visa Overstay
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
???? -
Bangkok, a unique and charming chaos, has tried to become a 2nd Singapore for many decades and has made all the wrong decisions , as usual, in regard to what problems (if they are ) to attack first. Came up with removing the street stalls e.g.Sukhumvit and Silom, to central, rather invisible or badly accessible areas, whereas exactly that chaos was what made BGK so different and interesting, same for the fast food stalls whose Kuai Thiao was at times the best available plus the many stalls working class needed to pick up their meals on the way to the workplace. The gentrification of whole previously picturesque albeit a bit rundown areas , the filling in of canals where the last connecting boats would take one to the river and on to destination.....adventurous and very very much fun, having the plod in party areas only in small and mostly inactive movements, drug controls and urine sampling of everyone and everybody caught in nightlife spots, no more cigarettes in public places, etc. etc. The really important and not so obvious but thought through measures Singapore had taken a long time ago and long before the massive law and order thingummie was to fight corruption and Chinese style chaos and disorder everywhere and see to it everyone had acceptable housing and health care , examples : the signs in all taxis giving the name of the driver and the rules by which he keeps his licence , a complaint tel. line (no, the other end did not say "Thonglor police station, what can you do for me?" and the call for "no tipping" , sidewalks where one did not disappear in if one was busy watching the overhead signs and cables at 1.5 m, talking of which: electric and telefone cables are not the chaotic spaghetti that cause so much havoc in every sense. Aaah, I just remembered the time in the 80s when the metered taxis were introduced..........."velly solly sir, not working, meetah, where you go? I know very cheap place for diamonns, goverment, no cheating...." and you were taken from Nana Hotel via Silom and back via MBK to Sukhumvit to a shop where you spent at least 1 hour ..." So really, what has changed at the bottom line?
Myanmar junta says it will rethink relationship with Thailand
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
Dangerous man, next he will choose to give Uighurs and Tibetans refugee status and endanger all the piles of Baht coming from the evil empire. -
Cult in Isaan encourages women to worship vagina and penis statues
Marco51 replied to snoop1130's topic in Isaan News
As much as I enjoy some of the pubertarian remarks and do not understand the upset and pixelation of objects that are in temples (reminds one of the Yankees' nazi style book burning and forbidding pictures of Michelangelo's David......well, the local moral police also pixelates cigarettes and guns so we are spared from people seeing and using same, LOL....Maoist invention again? ) this is rather spread all over Asia and has it's origins indeed in Hinduism, specifically Shivaism, which is at the base of almost all religious culture in SEA countries. Historically from Pakistan and India to Sri Lanka, Sumatra, Java, Bali , Lombok until the Wallace line via what is now Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, southern Vietnam, as far as East Turkestan (no, this has never been China) , etc. have all been Hindu in 1 way or another . Hinduism has it's roots in the indoeuropean migration appr. 1800 BCE and can be regarded as the oldest continuous and once most spread religion on the planet. Thailand's writing system bases on Sanskrit, much of SEA culture such as dances, rituals , brimborium and costumes base on ancient India. And opposed to the evil empire's propaganda, India is the oldes known continuous civillisation on earth, so far , until we might dig up an older one yet, as happened so many times . After all until a short while ago the world was supposed to be 6thousand something years old only and all dinosaur bones a hoax of De Santis' opponents. All of us "superior civilisations " firmly believed in this and burned people who did not. So back to the lingam and yoni.......again the mentioned dinisaurs are afraid of sex....sex, not overpopulating the planet,that's fine, sex as natural fun .....yuk, all you hansum men.... -
Senators’ Bloc Against Voters’ Consensus Will Have A Price To Pay: Pita
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Thailand News
That was already the 2nd version the cucumber troop came up with after the 1st version was rejected by a popular referendum. The 2nd version was neither allowed to be read nor discussed nor written about , only tick yes/no after a massive campaign "for the good of the country"....'s self installed admin...I also remember that loads of fed up people took flowers to the army after this coup because the 3rd or 4th version Shinawatra really screwed things up , while General whatsisname (no more coups !) promised new elections within a short time............yeah, I know, uniforms regard time as much more relative than even Hawkins. And he kept his promise too, he did elect himself, hail to the chief. Seriously, this country I have been calling home for a very long time, has and always had all the potential and people and resources and connections required to make it the Asian success story 2nd only to Singapore....proven many times. BUT this functions only with democracy and freedom, since when ever has a military run a country properly without quickly screwing it up and resting on the uniformed pyramid with 1 at the top and all the rest below bearing the weight. -
Kiwi locked up in Thailand with no clothes, food or water
Marco51 replied to webfact's topic in Phuket News
Andyhole, got pissed already today or prayed to jesus? same same, different jurisdiction.