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Everything posted by Tonko

  1. May I ask how old you are? I'm 72 and hate being old. Single, never married, no kids. 70 was the traumatic milestone birthday. There's something about the number 70. Way different from 60. I would say -- without good health, you got nothing. To me, it's impossible to enjoy life if you have chronic pain, or a debilitating disease, or crippled by car accident, etc. Or incontinent and impotent from prostate cancer surgery, or severely impaired after massive stroke, or losing your mind with Alzheimers -- the list goes on, and only gets worse the older you get. GETTING OLD SUCKS!
  2. Interesting range of responses. My way of coping with loneliness is to do P4P in Pattaya. I am retired Asian-American sexpat, age 70. Yes, I am a dirty farang grandpa who pays for young pussy (which is getting goddamn expensive!) I am OK with living alone and dying alone -- as long as I can still boom-boom. No, I am not truly happy. I could die right now and it will not affect anyone's life. But I've made my peace with it. Some here have posted that it is "off topic" to discuss having a live-in girlfriend to ease loneliness. Really? For the celibate loners, I ask you this: You have a dick. Does it still work? Do you have boners waking in the morning? What do you do about it? Seems a shame to have a dick and not use it. Or maybe sex is not important to you in your old age? Don't you want to feel the touch of another human once in a while?
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