Isaan encompasses both cities and extremely rural farmland villages.
In the cities, you find all the hotties, with Uni educations and the like.
My experience is they are NOT AS DESPARATE as bar girls, rural farm girls and the like.
Just because you are a farang means little to nothing.
If you are overweight, unattractive and broke, well good luck with that.
Rural farm girls are usually from dead broke families.
If you are really diligent, you can pull a real diamond out of the rough (needle in the haystack) and there is a heck of a good chance, if you are good man and a good provider, she will take care of you forever with no grief what so ever.
If she has been to the city, former bargirl, knows the ropes, watch the hell out and think with your big head or you will get played.
As far as showing up in Isaan and thinking the stunners will line up to fall over you, forget that idea.
Money/security rules, even over all you Don Juanabe's!