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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. Bars in cities does not equal small town Isaan villages
  2. No idea where you are, and where you want to go. Use your brilliant Thai, which I am sure is not Isaan dialect, to see if you can communicate once you are on the ground, with a tuk tuk driver to get yourself from point A to point B If 300 baht per trip is going to break the bank, stay home for a couple more years until you can save enough money.
  3. Here is a thought? For your same question? How much is a tuk tuk? For 50 meters? For 1 kilometer? For 10 kilometers? Doesn't it really depend on where you are and exactly where you need to go? I hope this helps you out.
  4. I wouldn't give one thought to 300, 50 or 10 baht. I sure as heck wouldn't be worried about overspending or running out of money!
  5. You claim to speak Thai then have to ask how much a tuk tuk cost? You speak the Isaan dialect? Really?
  6. Have you been to Buriram lately because there are < 30's everywhere you look.
  7. If you have to worry about the costs for Tuk Tuk's anywhere?
  8. Well said! You obviously understand the realities of Isaan extremely well. The first paragraph is dead on.
  9. Post some photos as well so we will know you are telling the truth from all the BS.
  10. Says the person hunting and having to pay. Try not to disgrace yourself to much.
  11. Have you ever tried asking women in your country why they don't want to date you?
  12. Have you ever tried asking women in your country why they don't want to date you?
  13. Beautiful family, with all respect!
  14. Was that before or after the beers?
  15. How many members of TV are living a real lie?
  16. What is wrong with that? I have enjoyed it immensely. Family is family
  17. Aside of grape peeling, my wife still insists on cutting up my food anytime we go out to eat. I have to quietly shoo her away from this habit
  18. Speaking of Isaan girls? TV posted a story about a guy named My Mate Nate, who is going out with the daughter of a famous Thai billionaire. Another poster here married the love his life in Isaan 22 years ago, This must be the only group of folks in all of Thailand that get jealous and hateful if someone did/does better with wife/gf than they did? Why all the hatred and snide remarks towards other people's choices? I am sure if some lucky foreigner married Miss Thai Universe, that would be a boatload of hateful comments as well. They are some folks that just cannot accept others have done well for themselves in a relationship. Any idea why? Troubling mentality when folks have never even met and have no clue as to the story.
  19. Isaan is the proverbial needle in the haystack scenerio.
  20. Jealousy will get you no where
  21. There might be some truth to that in Pattaya at the Pageant
  22. Did you fall on your head? What in the world from that truthful comment makes you think I am bitter. That comment comes from being in Isaan for years and years and years and years Still married to the same stunner, sorry for you if you fit into the other category
  23. Isaan encompasses both cities and extremely rural farmland villages. In the cities, you find all the hotties, with Uni educations and the like. My experience is they are NOT AS DESPARATE as bar girls, rural farm girls and the like. Just because you are a farang means little to nothing. If you are overweight, unattractive and broke, well good luck with that. Rural farm girls are usually from dead broke families. If you are really diligent, you can pull a real diamond out of the rough (needle in the haystack) and there is a heck of a good chance, if you are good man and a good provider, she will take care of you forever with no grief what so ever. If she has been to the city, former bargirl, knows the ropes, watch the hell out and think with your big head or you will get played. As far as showing up in Isaan and thinking the stunners will line up to fall over you, forget that idea. Money/security rules, even over all you Don Juanabe's!
  24. Yes, agreed. Some real hot Uni girls there!
  25. Big cars use a lot more gas. Insurance Hard to park. Stop and go traffic If you buy new or used, you still have the issue to try to sell after 2 years which may not work out in your timeline? Can you write off your car as a tax expense? Maybe buying would help there. If you can prove reliable income and have cash down payment, many finance options for new cars at all dealers. Used car dealers, if you are not mechanically inclined, find someone that is, to go with you if you buy used, so you don't get ripped off. Lots of cars in Thailand with unseen problems from being in floods and other issues. Examine your driving route and times to and from work. You might find it a traffic nightmare you don't want to deal with. Out by the airport, lots of tolls to get out that way, more cost Although if you have already arrived in Thailand and cannot afford a car, you might want to think twice about adding any long term debt. Save your money until you have something to fall back on in the event the job evaporates for unknown illogical Thai reasons. Ask the people you are working with what is best? If they have cars, they should have answers. Having a car in the middle of the city and trying to find a place to park is a real drag.
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