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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. Everyone knows this except the person that gave the rankings!
  2. My wife told me when I die in Isaan (very rural), she will contact the temple and all arrangements for cremation will be made. No paperwork or anything else required.
  3. It hasn't changed anything the past 30+ years. Keeping the majority of the populice uneducated makes it easier to get away with corruption. Aside from the Thai's with a college education that work in the cities, the rest of rural Thailand is uneducated as it can get. My brother in law is a good example. Went to grade 4, dropped out of school to work in the fields. Cannot even read or write Thai.
  4. It hasn't changed anything the past 30+ years. Keeping the majority of the populice uneducated makes it easier to get away with corruption. Aside from the Thai's with a college education that work in the cities, the rest of rural Thailand is uneducated as it can get. My brother in law is a good example. Went to grade 4, dropped out of school to work in the fields. Cannot even read or write Thai.
  5. Uneducated Thai teachers will never be able to educate Thai students. The teachers here in Isaan at our local elementary school, none of them can speak 1 word of English.
  6. Busy as opposed to what? It is back to pre-covid levels?
  7. Here is the OPs reply I have just looked around tucom at the battered second hand laptops on offer. I have to agree, the used machines look pricey and they also look as though they suffered through a tornado. So what is obvious about Tuc Com? Sounds like you have no idea what you are talking about?
  8. As a Veteran who lives in the Philippines, you are generally entitled to the same VA benefits as those living in the United States. You can visit the VA Manila Regional Benefit Office and the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic for benefit assistance needs and for limited healthcare treatment for service connected conditions. The regional office and the outpatient clinic are located in the same building. The Manila benefits fact sheet provides a list of the healthcare services provided by the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic. This is not for Thailand! Veterans Living Overseas (va.gov) Also, For eligible Veterans living or traveling abroad, VA offers medical services through the Foreign Medical Program (FMP). Through this program, FMP will pay for health care services, medications, and durable medical equipment for service-connected conditions and conditions associated with and held to be aggravating a service-connected condition. VA may authorize foreign medical services for any condition if you are participating in the VA Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Title 38, U.S. Code, Chapter 31). Foreign Medical Program (FMP) - Community Care (va.gov)
  9. I love these posts about a "friend" that ramble on and on and on. It is amazing how many details about his life from age 65 to age 76 that you recall!
  10. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The afternoon setting sun (west) is the hottest. If you oriented the house so the corners are facing East and West, you would minimize the heat as much as practical
  11. You are 100% correct to be worried about the increase in premiums. The thing is you can increase the out of pocket deductible and shelve other non-essentials, however at your age 53 you are only at the tip of the iceberg. Cost will get much worse at age 60, 65, 70, 75 At age 70, the average premiums now are around US $400 to $500 a month, As the years roll on, insurance and everything else in the world will get more expensive. Image the cost of everything 17 years from now when you are 70? Food, gas, medical, electricity, you name it. The price of a major surgery or medical procedure 10 years from now may be through the roof? Good that you are planning. Sheryl can give the best medical premium advice on this forum.
  12. 1 pint/16 ounce Guiness in the US can be bought for 60 baht. 209 seems quite the profit
  13. The ingrained Thai behavior that they can do whatever they want, and they are never wrong. It is indictative of the way they drive, like each individual driver thinking THEY own the road.
  14. In my younger years I liked the excitement, and then I grew out of it when I realized I might live another 20 years more than I planned and had to settle down and get serious. The weather? No thanks. Monsoon rains to severe drought is not my idea of good weather. When you get up there in age, and listen to the doctors tell you all the things you should not be eating, and look at Thai food, it eliminates a lot of it.
  15. Been there and seen with my own eyes. You should get out of the house more and see what is going on in the country you call home.
  16. Nice try but no. The fact you deflect to some degrees, instead of her degree in accounting means deflecting the truth. Unless she was born with English speaking parents, no once again. Your math (say 3 years, is that a guess) doesn't add up professor and neither does your story.
  17. Not a bubble, population of Florida is growing by leaps and bounds. You should read the news more and understand why.
  18. And how many times with your hand bragging about it?
  19. If you have to brag how many times in a public forum, it never happened. Now let go of yourself and your sick fantasy.
  20. Are you hot to trot? If not who cares if the women in Australia are hot and why would you want to move there? You think they are into you?
  21. a 20 year old with a degree? Means she started college when she was 16. And with advanced English? Poppycock!
  22. Newly retired to Pattaya yet had already spent an entire year there and figured out how to blow 60K
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