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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. You already admitted you are a drunk. What you didn't admit is you probably have been a drunk forever, a mean, nasty drunk and what you do offer your wife is not enough to offset your mean and nasty demeanor. What exactly do you expect anyone to say? If being a prostitute is better than being with you, you need to take a hard look in the mirror at yourself? Thai women deserve, yes I said deserve, to have some expectations from a marriage. What from I bet, you have been mean and nasty to her for years and she has put up with for little to nothing. She deserves better and she has probably hit the breaking point where she finally has a way out and understands you will never change and have had enough for her. Thai women aren't slaves. They are not there be to be verbally abused. They are human beings that deserve love and kindness. It sounds to me like you cannot handle your own personal misery, get drunk and take it out on her. Now you want to get a lawyer? You don't deserve any woman behaving like that. Do her a favor and let her go. Drown your sorrow in the booze and ruin yourself, no one else. Any man that cannot be a man, I have no self-pity for.
  2. Doesn't matter one bit. If his political party wins the next election, he will be back in a jiffy.
  3. No one cares how he made his money, the fact is his money buys lots of power and influence. Get over it. The Rice Pledging Scheme had an effect on no one. What exactly do you think it had an effect on? Just another one of the govt program's to lose billions and did it shake up the economy? Or course not. Did you know there are more billionaires in Thai policitics than anywhere in the world? Why exactly do think people in Thailand get involved in politics? To help the country? Educate yourself about the "game".
  4. No, the economy was much better than it ever was, sorry. Thaksin also did not hate tourists. If you know anything about the man, he doesn't have to find money as he is a multi-billionaire You think the economy is in good shape now do you?
  5. Ask Chuwit why Thailand has more billionaire politicians than any other country in the world?
  6. There are 99% more that never won the lottery that walked through a lot of happy doors as well.
  7. No there are not hard to drive. Even with 4 extra people in the side car.
  8. There is a huge over-supply of condo's. There is NO guarantee you could rent it out and find a tenant.
  9. So you have an online certificate?
  10. In our area of Isaan, they still love Thaksin.
  11. Packed with nails? I see one small area? Why is this even news?
  12. Biden isn't an improvement over anything and his press security is a complete idiot. You should stop the personal hating and concentrate on the job The US is worse than it has ever been and if you do not know that, I feel sorry for you
  13. Seriously doubt 10,000,000 will show up this year, no matter how hard they spin the facts.
  14. There is no excuse for this behavior, none at all. 63 year old motorbike taxi trying to make living....
  15. Expats wonder why loads of Thai's are not that keen to like us. What a down right sh** to pull this stunt.
  16. Bangkok streets flood every single time there is heavy rainfall. No 10 years about it
  17. Where exactly are they pumping all the water to?
  18. What are your greatest concerns living in Thailand over the next 1, 5, 10 and 20 years? Currency exchange? VISA's? Health and Medical? Air Pollution? Flooding? Running out of Money? Country changing attitude towards expats for the worse? Asia War - China/Taiwan? Cost of gas, electric, food continuing to increase? How do you think the country itself will change in those timelines? If you had to do it all over again starting in 2022, would you sell everything you owned in your own country to move to Thailand forever?
  19. You have to love it when Thai's try to scam other Thai's 300,000 baht is ridulous. Look like copies from China
  20. Not counting all the personal drama you went through, are you happier now, or during the happy times when you were a hotel owner?
  21. What would you do if you suddenly had more money than you have now? Maybe some unexpected inheritence, windfall or won the lottery? Or maybe just had an extra 10 or 20,000 baht a month? Is there a point when you feel you have reached a nirvana in your life with the amount of money you have each month, or would a little or a lot more change things?
  22. Hundreds of millions in someone's pocket. The same thing happens year after year after year. If they actually spent the money on fixing the problem, the problem would be fixed already.
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