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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. If I was crossing a busy intersection in Bangkok, and ten baht fell out of my pocket, would I leave it or stoop down and pick it up? The post is about complaining about an amount as little as 10 baht. If you have to post and complain that prices went up 10 baht, you probably shouldn't live here. Why should I have any empathy for people that go nuts over a 10 baht price increase? If you cannot afford it, go home and pay even more. These people chose to move thousands of miles from their home and for some odd reason, never thought the prices would increase or the exchange rate would crash? Thai gov't subsidies won't last for ever and prices will continue to go up. Heaven help the forum if the Songtaew goes from 20 baht to 30 baht. We will never hear the end of it.
  2. Nothing remotely to do with the post. Lots of folks, through their own admissions, moved to Thailand because it is cheaper than their home country. Then they complain if prices go up. Because the bah bus or whatever goes up 10 baht, what is the reason for complaining? Is 10 extra baht really hurting some folks that much?
  3. Do I have to read the posted articles to you?
  4. Why do people move to Thailand and Complain How Much Things Cost? Did you really expect the prices would remain the same your entire life? People complaining about things costing an extra 10 baht. My gosh. What happens over the years when prices really increase?
  5. OMG. 20 Baht!
  6. Nice story. It seems all those locations are quite well short of their glory days!
  7. How could Stickman could do a better job, since he has been living in New Zealand the past years?
  8. In the real world that means you do not have any cash.
  9. Just plug into the cigarette lighter. Don't make a big deal of out it. I have had the same cheap one for a couple years.
  10. Not one fact or reference! Do you honestly think Thai people would queu up peacefully if they were starving?
  11. Pretty sure in you were in that ambulance being rushed to the hospital and that siren was blaring, you would be thanking God. If something like that is bothering you, maybe you have other issues.
  12. The USA views Thailand as a strategic geographic location for staging troops and equipment, in the event of war in Asia. Been that way since Vietnam. Pretty sure the US wishes they had other choices due Thailand's poor record on human rights, copyright infringement and many other things, but they do not.
  13. Concerning long life, one has to be active and have interests. The other thing is the financial means. The longer you live, the more expensive the world gets. If you are constanting fretting and worrying about money, penny pinching, etc., that is going to put a lot of undue stress on you when you least need it. As you age, health becomes number 1 if you want to have a high quality of life. Diet, exercise, can make a huge difference in how you feel and quality of life. Having choices I think makes a world of difference. Not getting trapped in a location with no way out. Being free to find the best quality of life for YOU. No matter where in the world that might be.
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