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Everything posted by KIngsofisaan

  1. There are threats of violence everywhere, not just in the south. You probably missed the article where Thailand's gun problem is just as bad as the US?
  2. The folks receiving the money would know.
  3. War? Thailand begged for help with the tsunami and any other thing they can make 10 baht on. You can bet if they were being invaded they would beg for even more help.
  4. 3 students wasted for nothing. Where is the "Cobra" when you need him?
  5. I am sure millions would love to come to Thailand and play in the floods and miss their flights home!
  6. English Language Proficiency Participants must possess sufficient proficiency in the English language to participate in their programs. [22 CFR 62.10(a)(2)] Insurance Participants and any J-2 dependents (spouses and minor unmarried children under the age 21) accompanying them are required to carry medical insurance at the minimum benefit levels stated in the program regulations. Program sponsors are required to ensure that all participants have the appropriate medical insurance. Sponsors will verify that the participant's medical insurance meets the regulatory requirements, and will facilitate the purchase of coverage for participants who do not have their own insurance, or whose coverage does not meet the requirements. Participants interested in obtaining appropriate medical insurance should contact the responsible officer of their sponsor organization sponsoring their program. Willful failure on the part of the participant and/or any J-2 dependents to maintain active insurance coverage is grounds for termination from the program. Please refer to the regulations for details. [22 CFR 62.14] Eligibility and Fees - BridgeUSAParticipants | BridgeUSA (state.gov) How to Apply to the J-1 VISA Exchange How to Apply to the J-1 Visa Exchange Visitor Program.pdf | Powered by Box
  7. Good luck taking your EV on a trip and finding a charging station. Charging stations should be a great challenge with all the flooding.
  8. For all the Brits, that frozen pension deal is a screw job.
  9. Groping is sexual harrassment period. What is a teacher doing on Walking Street at 3 AM? Seriously? I am pretty sure she knows what Walking Street is famous for.
  10. Amazing amount of Thai's everywhere glued to their smartphones.
  11. Pattaya must be pretty boring these days if resorting to these kinds of stories. Isaan folks are a little more thick skinned
  12. Instead of trying to scimp on electric bills, and some ridiculous posts, does a person really belong in Thailand that cannot afford a $50 electric bill? You could live like some folks here in rural Isaan that have NO electric at all. Yeh you heard that right and no running water. You could take an Isaan shower by dumping recirculated rain water on yourself with a plastic bowl. (Bathroom shown in pic) You could cook with fire as shown. Pray you never have a medical emergency, if $50 is such a big deal. I have no idea, no clue, no rationale why someone would move 1,000's of miles away from their own country and have to worry about $50?
  13. Better odds of getting struck by lightening. I don't think anyone is worrying or hoping they will get caught. All your fear mongering is unfounded by facts or statistics.
  14. If you were teaching Thai students, you probably have nothing worth a prenup.
  15. Obviously you were not there and have no clue what happened. Pretty obvious!
  16. That is not showing being sunk 1.5 meters
  17. They have been ordering this for 30+ years, as long as I can remember. It never changes a darn thing.
  18. Doesn't seem ridiculous to me at all. I don't see it as demands at all either. I can be happy doing anything, good on me.
  19. Find yourself a good country girl!
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