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Everything posted by stoner

  1. fluence LED. amazing lights check them out if you never heard.
  2. we have a very different view of what top shelf is. hundreds of people dont grow top shelf....they grow mids.
  3. i have to disagree here. are you talking about england or canada and usa ? back home most top shelf is grown with co2 im afraid to tell you. just from my own personal experience in the market. a close friend is a master grower from california and fully educated with multiple degrees in related fields. ill trust his opinion.
  4. mids = average bud that most growers grow (if they are even succcessful) and a whole ocean of them out there.
  5. you're talking about the ocean of mids out there. ???? back home in canada co2 is very common among the bigger grows and small home grows.
  6. ahhhh the thai zebra paradox. don't stop and you may hit and kill someone. stop and you might get murdered from behind. off i go on my click down sukhumvit now.
  7. welcome to the real world. happy to see you coming out of that slumber.
  8. this ^^^^^^^^^^^^ the ac here in thailand is one of the most important factors for growing. i would set it around 24 or 25 c. dont bother trying to just cool a tent you will waste time and money. cool the whole room like bamnatusak says. you will also need a good dehumidifier.
  9. ummm thats kinda not hash right. the opium might overshadow the cannabis buzz...
  10. basically cannabis crack
  11. good spyder led - 20k baht everything else you can cheap out on if growing indoor you will need to have ac running 24 7 and add co2
  12. the shatter looks ewwwww and the diamonds at 4k a g. wow. i doubt either are made locally. but even having that option to buy is cool.
  13. yes i do. i see you clearly missed the point as well.
  14. i see you're part of the my woman is different group.
  15. you might be ok. they let thousands of people out of jail and revoked outstanding warrants. get your wife to sherlock holmes it for you.
  16. not so funny when your st knocks at the door still wearing hers......did i make a mistake you ask yourself. the suspense is killing me.
  17. i see even by your post count you are still new here eh.
  18. loads of predictable comments here about nepotism. like the west isnt littered with it too. boring nothing new here.
  19. this can be purged from the concenrate to safe edible levels.
  20. ahhh good old thai people. can't take responsibility or blame so pass the buck at all costs.
  21. i would like to send out a personal invitation to somboon to join me for an intimate dinner party at my place. so by his thinking its cool cause it was only a little molestation. can someone ring the dinner bell please.
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