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Everything posted by stoner

  1. look to a story on bangkok p home page right now to see how prohibition is going. 1.4 tonnes of herion seized.
  2. when did i ever deny that john ? please show me my post where i have said that.
  3. i see this thread really took off as predicted.
  4. what percentage of the thai population that died from covid vs the total amount of thai who got covid.
  5. are you really that obtuse ? i laughed at the thought of the head of police resigning for this. that is a laughing matter.
  6. Reduce, yes. you see he said stop right ? why did you reply with reduce. they are not the same thing at all. wearing a mask does NOT stop covid. it reduces the spread sure but lets not mix that up.
  7. i do. i think a lot of them will close. no proper paperwork for some and fear for others. correct me if i am wrong but is anutin not the glue holding the coalition government together ? i suspect an abrupt change in power before this deadline. with anutin sliding in as the new PM. wild crazy conspiracy. yes. impossible....this is thailand.
  8. it's not a lack of empathy at all. i am ok with it. where is the lockdown for pm2.5 for children. ?which in the same time period killed 3x as many thai as covid did. even if you 3x the numbers it is only then on par. i don't see anything near the hysteria for pm2.5 as i did for covid. so spare me your i support the latest cause routine. so there's that for empathy.
  9. then cook it for the house and senate and have them all eat it first.
  10. farms will have to meet government standards for growing. if you don't have a proper company. pay your taxes. acquire and/or have needed licenses. government approved facilities with sop and what not. bu bye if you don't etc etc. fly by night grows and transactions will go straight back to the black market. many others will simply close and take the loss. black market demand will soar and the medical program will be totally abused by both patients and companies. companies will charge insane money for doctors appointments and products. i have chronic headaches...here's your script and head to our store next door to get your medicine. think the same scenario of passing a medical for a thai drivers license. with thai traditional allowed in the mix too. it will be worse than it is now. i love it. watched the same kind of scenario play out in canada. big companies with connected people all gobbling up the market.
  11. especially at T intersections. i get petrified.
  12. what a bunch of total bs. the police refusing to take other footage in itself is criminal. seems a coverup is a foot. lock them up.
  13. It's not too late... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=lL2ZwXj1tXM&pp=ygUObmV2ZXIgdG9vIGxhdGU%3D
  14. so you were in your 60's..... 50 years ago ? bravo for even being able to type still.
  15. most of them simply don't care enough. would you like a donut and a bottle of water in the meantime ?
  16. also of note even using the 3x numbers of 20 million dead. covid killed a total of .0025 % of the human population. 150k humans die every day.
  17. ok john. and how about the millions of kids that would of been asymptomatic and they never even knew they had covid ? covid is a nothing burger now. the world clearly doesn't care about it anymore.
  18. in particular the young children. who we kept home and totally stunted their growth among other things. this is the group who were least susceptible and have now been hit the hardest. they will pay for a lifetime of bad policy and decision making.
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