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Everything posted by stoner

  1. why ? was he forced to under duress ? is so ill walk my comment back. otherwise stupid is as stupid does.
  2. and the kicker..... even though what you have said is true....someone here would want to sue you for it because they lost face or......zzzzzz....oh i fell asleep there.
  3. he deserves it for being so stupid.
  4. the world isnt moving on....the world HAS moved on. i am in canada now and covid is a huge nothing burger here. no one even talks about it anymore. anyone stuck on the whole protection narrative is stuck in the past.
  5. my bags are checked straight through from toronto haha
  6. you didny answer my question. high octane thc ? ok great means nothing nuds from hawaii - whoopdie do you smoked heavy ones - and ?
  7. what about legal country to legal country ? im in canada can i bring with me to thailand ? naaaaaaaa
  8. these are all valid points and should be taken into consideration and studied etc. your comment went to the deep end after that though. so we will leave all that story telling alone.
  9. shoot even the word bong is thai. thai landrace is known as one of the original strains on earth. but i think he already knew that.
  10. this takes lab testing. very easy and possible once done in a professional setting. i am home in canada now. all products being sold legally at stores here have all that information printed on the pack so the consumer can make an informed decision.
  11. can you clarify for me please. are you saying the bud you grew was 50 or 60 percent thc. or are you talking about the oil ? extraction is not the same product at all. changes the entire game if one consumes it.
  12. nope. don't believe you. pants on fire.
  13. ok so you have nothing to add to this thread. good thing you are here eh. smh.
  14. how astute. would you care to comment on the rest of what i have said or ?
  15. this is incorrect. thai sativa landrace will top out at around max 18 percent thc. terpene levels are not impressive at all either. the old thai stick myth is just that....myth. its all people knew of during that time so of course it was the bees knees.
  16. no but my qualifications and knowledge on the subject should. if you are not prideful and close minded that is.
  17. my goodness could you squeeze more nonsense into a single comment ? 1st - no one eats 50 edibles - did you not read what you wrote. i've been high for 30 years and i have never once seen a person eat that many edibles at one time. nor have i ever heard of any such event happening. 2nd - od and die - easy cowboy no one has ever died as a result of OD from cannabis. 3rd - the good old people lacing weed bit. again stop it with this utter garbage. please educate yourself on the subject before you spout such wild false claims. i am more than happy to help you out.
  18. give me a call when you are ready to be serious about all of this ok thai government ? good grief.
  19. no one said it was harmless you're putting words into peoples mouth. stop acting silly and childish and approach this as an adult. good your 20 years cleaning hotel rooms has made you an expert on whatever it is you think you know.
  20. wait. so most of the world are lemmings now because they are not wearing a mask.
  21. there is a company called sol naga agro - energy collective working on an interesting hemp graphene concept for batteries. soon enough production costs will drop drastically. currently n-doped graphene costs around 1.2 million usd per kilo. using hemp will drop the cost down to 3000usd
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