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Everything posted by stoner

  1. i understand the perspective but lets run the numbers of how many times that actually happens vs the number of total abortions. the number from rape and incest is very small i think we can agree ? compared to the ones not for those 2 reasons. this is a touchy subject all around. personal experience then.....in my early 20s a gf got pregnant. had an abortion and only told me after she had the abortion.
  2. and you should really read the thread better. i did make a follow up comment clarifying what i was getting at. take a peek.
  3. you might not know enough but the rest of the world does.
  4. up until 2008 it looks like it was happening though.
  5. and from the other side https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10947483/Anguish-young-man-sex-organs-removed-NHS-regretted-day-SUES-NHS.html
  6. the cannabis floating around thailand is no where near the quality to help them make this happen.
  7. im willing to start a gofundme so a few things can be launched into the sun....i mean space.
  8. mask vs no mask the question will be everywhere no matter outside or inside. private or public. with such conditioning over the past few years it will cause frustrations between people.
  9. ok so you missed the point.....cool.
  10. 711 and central are public areas too. this is going to be interesting.
  11. extracts are not the problem....lack of education and improper use is.
  12. be wary all you want the facts are there. thc does not cause hallucinations. paranoia is a side effect in some people though. you are spot on about the consumption and regulation. at home in canada they follow along the same guidelines as alcohol.
  13. yes it can that is correct. however......if we have to do this one more time....here we go from the sheer volume of cannabis used daily on planet earth vs the number of times these incidents ACTUALLY happen....its almost statistically nil. and from the actual incidents. how many were unstable people to begin with ? how many had other psychological issues that when cannabis was used were triggered ? how many walked in on their wife getting pile driven by the neighbor ? then went smoked a joint and jumped off a bridge...a silly example but i think the point is made. many times this information is overlooked for drug and alcohol use. life is so complicated. so many factors go into every single situation. none are the same. i'll take it even further and boldly state that tylenol is far more dangerous than cannabis. how many people jump off buildings using cannabis per year vs how many die from tylenol ? we can devote pages of forum on AN to the daily news regarding script issues and deaths ?
  14. doesn't it take like 20 to 25 years and even then its really not the same as what was destroyed. gop gop please
  15. cannabis doesnt make people jump off bridges. you were clearly suffering from some other very personal events at that point in your life. sorry to hear that.
  16. this is incorrect as well. when you ingest cannabis your body changes the cannabinoid into a completely different chemical than the one your body receives when smoking it.
  17. this is false. ill go out on a limb and say that there isn't a single human being alive that could eat the lethal amount. they would either vomit after a small portion of what is required or pass out.
  18. dude that was your in.....
  19. and i agree that you and the mayor can cover the cost of said homes. cool ?
  20. this is false. cannabis and its effects have been studied for decades now. canada and israel are good places to start. the long list of problems alcohol causes vs the list of problems cannabis causes..... its clear which is worse.
  21. i heard hua hin had a major problem with children lighting up.... o wait no they didn't. another stupid announcement.
  22. no mention of weed for once ?
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