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Everything posted by PrikPot

  1. Hey, we are not in a position to give medical advice around cannabis. But as with all good things in life, be careful what you consume when you got high blood pressure. There are a lot of natural remedies that usually help, such as freshly pressed ginger and turmeric. Readily available around here. Then of course, cut down on sugar (read beer). ????
  2. We are actually restocking this weekend and will launch six new strains on Monday. And we will have a good steady supply from now. It is also important to point out that besides free delivery, COD, support and premium organic weed, we spend a LOT of time finding growers that meet our requirements. There is a difference between weed and weed. Not all, but many of the cheaper products you find on the market have been grown with PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators), counter-fit cheap nutrients that are highly carcinogenic. There are many good growers out there, but it is not easy as a consumer to navigate and know what is good and bad weed. We will also start lab testing products from our growers next month to add an extra level of comfort.
  3. We normally ship same day if you order before 1pm. The last few days have been extreme, and we literally been working day and night to get all the orders out. But from today we are up to speed and back to normal shipping times. We regret the delay, but we were taken by surprise about the strong demand.
  4. Our prices are great for the quality and service our customers get, and our sales clearly shows that. Comparing comparing apples and oranges does not benefit anyone.
  5. Email us on [email protected] and we will send you the address. We don't have a sign up yet.
  6. Yes, we are on Hang Dong road. Email us at [email protected] and we will give you directions and pickup prices.
  7. Correct. We can't answer for other suppliers, and I know many of them grab whatever they can right now just to be able to meet the demand. I can only answer for ourselves, and we have strict requirements what is used in terms of nutrients, soil and lighting. We are already sold out on several strains, and we will not restock unless the growers meet these requirements. So to answer your question, organic to us means that there are no PGRs used and the level of organic nutrients are used, and used correctly, to avoid nutrient burns. And of course, no pesticides.
  8. That is correct. Indoor growing allows 2 things if done right, no need for pesticides and it produces higher yield, together with overall better quality. This method comes at a cost, electricity and lack of space (volume). So a specific seed from one supplier might be at half the price, but it most definitely is sold at a loss to gain market share, and/or they are using PGRs (Plant Growth Regulators, aka, growth hormones/steroids), We will not sell these types of products, and our selected partners only use the appropriate professional equipment in terms of lights and nutrients. This of course results in higher production costs until we reach a certain level of volume. That said, it is possible to produce similar quality with outdoor growing in the right conditions (a controlled green house environment, which is expensive to build), but it will take a few months until Thai growers are up to speed and able to produce the volume that will be required for this coming high season, then prices will drop, no doubt. So for those of you that are concerned about prices etc, we are at the very beginning at this point, and all of us should be happy to live in this amazing country and be able to enjoy this piece of freedom that we were just awarded. And for all of you that work(ed) in the tourism industry, brace yourself, it will go wild this coming high season. ????
  9. As an individual, there are no restrictions on the number of plants you can grow. As a business, you need a commercial license and the number of plants you are allowed to grow depends on the province and a few other factors that are anything but solidified at the moment.
  10. I am not sure how you can call this a rip off. Our prices are based on the current market conditions, which in reality means how much the growers charge, availability and product quality. And of course you can grow it yourself. Why buy a car from a dealer when you can build it yourself, right? We are not trying to compete with the home growers, we offer our products to people who appreciate great quality and service combined with the convenience of home delivery. If that is not for you, that's perfectly fine. As we mentioned numerous times in this thread, prices WILL come down. It is not our choice, it is based on the current conditions. It has only been 10 days, and you compare prices what? US market? Amsterdam? They have been ahead of us with a few years, so you have to understand it takes time for the market to regulate. If you can find a reliable and trustworthy source that offers great support, free delivery all over Thailand and a real entity that you can actually visit, for a price better than ours. Good on you. But we are in this for the long run. Cheers.
  11. I am sure the "schizophrenic behaviours" was not due to hydroponic growing. ???? Our products are grown in-doors, so that means there are no pesticides and we do not use any PGRs (plant growth regulators), so it is 100% organic. Many of the cheaper versions available are grown outdoors, which makes it a lot cheaper to grow, but also produces a much lower yield unless they use pesticides and PGRs.
  12. Send us an email on [email protected] and we will give you directions, and the pick-up prices.
  13. Sure, you can grow it yourself and buy all the required equipment, soil, lights, nutrients and then wait 4-6 months for the first crop. As mentioned earlier, prices will drop with time. It has only been 10 days since everyone was taken by surprise, so once the supply chain has stabilized, the prices will drop.
  14. Agree with you too on this. International prices for premium quality is around $10-15 per gram if sold online. We are sure it will drop to those levels here too, in time. As stated above, like in any retail business, you can find cheaper on the street, Line-sellers etc. They do not carry the overheads as more professional retailers do, and also do not offer the same level as service. It all depends what you are willing to pay for it and what level of service you require. It is a free market, and at the moment it is the buyer's market. ????
  15. This is what we call a "brick" and yes, those are very cheap and available all over Thailand. They are not recommended for smoking, but as you say, can help with relaxation if taken as a tea, depending on the buds. They are very different from the strains that we carry, and can't be compared.
  16. Sure, please send us an email and we will send you a map link, [email protected]
  17. Agree with you fully. And as explained above, prices will stabilize over time. Street prices are also a little different from online prices with the convenience of delivery with Kerry Express and COD. We are of course looking at long term relationships, but we also have to look at the current production costs for quality weed and availability. There will be many dealers popping up and disappearing in the next few months, so if you are willing to chase them on Twitter, Line et al, and get a better price, that is perfectly fine. We prefer to focus on long-term reliability and service.
  18. You can get bush weed for 30 baht a gram too. It's all about quality, and you get what you pay for. ????
  19. Let us explain the pricing situation. Yes, there are cheaper alternatives out there if you know where to go. We do offer premium quality, free delivery all over Thailand and support in both English and Thai. Prices will most likely drop over time, we expect that prices will stabilize within 3-6 months once more crops are being harvested. We were all taken by surprise by this liberation, so there is currently a shortage on quality indoor grown weed. We hope that in time we will be able to lower the prices to more "international" levels of 300-400 baht per gram. Also, you can use the discount code ASEAN10 to get an additional 10% discount.
  20. Members of ASEAN NOW are entitled to a 10% discount on all orders. Just enter the discount code ASEAN10 at the time of checkout. We ship for FREE all over Thailand, and in Chiang Mai we offer same day delivery. ????
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