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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. How about a cooking show to connect with the voters?
  2. 2baht


    You are born looking like that or you just plain lucked out! Next life maybe, Celsius!
  3. Well, God does bless America, doesn't he? It's a small sacrifice to make!
  4. Listen to Batman!
  5. It doesn't take guts to expose yourself here, it takes stupidity!
  6. What???,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Was the unknown item Ittipat carried to his daughters room, speculate on that, speculators!
  7. Bob, Bob Smith? That's not you, is it?
  8. Never try, never know, Alpha, give it a shot!!! Batman did!
  9. F U 2! More useless rubbish, ffs, go and buy a phone, it's not rocket science!!! 🙄
  10. Black is black I got my hair dye back
  11. What has Carlisle got to offer these days???
  12. Julian from Carlisle??? Why did'nt you say? Damn....Old Julian! 👏
  13. .....and......where does Mrs Smith fit into the plan, Bob?
  14. ..........or was that "pledged"???
  15. ..................and the rice farmer was paid??? 🤔
  16. The future looks bright!
  17. It'd amazing what the purchase of a few submarines can achieve!
  18. Mmmmmm, I'm not too sure about that! 🤔
  19. Such a hectic schedule surely must make the old boy tired!
  20. Spreading Covid??? Was Settha not just diagnosed positive???
  21. The Centre of The Universe has moved, Thailand's time has expired!
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