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Everything posted by 2baht

  1. Where would you have moved to in retrospect, Bob?
  2. ...and how is young Duangchalerm getting along these days? He's been very quiet since returning from Malaysia with Daddy!
  3. Noooo! Pattaya is a pristine family location! It has a fine image, has had for years! Keep Pattaya Clean!
  4. Makes one glad not to be American!........Best of luck with Wonky Joe or Lyin Donzo!
  5. That's English! Too complicated and not bland enough for the American viewing audience! Que the canned laughter!
  6. I would rather see Mickey Mouse or Donald Duck! At least they don't BS or forget what they're talking about! You messed this up BIG TIME AMERICA! Get someone America loves! Goofy would be better than Lyin' Donzo!
  7. That is too complicated for some! 1900thb seems too cheap for some so they engage agents who rip them blind for something they could do themselves if the had a bit of nouse.
  8. This is their life, very sad really, chasing whores around Pattaya bars, bevvy here, bevvy there, such fun! Then back to work in the factory in Reading!
  9. In politics you get what you deserve! Who set these two clowns in place to become President! AMERICA!
  10. Didn't you see Barrack chasing her down the street when she forgot the milk! Don't tell me Michelle can't run!
  11. America has made it's choice! A wonky old geriatric who forgets what he's talking about or a compulsive liar who will BS every time he opens his mouth! Great choice America, you really ****ed that up, didn't you!
  12. Exactly what gives Pommie expats and tourists a bad name, a bevvy here, a bevvy there, a bit of knuckle and boot leather to finish the night! BOB! Don't do it!
  13. He is a grossly over paid pretender! I wish I could earn such disgusting money for pretending to be someone else!
  14. Right, she was most likely a company manager of sorts dropping into Bua Khao for an after work cocktail!
  15. Lovely types! Have you introduced them to you mother yet?
  16. Mr Yamaguchi san, she's a soi Bua Khao bar whore, why don;t you just find a new one or is it love???
  17. So what? What will buy you a chair or an airline ticket, leather shoes? Money Susi, generally accumulated from working. Accepted by 7/11!
  18. Oh! Conditions apply???
  19. Absolute rubbish! Stupid comment! Tell that to my dialysis unit!
  20. Please don't go destroying the squeaky clean, pristine image that has been drawing the tourists to Bangkok for decades. Keep it clean, Thailand!
  21. Thailand aims........... ......to keep this toilet clean! Your aim will help
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