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  1. The UK is a monarchy - so it is all about the monarch And the people are 'subjects' not 'citizens' 5555 Source: Me- a UK subject
  2. On Monday I set up the online account to do my 90 day report online (You need to register first: https://tm47.immigration.go.th/tm47/#/register/add) This guide is mostly ok .. https://www.thaiembassy.com/travel-to-thailand/guide-to-thai-immigration-90-day-reporting I had already done a 90 after my last trip to the UK, so I logged in and submitted my new 90 report ... so far so good. Today it was returned as ��Dear XXXXXX, Your application for "STAYING LONGER THAN 90 DAYS" has been rejected. � For first-time requests of a 90-day notification in each country visit, in-person presentation at the immigration office is required. � Full Name : XXXXXXXXXXX Passport No : 999999999 Nationality : B13:BRITISH (HK) I was confused and did not see the error I had made Since I live in Jomtien, it is trivial to go to Soi 5 and see why they seemed to think this was a first time notification. It turns out that the 'first time' part of this reply is bogus. The actual reason for it being rejected was the nationality was wrong: I had entered 'B' in the nationality box, and B13:BRITISH (HK) seemed to be the only real choice ... what I should have done was scrolled down a long way to find 'GBR:BRITISH' which matches my passport. So if you are on a normal UK passport, this is an easy trap to fall into and you get a misleading response when the TM47 is processed. Kudos to Jomtien Immigration. I went there and spoke to the 90 day desk at the front. The girl said go to window 4 in the main building. The lady at window 4 looked it up on the system and explained my error. About 10 minutes total time at Soi 5 ... I submitted it again yesterday with the correct nationality. Today I received the approval from the TM47 submitted with the correct nationality.
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  3. Very jealous of those readings
  4. Travel lighter .... hand luggage only .... a good solution when you have a home here
  5. Hopefully they will accept that the property in question is my UK home ....purchased for that purpose originally by my partner some 40 years ago. Jointly owned for 5 years and now solely owned after her death. It is my legal residential address in the UK.
  6. I used them ... they were excellent
  7. Maybe I will transfer a small chunk first . then get my accountant to get a ruing from RD about its status as an inbound capital transfer ... by providing transfer details including evidence of the source of the funds as an existing overseas asset rather than income. If they are unfriendly and deem it 'income' ... it is only a small tax problem and I will not bring the rest into the country. If they rule (correctly) that it is an asset transfer and not taxable income, I can use that ruling to support the tax treatment of the rest of the inbound funds.
  8. Lets hope you are right. Next year I plan to bring in a large lump of capital (proceeds of sale of a property with no capital gains tax issues) and invest inside Thailand ... if they want to treat that transfer as income, it will not happen.
  9. Not unique to Thai exchanges. Bitfinex did that to me a couple of years ago.
  10. Celibacy is not fully risk free - you might get hit by a bus /sarc
  11. Many Thai girls use the "morning after" pill to prevent pregnancy
  12. That is all true - but only if the person with HIV (measures as HIV+) has a detectable viral load (different test). Properly treated HIV get the viral load down to become undetectable - the correctly treated person is no longer infectious. At the same time, getting treated always means the person also gets much more aware of the need for adherence to the regime of daily pills, and living a healthier lifestyle. Kisses, scratches, condoms etc are not important. Testing <<<<, treating and having an undetectable viral load are the key here.
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