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Everything posted by 24Catty

  1. wow lots of rules, made up out of thin air TIT, indeed the requirement to be married is actually running against Thai law which requires every resident in the kingdom to be registered in a housebook asking immigration about a foreigner makes a lot more sense, but is something I have never heard of
  2. The agents are real pests. They swamp the websites with fake ads (most ads are out of date, pictures are copied from other websites, or the whole ad is just made up). What they are good at: driving up prices and driving me mad (many just never answer, or answer very late, or dont answer my questions but send ads) But like all middlemen all over the world they have seen to it (guess how) that you get mid to upscale places only through them.
  3. Most countries tax residents (the dark blue countries in the map above). A foreigner who resides only in Thailand pays tax only in Thailand (there may be exceptions for income from abroad, like pensions from another country). The nationality doesn't matter at all (exceptions: the pink countries). We asked a branch with many foreign customers. It took them a while to understand the problem. They said chose 2, delete the phrase "and any other non-US country". They also said the wife doesn't have to fill in this form. Both answers are a bit weird.
  4. Yes, but they added a question about CRS. They say everybody has to fill in the form, Thais too. The funny thing is that in this form it is not possible to state that one is a foreigner, but a tax resident only in Thailand. But that is actually the normal way things are, if a foreigner lives in Thailand. Only Americans are always subject to tax in their home country.
  5. Bangkok Bank amended it's FATCA form and the customer is supposed to choose one of these 3: 1. You are Thai national and subject to taxes in Thailand only 2. You are subject to taxes both in Thailand and any other non-US country 3. You are tax resident of any other country (not US and not Thailand) Has anyone experience how to tell them you are tax resident only in Thailand, but not a Thai national? The forms of other banks are much clearer. Neither the call center nor the branch knows anything. They don't even know whether the form is actually required for old customers.
  6. I didn't know I can deposit money into another person's account at a CDM using a (my?) card. How do I do this? I insert my card and still have the choice to deposit money into another person's account? I would have thought if I use my card I can only deposit money into my account.
  7. Written a year ago. Has it changed? Is it possible to get an extension of stay from immigration using an international policy?
  8. Since they use and publish the users' location there are Thai girls in Toronto, Novosibirsk and Furstenfeldbruck .... What's that? Are these Thais abroad? Why would they be on Tf? Are these farang posing as TG? People using VPN? ???
  9. This thread is hilarious. Nobody says the obvious: The people at WR/AIS are well known in the industry. Some of their ventures flopped, some ventures prospered, some ventures fizzled out. Whether this one will flop or prosper they certainly don't know themselves. As long as Dr Boon puts his name behind the whole thing, you should be pretty safe. How long? God knows. No secrets here.
  10. So, did they ratify it and will they start automatic exchange in 2023 as planned (exchanging the data of 2022)?
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