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Posts posted by MicroB

  1. 1 minute ago, FritsSikkink said:

    I went with only my wife to register the wedding in Bangkok. Her family lives 700 km away. Other people have 500 people coming over and get a bunch of monks involved.

    Ok, understood; so in your experience, the only options really are the civil ceremony and no celebration or civil ceremony and full formal religious event. There is nothing in between in your years of experience. Thanks

  2. 9 hours ago, bunnydrops said:

    I would think your wife will do as 2baht said above. Doesn't she want a village wedding that would encompass all of what you are suggesting?

    She has said she has no interest in a wedding from where she is from, as she considers herself an "orphan" with no close family anymore. She left the village for Bangkok over 20 years ago. She wants her circle of friends to come along, about 10-20 people.


    Yes, I have broached the question of an "auspicious date" and she is having a think about that, considering her Rasi.


    We'll have a civil registration, but following that, there isn't actually a "need" for anything further, except it being a nice thing for friends and family.


    If there is no option but for the "full shindig" then that's what it would be. I know the CofE has formalised Church Blessings, but I have no idea if Thai Bhuddism has anything similar, besides the Disneyfied "ceremonies" offered to tourists for that Instagram moment.

  3. 7 hours ago, FritsSikkink said:

    Like Gottfrid said, talk to your wife what she likes. How would people on a forum know. Don't bother to marry if you can't talk to each other about important things. 

    The replies I get are variously "Up to you", "don't spend too much". She has no interest in going home, as she hasn't been back there in 20 years, her parents are both dead, as is her brother.


    My question was whether conceptually something equivalent exists in Thailand similar to an English Church Blessing. I know various outfits offer something like that for tourists marrying, with Bhuddism etc, but I'm not sure if that thing is acceptable to Thai people. Forum members I assume have collective experience, but your reply indicates there is no good advice on marrige matters on this forum (so why is there a section on it?).


    For instance, do you have a notion of what Thai people in general think, or whether there is a spectrum of opinion. I have a fair idea, in the UK, what most people would think of a Church blessing, and in general I think most would be quite positive about it. There will be some bitterly opposed to it, either because they are atheists in the extreme, or because they view something cut down as somewhat ungodly. I would be quite comfortable expressing my opinion of British society to a foreigner. But you post on a forum expressing an unwillingness to express an opinion. Perhaps you have no opinion, no experience of Thai culture, but wanted to express that non-opinion.


  4. Is there such a thing that is acceptable to Thais as a "Wedding Blessing"; the quasi-religious ceremony in the West that follows a Civil Ceremony. Or is it all or nothing in Thailand?


    My Bride-to-be has been previously married, and wants to be married where she is living, not where she is from. She has no family (parents both deceased), and has expressed a desire just for friends to attend (from her side), about a dozen. But its difficult for me to find out if its the whole 9 yards with nine monks etc, or something simpler.


    I am planning a civil ceremoney in September, then later, probably January, something for which I can invite overseas friends and families to. It strikes me with the Affirmation etc, there are too many imponderables to set a definite date. Additionally, there are other logistical issues that lend towards a later date.

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  5. Would this site give an indication of UK Embassy availability:



    If so, it seems that dates for slots aren't released for 6 weeks in advance, and that they go pretty quickly when they do.


    I'm not going to marry until September next year, when I have a month in Thailand, but looking at this, I can't finalise my travel until 4-6 weeks ahead. Or is availability better than this suggests?

  6. 7 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

    Its not uncommon to have incorrect DOB etc on ID cards, kids get born at home, no birth cert or registration etc. The actual ID number (digit it starts with)  can explain some of the mystery, digit 1 is normal Thai registered at birth, digit 2 is missed registration at birth etc. There is also a significant date around 1984 when they changed/introduced the ID rules and the corresponding Digit they get (1984 becomes birthday etc). see below



    Thanks for that useful reply. Xo is 5. Not really sure what "other special case" that means.


    To the other respondants; thank you for your time, whether serious answers to questions posed, or uncalled for other remarks. Its all appreciated. But from the tone of many, I seem to have seriously misjudged this forum. Perhaps a moderator will delete this thread, because its obviously not in keeping with what is welcome here, given the tone of one or two correspondants who seem rather annoyed.


    To those with the non-answers along the lines of "couldn't read", glad I helo your posting count. Maybe that gets you into forum Valhalla


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  7. I'm new to this forum, but 30+ years standing in microbiology (microbial ecology, military defense and now mediical diagnostics).


    For FDA approvals, you can't just rock up to your nearest university for an analysis. The FDA won't accept that. You need to find a properly accredited laboratory/assay house. Getting anything FDA is a (rightly) expensive and long process. Which is why many companies instead aim for EU CE marketing approval. It (was) much simpler (new regulations mean not so now). They get that little mark, and find its a lot easier to make sales in less regulated markets across the MEA/APAC.


    I would recommend reaching out to a proper testing service, such as TUV Rheinland Thailand, and starting a conversation. If you are asking where to get a microbial assay done on a product, you've probably skipped a lot of steps that the FDA need to know about how you made the thing, and whether you followed a process to an acceptable standard.


    There is a little known fact about why the FDA exists that is connected to today's Pandemic. Back in the early 50s, Jonas Salk came up with the first Polio vaccine. It was seen as a miracle; the globe had been through 40 years of waves of outbreaks. The US government quickly put out a contract for 6 million doses, to be delivered untested into the arms of American kids. Clinical trials didn't really exist then. Contracts went out to 3 companies. The recipe for the vaccine was provided to each. Key was the use of formaldehyde to kill the polio virus. One company didn't really understand how to make formaldehyde, and so 200,000 doses went out with live virus. It didn't dampen enthusiasm at the time for the vaccine, but lessons were learned. The FDA was formed to make sure someone checked that manufacturers knew what they were doing. That the process in the lab could be replicated at scale, that there was a QC process in place etc.


    So going on a forum asking where in Thailand you can get a microbial study completed to support a FDA application probably  indicates you need to be schooled on the rest of the process.

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