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Everything posted by degrub

  1. If there is wood product underneath, moisture intrusion swelling plus drying out cycling will do the same thing. But those tiles do look very tight for an area that sees direct sunlight most days.
  2. This was in California , not outside of the US. Read the OP, please.
  3. Trust me, you don’t want a case of shingles. Been there done that last spring. It is a two shot vaccine about a month apart if i remember right - Shingrex is the name. current pneumonia vaccine is also two dose, about 6 months apart. Ask your dr ahead of your visit about getting the Northern hemisphere’s flu vaccine . You probably want it anyway, since you will be flying. I think the northern version’s selection of strains depends on what has happened in Australia and South America 6 months ahead. You will want the high potency version due to age. I get mine next week.
  4. Sounds like the leak was on the “hot” side of the chiller loop. Good thing.
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