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  1. can anyone recommend a fridge repair person in the hang dong area
  2. Can anyone recommend a portrait photographer in Chiang mai? Thanks
  3. hello we would like to set up a toddler group in or around koolpunt 9. We have the location available .. anyone interested in attending ?
  4. Hope this doesn't break any forum rules. Looking to rent a bar in Patong .... agencies haven't been particularly helpful. Any info is gratefully received.
  5. thankyou.. helpful bunch you are.
  6. hello just wondering if anyone could post a link of any current Radio control clubs for cars in pattaya area.. Also looking for a hobby shop ....
  7. does anyone know of a hobby shop for RC supplies, fuel, etc on Koh samui? \ thanks
  8. bit of a long shot. does anyone know of any for sale. in chiang mai or wider afield also cycle rikshaws.... samlos? thanks
  9. my wife wants to buy her allowance of ganga plants . any recommendations for a good place to buy them in chiang mai
  10. the last time I did this trip in September 2022. i was charged 50USD for a Laos visa. I am a Uk national. Seems to be a bit of an arbitrary figure? Be nice to pay the correct amount????
  11. Going to Laos. Crossing the friendship bridge at Nong khai. 1. do they still need the covid test on the laos side? 2. How much is the visa. Ill be there a week thanks in advance
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