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Posts posted by ruds

  1. So you are saying its just bad luck? You buy 2 million bahts worth of product in good faith from a wholesaler. The wholesaler reduces their price below your price leaving you with 2 million bahts worth of product that is now impossible to sale and its just bad luck

  2. Does anyone know If a buyer has a legal argument if a product has been brought from a wholesaler with the intention of profiting from the wholesale price, only for the wholesaler to discount their retail price below the wholesale price and thus leaving the buyer with a product that they can no longer sell at a profit?

  3. Hi all,


    8 years ago a foreigner ran off with $400,000 of my money here in Thailand. 8 years later he has resurfaced in Thailand and I would like to know if I have grounds to get my money back? 


    There are two loans in question, one loan was to his company from my company (his company failed) and the second loan was a personal loan. He disappeared but not before signing a contract stating details of the loans (with witnesses). Also signed was a personal acknowledgment that he was responsible for his company failure and under the understanding that the money was to be paid back 


    Any advice would be welcome 



  4. The concept of peer review is an essential element of the USGA handicapping system. Without peer review the Handicap Index loses it inherent value and is just a number.

    Most USGA systems around the world are based at a golf club where the majority of players know each other. Posting scores in person immediately following the round at the course is the USGA’s preferred way to expose scores to peer review. However that is not possible here in Thailand as most players do not belong to a golf club and do not have the option to post the score at the club for others to see.

    This system I found has some what overcome that where all scores posted are available for all others to see. They appear on their homepage as “Joe Bloggs played 18 holes at Rayong Green Valley and scored a 92 on Saturday 16th July”

    Also you can view all players scores, scorecards and photos of scorecards by clicking on a players playing history at any time.

    The site is called Birdie Thailand

  5. Hi,

    I would like to encourage my staff to save some of their salary and I would also like to contribute into a fund for them. Does anyone know how I could go about this? I am thinking along the lines of some kind of bank savings fund but any advice would be greatly appreciated


  6. What could they do if you don't give them any money?

    For example, if you run a bar (I know you've already mentioned you don't, this is just an example), if you were fully legal the BiB could still prove to be too much of a headache by coming in and checking the ID and drugs testing all your customers repeatedly to such a degree people stop coming to your bar.

    People have already asked what business you are in. This is an important question because people can then ascertain what the Police could do to impact you.

    It would also be good to know what rank the Policeman is, is he acting alone or is it a group of them acting on instructions from their station commander.

    As already mentioned, in order to provide useful advice, more information is needed... OP: Help us to help you...

    Its traffic Police and a group of 7 of them. They have something valuable to a customer of ours and wont give it back unless we give them some red box money

  7. Pattaya Policemen are horrible human beings, why would I make friends with any of them. I try my best to have as little contact with them as possible

    I think its best not to generalize, its tough living on 10-15k baht a month in a city like Pattaya. If the RTP paid them adequately non of this BS would happen. It's still a good idea to make friends with them, especially the commissioned ones, people are people after all, just ask them what their favorite football team is and the mood will relax.

    My staff live on 10-15k a month and are not even a little bit horrible

  8. Pattaya Police are trying to extort money from our business, they know where we are so I'm anxious about reporting it in case we get further problems from them in the future. Are there any real options or do we have to just give in to their extortionate demands?

  9. What do you think of a local Roadside Assistance Business in Pattaya? I know there are lots of nationwide ones but all they can do is jump start and change a tire, this one would be stocked to repair most faults at the roadside or tow to a local garage. The nationwide ones take well over an hour to respond normally too and if just Pattaya and surrounding areas the response time would be better


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