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Everything posted by BerndD

  1. Same problem. So I am also very interested in an answer which woud help. Thank you.
  2. He'll never be Thai, never! He can only be a farang! Deport him! Believe it or nuts!
  3. It is fraudulent to set up a company that does not operate as a company, i.e. does not carry out any business, but only serves to create opportunities to stay in Thailand.
  4. I am german, but I can open this site. 😋
  5. Send him to Ukraine. They welcome him with open arms.
  6. https://beta.archivevideomirror.com/library/post/8713
  7. Anutin is waiting for his chance...
  8. SAFETY FIRST? I think with you something else is “FIRST”!
  9. "... expressed his intention to run in the Senate elections". Does he perhaps also intend to become prime minister?
  10. As sad as this case is, it is a relief for us Farang that every now and then something is reported about Thais as criminals. Much of the Thai media focuses on reports of farang engaging in significant misconduct. As a percentage of the number of farangs in Thailand, these are significantly fewer cases than those committed by Thais. One should maintain the relationship in the Thai media and not constantly bash Farangs. It's OK to report, but without permanent bashing!
  11. As a German, I receive my pension in my Thai bank account, usually 3-4 days earlier than pensioners in Germany. In July 2024, like every other pension recipient, I will receive a pension increase of 4.57%. If I die, my Thai wife can receive a widow's pension from the German state equal to 40% of my pension. Requirement: the widow must be at least 46 years old and the marriage must have lasted, I believe, for 6 years. There are no restrictions on pension receipt for Germans who live abroad permanently.
  12. The big problem for us Farang, but also for most Thais is: who can we believe here in this country?
  13. With this stupid answer you disqualify yourself. Sorry!
  14. This is a vile slander! I'm 80 and have no big boobs, just a normal male breast! 😉
  15. A few years ago, Khun Anutin described farangs as dirty. This farang - maybe a Russian? - shows that farangs are very clean! 😁
  16. Natural Melatonin. The name is a lie. There is NO Melatonin in it, only some herbs.
  17. Thank you for this statement. I feel better now, because I am a German from Germany. 😉
  18. I met my wife 16 years ago. I built our house 12 years ago. We got married 5 years ago. There was never any mention of a dowry.
  19. Don't forget: the article is OK. Austria and Australia are almost the same. Austria is a small country in the Australian Alps.
  20. https://www.facebook.com/helmut.obritzberger.1 Helmut Obritzberger · ___ Das habe ich gerade einem Freund geschrieben der hier in Koh P’hangan wohnt. Hallo, Steve, ich bin hier aristiert in der Polizeistation in Koh Samui, ich brauche ganz dringend eine Telefonnummer von einem guten Rechtsanwalt ganz dringend, ich werde heute bei Gericht vorgeführt, weil ich verdächtigt bin ein Motorrad am 2.3 2024 gestohlen zu haben. Dies ist aber ein Irrtum! Der Mann, von dem ich das Bike gekauft habe hat dieses einen Tag zuvor gestohlen. , ich war bereits am 11. März schon hier auf der Polizeistation. bei einem 7 Stunden langen Verhör. Für die Polizei ist klar, dass ich unschuldig bin. Für das Gericht ( Court ) muss das noch bestätigt werden. Das Gericht hat also jetzt gesagt, dass ich vorgeführt werden muss. Das heißt, ich brauche eine Rechtsanwalt. Kennst Du einen guten Bitte um seine Nummer und seine Kontaktdaten. danke schön. Kennst Du wem der wem kennt der einen Rechtsanwalt kennt I just wrote this to a friend who lives here in Koh P’hangan. Hello, Steve, I'm here at the police station in Koh Samui, I urgently need a telephone number from a good lawyer, I'm being brought before the court today because I'm suspected of stealing a motorcycle on March 2nd, 2024. But this is a mistake! The man I bought the bike from stole it the day before. , I was already here at the police station on March 11th. during a 7 hour long interrogation. It's clear to the police that I'm innocent. This still needs to be confirmed for the court. So the court has now said that I have to be produced. That means I need a lawyer. Do you know a good one? Ask for his number and contact details. Thank you very much. Do you know who who knows who who knows a lawyer?
  21. Australia? His name sounds more like Austria. And 'Ing' is the abbreviation of the title engineer in German.
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