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  1. Everything he does are fakes and lies.
  2. They look cool in English? You know like they're international?
  3. He can't buy a beer before 11 AM
  4. At least it is not Thailands problem. What are you going to do about it, going around the worlld telling people that drugs are not good? If so I wish you good luck on your mission. Very many people are using drugs and want to continue doing it.
  5. Where they aerosol cans, I was thinking of normal paint cans.
  6. A local Facebook page known for airing community grievances sided with Tuk, suggesting that Kannika's complaints were selective. They noted that Kannika's husband, a smoker too, Or this:
  7. How can this happen if they keep the lid on the cans?
  8. Right,and don't let him have a whiff of those extra money he can make from this.

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