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  1. Normally, I only agree with less than half your posts (although you seem to have turned your Brit baiting down a notch recently 555) but this one I agree with wholeheartedly 👍
  2. I genuinely have no idea what warranted a 'sad' emoji to my above post offering a suggestion for a couple of movies, nor do I particularly care. However, show your face coward, at least give a reason for it. If you think one or both of the choices are rubbish then fair enough. 555
  3. Probably not on the list of films Bob but yesterday watched Chopper about the Australian 'madman' Mark Read (played by Eric bana). Pretty gruesome but enjoyed it. Another great film that I'd imagine not many have stumbled across is 'Once'. Got one of the guys from the commitments in it. It's about 20 years old and really tugs at the heart strings. Set in Dublin. Great soundtrack, great movie so should tick both your boxes at the same time.
  4. Honestly, would you expect anything else from that retard? I only ever see his posts when someone has replied to it and that is more than enough for me.
  5. Normally involves a six-pack, but beers, not abs, so I think that rules me out.
  6. I have the occasional game of darts. Does that count?
  7. Luckily for me, my other half had a crush on Quasimodo, so now she is only slightly disappointed with what she ended up with.....(that's not me in the picture I hasten to add, he is a 'looker' in comparison.
  8. You should really be regretting those fantasies bearing in mind it's an Aussie, bogan male you have been cracking one out whilst thinking about...
  9. She? She? You do know that the poster you mentioned is a male, Aussie bogan who has had at least 5 prior identities on this forum?
  10. I don't think the bars are shut any days over the coming weekend. I think banks, public offices etc. are closed on the Monday in lieu of the Sunday being a public holiday. Could be wrong though....
  11. All one and the same and the new incarnation is susanlea. Transam has done battle with them all on and off. 555
  12. Surely you remember sparktrader/bignok/uttaradit/dolf/maybe some other names that passed me by, the artist currently known as susanlea? Bit like Sean Combs/Puff Daddy/P Diddy/Diddy/Love etc but even more of a knob.
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