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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. https://aseannow.com/topic/1294909-covid-booster/
  2. Soi dogs come in packs. Machete wielding methheads are alone and are easely avoided
  3. Thanks. I'll book a ticket tomorrow.
  4. I'd be more worried about how you could take out your scooter for a drive?
  5. How often do you top up your fridge?
  6. "According to Bee, Golf had been physically and emotionally abusing her for the last two to three months of their relationship. Golf allegedly beat her with a rubber hose, strangled her with a phone charger wire, threatened her with a gun, pushed her face down into the water, and handcuffed her while sleeping." Mr. Golf obviously have some serious mental problems.
  7. So do I, but most likely it will join the other soi dogs.
  8. Maybe they bought stocks in the healthcare industry?
  9. And what about the removal and reinstallation costs?
  10. No it doesn't. It's detectable but you are not intoxicated.
  11. Do you mean the fullmoon parties? Why does the police not do urine tests on all the participitants on these events, they would probably score 90% testing positive?
  12. Do we know each other? I always do like this when out and about.
  13. He would have done that if he'd smoked weed.
  14. Always crowded, avoid is my recommendation.
  15. Taking away her phone should teach her.
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