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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Not by their own will , they where ordered to do this, or else....
  2. You don't, you date them no payments involved.
  3. Get youself a wife or girlfriend and you could forget about Loi Kroh.
  4. Would it be possible to watch this on Thai TV?
  5. From the link: " It was rush hour, and the driver was reportedly hurrying to get the students to school on time. As a result, she was driving at a high speed when the bus slammed into the backend of an Isuzu pickup truck" She could have used the brakes?
  6. According to this report : https://aseannow.com/topic/1299924-border-run-to-mai-sai-closed/
  7. This is a joke, yes?
  8. 5 years is a short time. Believe me, it'll end sooner or later.
  9. Might as well skip the holiday and stay at home instead.
  10. Muscle cramp? Hurt like hell and one can easily end up with drowning.
  11. What's wrong using the normal ID card?
  12. Only if you are addicted to 'smart phones'.
  13. Divorce her or get yousellf a new nick (doormat)
  14. Ban alcohol would be a good start.
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