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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Not really. But it's a way of saving face. Edit: If its a lady smiling at you, it's for a reason.
  2. Most people mix the rice with pork, chicken or fish. You should give it a try.
  3. That's the whole point why they (insurance companies) make it it in small print. I've never used them and never will.
  4. Stop the racket and open the <deleted> door NOW!! Clearly she's the one wearing trousers AKA the big boss in their marriage.
  5. So , if one is smoking at the designated smoking areas It should be safe to smoke in terms of health?
  6. Insecure people do this all the time if they had spent hours on the gym to 'develop' their bodies. They just have to show off their hard earned muscles.
  7. Why would they do that? If you had been a nice looking lady i could understand it, but you are not.
  8. Or both of them you mentioned + steroids? BTW, how did they get him to lie down on the floor
  9. They would call their mum and cry.
  10. I thought the event was for the spectators to watch scantily clad women running on the beach...
  11. BS. Weed is not to be used by children. If you can't control them, you shouldn't have any.
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