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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. That's what could happen if you live in Issan, strange people indeed.
  2. It's not about the size of the country, it's about the population....
  3. "Most of the passengers who were seriously injured were not wearing their seat belts"
  4. I am no expert, but I'll suggest you have a talk with the CP group, They know all about monopoly.
  5. No it was not possibble to miss the op's message, it was a joke about foreigners...
  6. It's time to learn now, especially after this "deal".
  7. Same, I don't understand people who waits for the green light and then they are jumping off of their chairs, where are they going?
  8. I will hope so albeit they where only 5-1.
  9. Tragic, but as one of the riders didn't make it, you drunkard have a great opportunity to inspect the prison from inside.
  10. They can't read a map never mind a globe.
  11. Sounds easy to me, no mention of study results ?
  12. So the guy was born and passead away the same day ?
  13. That's what they are told by the phone companies and google... I'm using a Nokia 15-20 year old,
  14. This is why there will not be any casinos in Thailand, they simply can't manage their money.
  15. All other tourists (millions) who are not religious, why should they suffer this mumbo jumbo?

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