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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. She still has the left ear.
  2. In CM if you can remember?
  3. He should stuck to heroin export wich made him a minister post.
  4. Could happen in CM 25 years ago.
  5. Ok, Ithought prerahaps you where a resididense, foor tkat I'm sorry.
  6. So that leaves him with about 2 years of swindling the money. He has learnt quickly staying with Tony.
  7. Shouldn't this have come with the votebuing scheme when you lost and the right man was the winner? You can thank Tony for this.
  8. She worked 20 years before her job was was terminated.
  9. Making 9-10000 baht per month. Not easy to save money on salay like that, but I agree that probably she bought things she didn't need also.
  10. But then there wouldn't be enough for the filthy rich as they're a minority, and they want to keep it this way.
  11. Will his puppet (sister) get the same?
  12. Most of us have the same if not worse, 90 days reporting and reporting change of address within 24 hours or you'll get a fine etc etc.....
  13. What about the 4-weel drive in front of him?
  14. If it's not to far, they could walk, that's what i did.
  15. Well tax it dear Pm instead of foreigners that are here on a meager pension.
  16. Of course they do, they ge double money from the baht.
  17. Three aginst one, couldn't they found a couple of more guys to help them out, they could have binroken a couple of fingernails in the mayhem.
  18. Don't forget the Danish guy...
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