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Everything posted by watchcat

  1. Including deportation I hope....
  2. Don't bother, you wouldn't be able to pass Thai immigration at airports without interrogation.
  3. Root out all religions in every country, it's just mumbo jumbo anyway.
  4. "He explained that while driving to run errands, he detected a burning smell and decided to pull over to the side of the road. He then called a mechanic to schedule an inspection and repair. " Perhaps he had a peek anyway before or fter the call?
  5. Yes, but would it not been installed in the engine compartment?
  6. Play with water, and get "burned"....
  7. They're too busy bombing civilians....
  8. Well, they have a couple of race tracks they could use but my guess is that the drivers aren't capable for the task, just show-off.
  9. How can an electric vehicle have the engine running?
  10. Another reason to stay away from the water....
  11. I'll bet they're probably not working.
  12. Kill them all quickly !!
  13. Well it was raining all night this night....
  14. Deport him before he makes a mayhem of this country.
  15. Exactly, I have a 25 year old pick up that I have to use after my stroke (can't drive mc anymore no balance) and these 3 whelers look rather flimsy. So 4 wheels for me.
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