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Everything posted by rankric

  1. You were in no rush you said, clearly. Who arrives at immigration at 3pm. This story would never have needed to be written if you had planned your activities properly.
  2. Times i got the evil eye: Smiled at a waitress. - waitress got the evil eye for a minute, i got it for a week. Asked to discuss a matter with my wife. She stared at me for ten minutes solid then when i asked what the issue was. She said, so why you disgust at me? My wife kicked off when weed came legal and threatened to call the cops, i dont think she believes it is legal.
  3. The pros and cons of being an expat i guess. Noticing differences between products across different markets.
  4. The fb groups seem to work. I got a motorbike off fb marketplace, great deal. Bahtsold is a graveyard. Seen the same adverts on there for years. Ventured to a few thrift type stores, not exactly thrifty pricing though. I have loads of stuff we do not use. I will try and sell on facebook. Need the space.
  5. Sorry, tragic, seems weird though not a lot of this type of news here.
  6. Pretty deep thinking that. Interesting "where does it come from" But seriously its got naff all to do with social media. Kids getting bullied is as old as time. I do wonder where stuff comes from, 6 year old telling me his friends got loads of money as he wears an adidas coat. Disturbed a 6 year old is talking like this.
  7. If your biggest concern and only obstruction is the plot in front of you. You are prospecting the wrong plot.
  8. I agree complaining is not going to help and the term is near the end and this teacher does look like a minority. Appreciate the input.
  9. We changed his school after covid as the previous school was always having construction work done and after 3 years of construction work on site and no knowledge of any other schools first hand, we changed. The old school did a great job reporting kids progress but were always changing teachers extremely quickly. They did do a decent job during lockdown but the construction on site for so long and the opportunity to start afresh after covid seemed like a good opportunity to change. The reporting at this school is not documented but we see a progression and focus so its not all bad, just frustrating. Thanks for the input.
  10. Our son attends a mid range school providing IEP, this is a mix of english and thai teaching, a form of international program, is my understanding. Our son is 6. Our main point of contact is a thai teacher and she seems a little bit disorganised. We get a message in the line group on sunday, advising no school the next day as it is teachers day and therefore a day off for the kids. Absolutely mortified as we were travelling over the weekend and rushed back Sunday to prepare for school the next day. On this occassion my wife mentioned she used the words: to remind you again in her message, on sunday. This message was sent in a line group where all parents can see the message. Thing is, she never told anyone in the line group as we checked all history. Clearly trying to cover her own backside. This is one of maybe 5 times she has announced stuff at really odd times, advising homework videos to be sent on the same day and sends the message at 6pm! The school is well regarded and when i visited for a christmas performance the other teachers seemed much more enthusiastic and awake than our sons teacher. This teacher just seems very disorganized, i notice she likes to run out of the school and speak to parents individually in a hurried state. She has even done it with us a couple of times and yet its just information relevant to the everyone, a group type message. Sorry and if you got this far, thanks for reading. Any ideas as we cannot just change schools and we do not want to outright complain but surely this type of performance is not going unnoticed by others too?
  11. Change the country selection at top of UI.
  12. Been puffing on some thai stick. Brought 30g a month ago got about 20 left. Its ok.
  13. Social workers have a rough time seeing a lot of unfortunate situations. At 28 just after a pandemic i completely understand the need to take a break and she seems to have garnered a lot of support with 444 donations totalling over 11k so far. Hope it continues. Get well.
  14. I have a swift half from time to time at a local resort which hosts it's fair share of oldersoon 2B/retired gents. These chaps always mention this kind of need. Is it a legal thing to buy online here?
  15. Its downstairs in the hallway but it still is noisy when opening and closing. New one is much better tho.
  16. I'd say a large majority of those guys could be identified via their stance on covid injections. Not all anti covid injection believers but some. The process would have identified their status.
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