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Everything posted by rankric

  1. Err. Maybe you go to the school and face them.
  2. All down to the midfield in the final. Hatchet Rodri and maybe the trophy comes home
  3. No visuals on his car, strange incident and the boots he's wearing. Looks like a mixed fat bazza.
  4. Helping out.....
  5. Cried his eyes out in the follow up video.
  6. Its a strange thing, normally a red notice includes names and photos of the suspects. The ransom was also real low and the culprits chosen destination indicates they may be chinese. So all eyes are definitely not on thailand here. That's what they like.
  7. I always bash one out. At least once a day, been that way since i was 14 and not matter if i was single or as i am now, married with kids. I think its good for men to do, certainly seems like one of those use it or lose it situations.
  8. I never thought about it but the mrs did mention that cigarette smokers are choosing the weed over fags as its a cheaper option.
  9. This thread reminds me of one. ACT A COMPLETE T WAT
  10. drama queen. Its called being a man and taking responsibility. You get up to work every day because you have to, being a parent requires the same mind set. You are not an I anymore you are a We. Or you can wilt and become one of those guys that blames the people in your life for all your failures. Plenty around. Men suck it up and get on with it. Shes been in your country 3 years during a covid extraordinary event. If your child is happy and you are relaxed enough to read books then stop judging another persons intetests and learn to be accepting of others. Your other isssue being you lack any experience in real relationships since you were a child of 21. Your not 21 anymore you are not an I.
  11. Not sure but your the 3rd person to raise this question in the exact same way. Just a hunch like.
  12. Forgive me but why cant you answer something with a bit of depth in your answers. What has GPT got to do with ut. Just a trendy thing to mention maybe? Its strange how you cannot understand the topic is valid and here you are talking about the biggest advancement in AI to date.
  13. You see its this kind of belief that bothers me thailandryan. Forums are places people seek help and advice and share information. Its a valid topic and one i have contributed to but clearly others are wondering the same thing. Its a shame really if you think about it. But whatever trolling means in your head i can assure you i am not a troll. One time a few years ago this forum was used by a guy from south africa who had a kid with a woman who was on the run with a paedophile from the US. No one seemed to believe him and then 2 months later the US pedo was captured. Back then i was riveyed reading the forum and it was pretty buoyant. Nothing like it is now, as i said, a shame.
  14. Its a decent attempt but i very much doubt 100 contributors in this forum could do something similar. Its still a bit questionable but definitely the right type of idea. Strange no one mentioned it before me. Very odd that.
  15. Its not, and you are here in this discussion too. If a discussion was really ridiculous i would not contribute. This discussion is very much valid.
  16. Which one you talking about, there is a few. One sprang up sometime in september 2018 and others are plodding along. They all have the yesteryear look. Odd that.
  17. Very true information. Familial DNA testing is cracking cold cases left right and centre, with the help of these services.
  18. No you do not need 30 ip addresses. A real member attempting it may need that but others do not.
  19. 15000 members on one i frequent. Great place full of positive content.
  20. Neither the time or the agenda. Just giving my opinion. Same as you.
  21. I dont think it, i know it. Few guys managing multiple accounts. Blatent.
  22. Some guy posted. Myself and some others have continued the discussion. Pretty sure reql folks want to be talking to other real folks. That is the point of a forum..
  23. Really, what makes you think that would make the person desperate? There is software that manages multiple profiles.
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