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Everything posted by VBer

  1. Another stupid British feeling entitled to do work restricted to Thais or without work permit. Deportation needed.
  2. No, that wasn’t a fair election. But the conscription to Ukraine is voluntary now. If you will bother to check the facts.
  3. Those who willing to go to Ukraine (and get paid for it)- voluntary coming to conscription places.
  4. Conscription to Ukraine is 100% voluntary more than a year now, but these comments keep appearing.
  5. A question from newbie. I live in rented house and considering an EV. Thinking about BYD seal, but the choice is not final. Obviously house owner will not let me to make any alterations with house wiring either install any charger. But there is a usual electric plug conveniently located near parking place. So my questions are: will I be able to charge EV from that socket? I do not care about charging time, can be even several days, as Im using car rarely. If so, will I need to buy some socket adaptor, or usually it coming with car?
  6. Im wondering how many cocaine users realize the big chance that the powder they sniffing came from the ass of big Nigerian dude
  7. Thailand will chew anyone. Russians, British, New Zealanders, they have about same rights here, something very-very slightly above zero. Thailand with its culture will chew everyone and will spit them off, regardless of nationality .
  8. Already more than a year the draft to Ukraine is 100% voluntary, but such comments popping at the forums again and again
  9. Or probably astronomers. You made an assumption from nothing, so why they can’t be astronomers.
  10. How do you see that? Withdrawal to the borders of 1991, including giving up Crimea? Do you think that its real?
  11. This is not business of police. They care about safety, criminal activities, and so. This is business of immigration, and I will be not surprised if the relationships between these two government agencies are not warm.
  12. Here the latest story https://aseannow.com/topic/1321535-thai-cop-spills-beans-on-bid-to-hush-british-backpacker’s-drugs-dealing-bust/
  13. So the idea is to segregate people based on their nationality, right? Maybe author wants to go further and segregate people by skin colour, why not? For those who already arrived and not fit to authors criteria of being quality human - they can wait in their concentration camps.
  14. The majority of the fleet are not wide bodies, but something like A320s. The first link from google showing this: “Second-hand A320s typically cost less than new ones, with the average price for a used A320 being around $25 million.” Anyway, we don’t know details of the deal, but the result is obvious: the fleet is legal now.
  15. Majority of these airplanes are already bought from leasing companies. The latest episode: https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/russia-completes-buyouts-92-foreign-owned-planes-2023-12-22/
  16. Please remind me then Thailand has imposed sanctions to Russia? If they are not, why they should follow sanctions imposed by US?
  17. How do you see the winning? Russia will be pushed back to the borders of 1991, and at this moment they will stop any military actions? Why would they?
  18. Drug and rape related convicts were not allowed to join this program. Now this program is shut, so the only possible next destination for him is jail for several years.
  19. They not being sent to frontline. They serve one year and after that MoD trying to convince them to sign contract. If not agreed, they going to home. Currently at the war only those who signed contract voluntarily plus some amount of men drafted in September 2022.
  20. This is obligatory military conscription for one year, it is performing every year since the Soviet Union. Men from there are not going to Ukrainian war. At the end of one year service MoD trying hard to convince them to sign contract, but the final decision is voluntary.
  21. There is no draft at Russia now. Draft was announced at September 2022 and this created a load of negative consequences, so the government shut it after a month or so.
  22. There is no draft at Russia now. Draft was announced at September 2022 and this created a load of negative consequences, so the government shut it after a month or so.
  23. I not so understand how they are going to implement tax on money taken from ATM. 200 baht for 20k transaction, 1% “tax”, I’m fine with it ????
  24. Is it shrinking at night? It opened at daytime, so how being opened at night becomes more dangerous?
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