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  1. Have you ever been let go in a mass lay off? I doubt it or you might have a little bit of compassion.
  2. I bet the media are trying to scrub their newspapers for the day it was announced.
  3. American seem to love these meaningless statements like 'Joe Biden stepping down to ensure democracy', 'trump taking a bullet for democracy', 'Americans loving freedom', 'America, the greatest country in the world' and other stupid rhetoric. How about Joe Biden takes it up the a$$ for rabbit poo?
  4. She may be just a bad judge of character....a great asset for a President.
  5. The first rule is when you have been found out, stop digging.
  6. Some people have extra senses....have you never watched a Hollywood Marvel movie?
  7. Doesn't take long for the evil to adapt to new trend using tech. Ugh.
  8. Go Bernie. Netanyahu is an evil, vile man. A disgrace to the human race.
  9. Yesterday I would have voted for Donald but read something Micheal Moore sent me today, and today I am for Kamala. So what did Micheal Moore tell me? Kamala refused to attend the evil and vile Netanyahu's address to congress. Which is wonderful news. She apparently went to Indianapolis for a sorority meeting....obviously of great importance or greater importance than listening to the Devil drone on. Donald is against the Ukraine war....where does Kamala stand. Zelensky is folding though and sending out strong signals he wants to negotiate (this via the Chinese FM that visited Kyiv)....so even if she is for the wars, she may not exactly block peace like Biden. Trump to his credit is against the war and says he will stop funding. So a key issue is not the evil genocide that the US, Israel and UK are fighting/funding. We know Trump is stupidly and blindly pro-Israel. If Kamala will stand up to Israel and cut the funding to them murderous thugs like Netanyahu, then she is worth my vote.
  10. Of course not. Why on earth should she work? I wouldn't see her then. She manages the gardens. I worked until I was 54 to make sure she wouldn't have to. Besides which she is a full time carer of me.
  11. The title says it all. The man singly responsible for my love of blues music sadly passes open.
  12. The title says it all. The man singly responsible for my love of blues music sadly passes open.
  13. I've always wondered why perps agree to participate in these silly reenactments. The reenactment seems to enjoy an overvalued reputation in Thai police circles.
  14. I am thinking about placing a bet on Harris the laughing hyena beating Trump. I am not a betting man, but if after the initial few days are over, Harris trails in the polls and good odds are given, then I might have a flutter.
  15. He certainly looks like an ugly scumbag and someone you would want to avoid.
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